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No.~ d ..
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah, ply 1 Q 191
•At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Counoii
' Ohambsr of the City Hall, Oity of Paduoah, Ky., on July 18" 1916, upon oall of the
', roll Dhe following answered their names t Berne, Hasellp, Marton, Wallaoe min ~
Washington 6. ,
On motion the ninutsa of the pr~sious meeting sere adopted eM read upon
'~ ~ Dell of the roil by .the following vote; Ye.,ae, 8arne, Hasslip, Marton., Walldos end
~,,~ ~ ~Y Washington - 6~
~~~~""""' ~. On motion by Member 1[astoa, that the matter of Sewer Distriot #1 be ,
referred to the Commissioner of Works in regard to the erteaeion of same, oarried''
upon Dail of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, 8sselip, Marton.';
~~~/~~' ~ Wallaoe and Washington - 5. ,
C%!~~ ~ On motion by Member Bnraa, that She Soard oonoar in the eotioa of the
i ~„ Committee of the Whole in regard to a motion passed to oztend Thurman street in
,~ii~'~ , Meohanioebnrg and that the 0ommiseioner of ~+orke be requested to survey.the right-
- ~~~ of-way at Duos, eQq that tb~-,OSty Bolioitor may start oondemnation prooeedinga in
u/<yl~~y /avyvtJ
time for trial at t e~0ounty Court, oarried upon osll_of the roll by the following.
~ votet Yeas, Bnrna, Hasslip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. `
On motion by the above a transfer was granted to F. S. Burton saloon ,
,,r--T~-~-'~y^^--t~---' lioense from 3i0 Hentuoky nvs. to 184 8. 4" Street, upon Dail of the roll by the
- "~G~~'~'"1 following dote: Ysaa, Barns, Haaeiip, Marton, Wallaoe eel Washington • 6.
•~~., Oa motion by .Member Washington, traneier of a saloon lioenea from 1: L.
Potter to Will T. Miller, eation was deferred until the nest meeting, oarried upon.
,,/~ x~~~ -Dell of the roll bq the following dote Yeas, Berne, Hasslip., Martoa,,Wallsoe !.
%GC/'~~ ~~y, and Washington - b.
Oa motion by Member Marton, that Street bonds number 64-and 66, issued
~T ~ August let, 1914, and due August lat,.1984, be destroyed before this Board at this
~ T s meeting - theos bonds were pnrohaeed at 9b~~ from the dames Willson Company of ,
,$ ~f' ~'. Louisville, By. - the above were burned before the Board of Commieaionera aL this
' meeting by the City Olerk, oarried upon Dail of the roll by the following vote s
' Yeae,Hurna, Hasslip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6:
~. On motion by Member Wallaoe, That Lot ~2 in Blook Ho. 44 in Oak Orove
,,/~,~ .~~ Oemetary be traueferred to A. Buller and R. 0. Jones, as per written request of
%'% ~ W. R. Jones, the present owner - oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following
vote: Yeas, Burns, Hasslip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6.
.f~~..~u~ ~ Oa motion by Member Marton, x$260.00 was allowed to the Padnoah Oonoert
!~r"'~~~'" '~ Band out of the General Contingent Fnnd,in monthly tnatallmea-ta, for Yree oonoerte,
upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Maston,
Wallaoe and Washington - 6.
e.~ //
ry /3„_~ +1..~~ On motion by lSember Washington, that a nnieanoe oomplained of by Jae.
~~'~:`'~/.~~'LG, Mobaughlin on the property of d. W. Little be referred to ths~Board of Health,
• with inetraotions to have the naisanos abated, oarried upon Dail of the roll by the .
following vote: Yeas, Burns, Heaellp, Marton, wallsoe end Washington - 6.
'~,'/'~'~/'"~- Oa motion by the above the pay roll of the. Street Department for the week
. ~ ending Sat. July 10th, 191b, amounting to ~`1E8.80, not oovered by ordiaanoe sad paid
by Dash ordinenoe - also the pay, roll for the repairing of bitnlithio streets ie: the
week ending Bat. July 10 ,1916, amounting to X118.40, - were reoeired and filed upon
Dail ofthe roil b9 the lollowing vote: Ysaa, Berne. Hasslip, Marton, Falleoe eaa
- Washington - 6.
Oa motion the Board ad~ouraed.npon Dell of the roll b the following vote:
P~B~ Burns, Harelip, Merton, Wallaoe and Washington . 6. ~,~-,-rv~~ r.,.
.. .
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