HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/15._.. ,. . ~• .... ~ - ,. ~• .~_. .::4tnrt .'i e.:,.a,wr. r-. -~r,=~..... w.. ,. .Y~ ;.r.:.•=;..c+. «.xww.lu,.......,,.:.wy +;sc.,. • • ,y ` Commissioner's • Ne of Paducah "~ ~ 7 . yl. ~s: ' At a regular meeting of tho Board of Ooma;,iesloaora, held la the Couaoil Chambe;~ in the City of Yadnoah. By.R Jane Blet 1916, upon Dell of the roll the • i. following answered to their aemea;Buraa, Heaelip, Marton, Walleos and P'eshington.' Oq motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted ae rued. ~j~ ,r~~r! On motion by Mayor Heaelip. the following motion oarried; Whereea~ the Oommi. ' iy~a~~ lesioaere without authority in law ea it sow appears voted unemionsly to exempt ~ p•, the Ohio Yallay 81re delrarine Company from psraoanl aeeasement;.Now moos that the L eotion be reeinded and that Bald assessment of $2b,000.00bs ploaoA upon the ease: • seamentbook as originally made by the board of Equalisatioa~ oarried, upon Dell 0' of the roll by the. following vote; Yeae Mayor Fleaellp, Marton, 1;'elleoe b Waehingi •• ~~ ton. (41 Naya Burns. 111 ~/,~~ M% On motion by member Burns, a transfer was granted of a saloon lioeaee from O, ~~~~ '--~ W. Shepard to Steinhanor dc8~erger at E00 Kentuoky Wvenuo, upon the exeoutioa of • ~~' the usual bond, same oarried, upona Dull of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Mayor Heaelip, Burns, Marton, halleoe & T~ashington. (b) ;~, On motion by the above, the City Solioitor was inetruoted to bring is ea . ordinanoe iizlag reneoneble lioeaee fee for the haleness of promoting various pre. mdnione oonteete eto., oarried, upon Dell of the roll by the folloti~+ing vote;•Yeae • -^~--~--- Etayor Heaelip, Burns, Marton, 1S'ellaoe & Washington. (b) ~~,~.•e ~<-e~ On motion by the above, the Telephone Ordia~aoe regulating the rates of the. r" `~ a~ o,. Home `elephone Company, be referred to the Committee of the Whole sad City 3olio• ~- itot ipr Coneideratlon, oarried upon oeTl of the roll by the foligxing vote; Yeas ~~ ~ Mayor Hazellp, Busse, Hnrton, Iti'ellnoe & i:aehiagton. Ib) -~;~~~ ~} On motion by member Washington, the weekly pay roll of the Street Department i4s'~J~"`" ~'~ ~"": sot oovered by ordinanoe sad paid by Dash order amounting to +~1b7.30 was received '. and tiled. ~~-~y~ On motion by member I~allaoe, .,n ORDINENCE REGULt,TING THE SALE 08 MEAT ARID FOW . LS IN THE CITY OF PADUCt,H AND THE GR..NTING OF PERl1IT3 THE&EFOR HY THE BOARD OF HE• ALTH OF THE CITY OF P.,DUC:,H KENTUCKY, was given its passage, upon o~ll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Mayor Heaelip, Burae, )Barton. ~;allaoe and Gaehington. u •• On motion by member Herne, AN ORDIN:.NCB PEUVIDIPJC FOR THE APPOINTitENT OF AN ' ~~7"~1'"~~r/,', IN9PEGTOR OF T'EIGHTS,ME33URES isND BALANCES IN '~'F.:E CITY OF PnDUC:,H, i~NTUCKY, AND s,~~~~ DEFINING.HIS DU^aIES. AND SAL:1tY, was given its passage, upon Dell of the roll by .. ~ the followiag vote; Yeae A'syor Heaelip. Burns. Larton, P'nllaoe & Washington. Ib) CLi~-~+-.~c~ y On motion By the above ,AN ORDINANCE REPEALItiG"AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED " AN ORD ~' ~v~~~~~ ~ " INn11CE RE7u.TIt~G TO SiF.IGHT9.,LfEi,9URE9 atlD Bi,LIiNCE9 AND THE APYOINTLTENT OF dN INSPEO• ,~,~ TCR OF C'EIGHT8 ..tID ME.•SURE3" ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COD9.tI8SI0NER8 6L~RCH EEnd 1936 was given its passage, npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae lJayor • ~ Heaelip, Burns, (Barton, i~ellaoe sad Washington. Cb) ~ ~ On motion the Board ed~ou;ned, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae ~°ayor Heaelip, Bursa, Marton, tielleoe and Y+nehington. Ib)