HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/15 v At n regular meeting of the Bpard of Comriiasionere held in tho Council Chamber i <<.. . ~ ' in the City Hall in tho City of Peduoeh. Xy., June 14th 1916, Upon call of the roll j ~. ~~' '`~"` ~ the following nnawerad to their peruse; Buaae, Llarton, ~•elleoe k Feahingtan. (4) that tho Commieaionera reconsider their aotion at ~ mombor carton On motion b ~~~~ ~ , y ~ • j ~~ ~ ~ their lest meeting in regard to exempting tho Ohio Yalluy Fire & Llarine Inaureaee j • ~ ~~--- vL ~ ~ ' ~" Canpaay from personal asaessmont for two years. lost, Upon call of the roll by the ~ (2) l~sya Burns & tielleae 12) Yeea Llarton & i,aehin ton vote followin ~ . { c Gi,.~ , n `~"""""" ~ . g . g ; On motion by member ti,ellaoe, the minutes of the pi•evioua meeting was adopted ea u,, „~, , '~ f ` ' ~ read, upon sell of the roll by thefollowing vote; YQeB Boras, i•ellaoe & Washington. (•8) ! ~ ~ : -- Kaye Llarton. I1I I. ES~ u On motion by the above, ..N ORDIN..ItCE RF.GUL..TING THE 36LE OF LIEfiTS .,HD FOt7L3 wee ; ?~~ ¢/a~ ~ ~ ordered layed•over until the neat 'meeting, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote H t ;; /,l~,f ,~,.~,~ Yeas Burns, Dorton, uellaae de ashington. (4! ~ ~. On motion by member Llarton. the Inspector T,eights & L?e:sanrers w;.e iastruated to .i~~'~~~Yurnish a report to this Board of ell eaales tested and the amount aolleated for same, Ll & fi B t Y Sl 4 • aehing :ing vote; eas arton, allaae oa. pon call of the roll by the follo~ uena; _ . On motion by member i•ellaae, That ownig to the feat tht.t the bond of 'Don P. >varton , ~^~. as City Treasurer expired January 4th 1915, upon he being swore into the flffiae of ~'. Commissioner of the City of Paducah Sy., and furnishing bond. I move that the Llaryland . ~' ~,-. G"'~ ~e• ~~ Casualty Company be released off of the bond of D.va P. Llarton ea City Treasurer srpouat- ing to iS20,000.00 dating bank to January 4th. 191b same carried, upon call oY the roll ~ ~ t: ' Y' ~ ~,r~,,~ ~~~ by the following vote; Yeas Borne, Llarton, i,allace & pashington. (4) -_ ~: ,~' °~• € ~ On motion by the above, a deed wee gr::a~ed to Rose Faqua to lot 3•bloak in Oak P;. ~` -"'~' Grove Cemetery upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae °urns, °iarton, i•elleoe ~ ~~& B' t4) . ashington. - '~ A"• r---- ~ ~ On motion by member "artoa, the Finance sllowanae for salaries eta., was allowed ~+ ` '"`-"`""- amounting to 84,806.11 and checks ordered drawn for same, pon sell of the roll by the i W ~ ~~~ a, ~ ? u following vote; Yeas °nrns, llartoa, uelleae & ashington. 4) ~ ~ ~:.~~•~-~..~o On motion by the above, James Q. Ilillaon & Co., was 1IIat yp~;ed to purchase out standing bonds of the City of Paducah amounting to tiP2,000.00~d`Tie delivered Jnly 10th - ~' `~~ _ ; r~u~~ ~+~..-~4, 191b. upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Burn, arton, L~ellace & ~•ash- W ingtoa. i4) ~~~- ~ On motion by member YJeaht~ngton, the aotion aY the Dayor in regard to executing ~ ~ a contract with the Illinois eatrul R.R.Company for license to oonetrnat a sewer under ' ~~ 'their trook bettreen Flournoy street and Terrell Street in Paducah Sy .,datoe Lteroh 16th ' ~' ~ ^' 191b, be and.,tho eamn. 1s hereby ratified. upon Dail of the roll by•the following vote; { - ~ Yeae Burns carton l7ailace & Washington. (4) i th 12th t t Ao t u f ~ ~ ;~ ~ ree izeae on r s f io~ by he above, a petition from s n mber o oi Oa mo ~/ ~ 1 to regard to Dye playing base ball sad peeing profoae language, eamo w..e referred to ~ : ~" ,~f~src /s• : ,the Commiesi9her of Public Safety to take sash aotion ae is necessary to abate the eaid nuieanae, carried npoa call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Barns, Dayton, ~ Uellaoe & Washington, (4) 1 On motion by tho above, the weekly pay roll of the Street department amounting to ~; _ ; , •e~~~`~~ ,~164.eb not covered by ordlasnoe and ppaid by Dash order was received and filed, upon ~ Dell of the roll by the following vot$; Yeae Borne, merlon, wellaoe 8al+aehington. (4) i T.?-~ On motion the Board adjourned, npoa Dull of the roll by the following vote; Heae ~ .:Barns, Llarton, Asllsoe & Washington. 14) ~_ r: .. r' ~