HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/15. "a ~ •„ ~ , • ~, ,. .. . .. . f..G N5 ~ .. .. _ .. .. ~... ....~.~_.J' _- 1 No. (r:. Commissioner`s ~l'OC6CdIngS, City of Paducah June ~~ 1916 • At a regdlar meetiag,of the Board of Oommieeionera, held in the Connoil June 7th, 191b Chamber of the City Hall, Citq of Paduoah, geatnoky*,/upon Dell of the roll the following answered their nemess Bnrne; Hazelip, Etarton, Wallaoe and Washington-b . On motion the mi:rutea of the previous meeting were adopted ea read, upon _. ball of the roll by the following vote ;•Yeae, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Wallaoe end ~~ii Washington - 6. ~~0~' v On motion by Member Berne, the Ohio Yelley Fire & Marine Ina. Co. was "'"~ r i e~~~.-/^ !t ezempted from the payment of tazea on personal property foz two yenta, upon oelh p ~ ~ of the ro31 by the following vote:. Yeas, Barns, Haaelip, Marton, Wallaoe and / 0~, ~~ Washington - b. O ti b M be M t th t th B d f 8 i b ~ n mo on y em r ar oar aperv on, a e o eors e belled in eeaelon one day, Fridaq June 11th, 191b,_to hear all oompleinte in regard to ! . aeseaement, oarried upon Dull of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Haaelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~,, D ~lum(,~-~2 Oa ,ootioa by Member Burns, Miae Boike wsa granted a two weoka' ~A:.rw•~e.e~.,,. vaoation with pay, upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yoas, Burns, Haaelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ~. r~ On motion by the above, that the Citq Solicitor prepare neoeasary , E~ oontraot and dooumente to submit the value of the proposed street to be opened ~ Q "'""- _' in Meohnnioeburg Lo arbitration, and that said matter bs submitted to a Board of Arbitration oonoieting oY one man to be appointed bq the City and one bq the Lumber Oompanq, and in tho event of failure to agree that the two ao appointed eeleot a third to assist them in the matter - on motion by Mayor Hazelip Lhat ~`, i an amendment be offered•to the above.. ae follows :that the City Solioitor be '. inetruoted to prepare oondemnation praoeedinga for opening street thrn Sherrill' Rneaell Lbr. Co`e garde, between Meyer et. and Yeieer Ave., in eooordanoe with the deaoription to be faraiahed by the Commiasionsr of Pnblia Works, emie oarried upon ball of the roll bq the following vote: Yeea, Hesellp, Wallaoe and Washington - 3. Naga: Burma, and Marton - 8. _ ~~ ~ `~ motio B O b M mb th t thi it b b t eGOe.i w n n q e er arns, a n sn e rough in the nest term ~ p !ice-~~ GP of the Conntq Court, and that came be rushed to trial at said nezt term, i4 possible, oarried upon call of the roll by tho following votes Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Weahington b< ~~ On motion by the above, the monthlq report of the Chief of Polioe was d d f i l reoe an ve i ed upon Dell of the roll by the following Qote: Ysee, Bnrne, /~ d' ,Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Weahington b. „~ ~~Oc'`~ %~~~ On motion bq the above, that the transfer of a saloon 1loenee of genaie p ~~ ~' Murray to St. Slmo Smith at 113 North Fourth street, upon ezeoution of s new ti saloon bond, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnraa, Heasiip, >Tarton, Wallaoe and Weahington - b. «~~ On motion bq Member Marton, the. report of the Oommieaioner of FinenoF ` and Auditor. with regard to Colleotione end Dieburaementa was reoeived and filed upon Deli of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeea, Burns, Haaelip, Marton, ~y~ Wallaoe and Washington - b. G Oa motion bq btember Wallaoe, the 01ty Olerk was lnetraoted to burs 61- 6 7Z. s- 7~~-- ,/ Street improvement Bonds lesued Augnet let, 1914, these bonds being pnrohesed ~~ ~'~% thrti Jomee C. Wilson & Company of Louisville at 96~, numbering 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 71, 7E, and 7S, unpaid interest ooupons attsohad,. the above bonds were destroged before this Board, at this date, sa inetrnoted -the above motion oarryiag upon ball of the•roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnrne, Haselip. Marton, Wallaoe ana .. .._ Washington ~ b. _ :Y:;:... ~;:.; ~~~ac,., ~~, ,F~,' .. 3i; . ~. ,~..„ ~' ~°~;•. ~. ~~ ~:,~ k:.'% ~~ . ~.N ~, I t;,. ~: x. ~.. ~: ~, v,, ;?;; y.r F`' r' • F .~" ~w•. ~: ~ ~' ' g Y 4,., 'pew.-.. :' ' /~ariQyvr,.t.t i. Oa motion by Member Marton, Mrs. Annie Orr was refunded $6.30 for over- /. ~ eaeeaament Yor an error made in the yaesa 1913 and 1914. upon Dell o! the roll ; .. •' `~~ by the Yellowing vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazeiip, Mastoa, Wallaoe and Washington ~- b. ' Oa motion by Member Boras, the Oity Clerk was inetraeted to notify ~ •, ~ ;` the Maryland Ceana~.ty Qo. that the offioe oY City Treasurer was abolished upon the ~ ~~ 21i` u~ adoption oY Commission Form oY Government and the elaotioa.of Commleeioner Don P. ;,~ : - ! ,~in.:f ~'uCrrG ~ Marton as Commissioner oY Finsaoe, and ,89 City Treasurer the Charter provides , ~ `'_ $E0,000.00 bond, sad upon the new Charter of Commission Form of Government the '" ~ ~ _~ ~ Commissioner of Finanoe bond is $10;000.00 -also to notify the emerioan Surety Col that the Title Guaranty & Surety Co. of Sora~on, Pa. wsa released off of the bond{ of Qeoar Bahn, as Polies and Fire Commissioner, Deo. 1, 1913, same oarried npon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnrna, Hazellp, }Barton, Wallaoe ! -- -` •"`d and Washington - b. i ; ~-y/ ~ ~`" On motion by Member Marton. the Ltayor wsa instrwoted to sign the oontraot c - O w Yor telephone in office of Commissioner of Finance, with the Cumberland Telephone ;~ ~ ~ ~ Co., same oarried npon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, ~ . ~ ~ Hazellp, Marton, Wallaoe and Yfashingtan b, .,. ~~~~~ On motion by the above,e oommnaloation in regard to statement of the p ezpenaea of the City of Paducah in the snit against the Esat Tenn. Telephone Co.' wsa reoeiveQ and filed, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne„I i Hazellp, Marton. ~alleoe and Washington - b. .... ~~ ' On motion by Member Wallaoe, a deed wsa granted to Pauline Sumner to lot+ ~1-~~L~! ii36, Block 1 in Oak Grove Cemetery, npon call of the roll by the following vote: _ _ Ye88, Bnrne, Hazellp, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - be j ~ 1 On motion by Member Washington, the pay ro31 of the Street Department 1 ~Q~~,G / k~%~~~f, O Yor the week ending Saturday, June bth. amounting to X179.76, not covered by ~ ozdinanoe and paid by Dash order, wsa received and-fined upon Dell of the roll by 4 the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazellp, Marton, Wallaoe sad Washington - be ~" '' i Z On motion by Member Wallaoe, the Commissioner of Public Works' report ° ~iL~co~r.~i and petition Yor opening~Tweaty-Yonrth street and vioiaity in O'Brien°a addition, ~ ~~~~'~ wsa received sad filed npon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bwrne, ,~ „' .,;-:..: a.., Hazellp. Marton. Wi-llaoe and Washington - b. ,•.' '; On motion by.L;eyor Hazalip, that the petition for opening Burnett street ~ • ~~~~ to Greer street be referzed book to petitioners Yor dedication oY el ley, bafora + ~ _ voting on same, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bnras, ; y y ~u • c iu-v Hazellp, Marton. Wallace and Washington - b. ~"~Zc~ On motion by itember Marton, that the Pnroheaing Committee be inatruoted ~a~~ 0 to advertise for bide in regard to keeping the City Hall alook in repair. oarried 1., ;~ upon call of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yese, Bnrna, Hazellp, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. On motion the Board adjourned npon call oY the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazellp, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington • b. ~, ',. . 4 ~Q~GHio___~_ -- _14iAYU lt. (iltJr GIBl.~ i • . ' F ~..:-C :~~ i ~ ~ . -.~~ ~ ^~ -' `~.°~' ,.-.: ~. -,'~~~-C ~ rt'a'•s,~!.ni,~' IeYR .I,n '(° ' I «'q.. ,^~,nZ. _ Fp; 1 I I+ - ~ 1 ~ I i' - J ~' ~ 1 ~ ~t,1GT~Tr~ r 2_ ~ I