HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/31/15~„ ~i,^
~t a regales meeting of the Hoare of oommissioaers, held is the Oomo11
Ohembes o! the Oity Hell. City of Padnoah, 8y. oa Lay 81st, 1816, upon Dell of the - '
roll the following answered their names: Barns, Hsasiip, Carton, Wailsoe and ~I
Washington - b. j
On motion the minutes of the previous meetinga were adopted ad read, upon 1
±i ~
' Dell of~the roll by the following voter Yeas, Barns,, Heselip, Layton, Waliaos and
~k~''~~~`' -"-""' On motion by Lsmbes enrm. the o mmonioatioa irom.Ohisi of Polios, b. a.
', Graham, la regars to Oity allowing ~b0.00 ea espeaes money in trying to looate {
i or arseat two mni-dsrera, same wen reoeived end filed upon rill of the roll by the
following vote: Yeas, Harna. Heaslip, Carton, Wallaos and Washington - 6. ~ ~
,~~~~fffiii/~~~~~ p-~ On motion by the above, that aosalee end relief valves bs pniohaesQ at
~~,~o:~ ~,~,t'y ooat of =176.00 for the Fire Department, oarried upon Dail of the roll by the i
%~.~u oBc~.~! following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hsaelip, Carton, Wallaos and Washington - 6.
~j~~~^~,,,,~ Oa motion by the above, that an amendment to the Lilk Ordineaoe - regnlring
~i l~-C~; milk bottles to bs olsaned before lstnrniag to dairymen by the oonsnmer or dealer -
• oarried upon asli of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, Burae, Heaslip,
Carton, Welleoe and Washington - 6.
On motion by Camber Washington, that•LS. Otte Overstreet bs permitted to
ley sewer beak of his houses oII Teaaseeee street ae soon ae he dedicatee to the
~~~' Oity the ten toot alley sa shown on plat. oarried upon Dell of the roll by the ~
~/;~ following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hnadlip, Meston, Wallace sad Washington - b. ~
~1"~.w..~ On motion by Cembss Marton, that the amount of $16,Oo8.60 lrom the
for ealnriea, etc.
L~+~»+Gt, General Farad, and ~E19.E6 from the Special Sewer Fund,( be allowed ens checks issued
for name, oarried upon call of the roll bg the following vote:. Ysae, Burns,
Hssslip, Carton. Wallaos sad Washington - b.
Oa motion by the above, a list of the Onmberland Telephones placed in the j
-~~~~ Oity Hall, including complimentary phone. wen reoeived sad filed upon Deli of the
~~~i,~ roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns. Heasllp, Carton, Wallaos end Waehington•6 ~
L On motion Dg Cayor Seasiip, that the report of the Pbilanthropio Dspartmenl
~,~}p~y~yri~..~ of the Women's Olub bs reoeived and filed, oarried upon call of the roll by the
- _ O_~ following vote: Yeas. Bprae, Haseiip. Maston, Walieos and Washington - 6.
Q{.z~~~ Oa motion bg the above, a oommunioatioa from the Board of Trustees of the
C~~~~,~ Otilitiee Bureau, in regard to the Qity ~oiniag same, wen reoeived end riled upon
Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Heaelip, Carton, Wnllnoe end
_ , p Washington - b.
'~-~l/c.~-~ Oa motion by Cembsr Washington, the pay roll of the Street Dept. for the
~C-Z2~~1 weekiag ending Huy E9th, 191b, amounting to $16E.86, not covered by ordiaaaoe sad
paid by Dash order, wsa reoeived sad filed upon Dell o! the roll by the following
vote; Ysae, Bnrae, Haselip, Carton, Hallaoe and Washington - 6.,
On motion the Board ad~ouraed upon Dell of the roll Dy the following vots~
teas, Bnsas, Hssslip; Marton. Wallaos and Washington b.
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