HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/24-05/25/15 & 5/27/15
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• at a regular meeting of tho Board of Commlealonera, held in the Council j
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~. Chamber, in the City Flail of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on May 24,.1916, upon ~
call of the roll tho following ariowered their names; Bu ma, Sazolip~ tlarton,
~' Uallaoe and Washington - 8,
f On motion the minutee.of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon j
q. ~ call of the roll by the following votai Yena, Burns, Hazelip, Larton, 5~allace
• i and Gashington - 6.
n/~~~ On motion by Member lYallaoe, dSiea Dook was granted a vacation of tour ~
Y~~~'^~ " weeks beginning Juno lbth - two weeks of which time to be without salnry
~ carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burney Hazelip, Marton, ~
~; Wnllaoe and Gashington - 5. {
• }'~ On motion b~~ Member Marton, the City 5olioitor was inatruoted to bring 1n ~
' ~ !' sn amendment to the 'Ordinance regulating Geighta and Meuauree, placing the '
inapeotor of ~~~eighta and Measures on a salary at the rnte of ~t76.00 per month, and .
~~`` no foe to be charged by the Inepootor of Goighto and Mouourea the ealar fo the
~ ~ ' ~ Y r,
year 1916 to be paid from the Oontingont Fund, aarrlod upon pall o! tho roll by ,,~
~y v " .tho following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazallp, Lturton,'Wallaoe and W'nehington 6, ~
~ On motion by Membor Washington, the pay roll for the weok ending Saturday
~' ~-~,' c~r~' J.
~L`~" ` o May 22d, of the Street Department, amounting to y142.6b, not ooverod by ordinance
•and paid by cash order, was received and filed upon cell of the roll by the , j
• P following vote; Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, wallaoe and W'ashlnaton -. 6,
• ,~, e/''C~~~ On motion by the abovo, a' complaint of Mr. C. H. 9herr.111 in re~rd to f
• ~C over-assessment, sume,was referred to tho Board of Commisslonera to lnvostigate, ', ~
• upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Burno, Hazelip, Larton,
't Gallaoe and Gaehin;rton - 5. !!
,° On motion the Board adjourned, upon pall of the roll by the following
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. vote; Yeae, 3urne, Hazelip, Larton, Wallaoe.and Washington - 6.
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,'' ~ ~ ~. ~ MdY 26th, 1916. ~ ~ ~ ~'I
`. ~~ .;t a called meeting of the Board of Commiealonora of the•Oity of Paduouh i
i'. held in the Council Chamber of said Oity on the 26th day of Lay, 1916, at which
~+ meeting there was present ihoe. H. Hazelip, L;nyor, and the following named
' ~ I' oommi9aioners; Marton, Walleoe and Gashington - the following prooeedinga wore. w
• ~, !
~- r~ n Commissioner Galleoe presented a Franohiae Ordinance in Sta,oompleto'd •1,
_ ~,~+~ ~!; form - which had been introduced one week before this date - providing for the Salo ~
i~ ~~.'/'"'""_'^ !. of s frnnohieo for twenty years, grantinEi the privilogo to construct, maintain and
~. operate n telephone eyatom in the City of Paducah, including necoesary condulta,
' !' subways, manholes, poles, P~irea and other equipment with right-of-way aver, under.,
. ~ along and th.ru the streets, avenues, alleys, equaros, bridges and public plaaes.of
i said City, for the purpose of running such subway, poles, wires and other
'~• ~ equipment accessary Lo oonatruct, maintain, establish and operate a telephone syatom
~~ in,eaid City, and movod-that said Ordinance be adopted end aftor lying.ovor the Limo
~ i
! ~~, re uirod b law for
~. q y prcteet, it no protest appoarod against tho earns., that tho smno,
~~~;; be advertised and sold at the City Hall door by tho L;ayor of the dity oP Poduoah to
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah laay 2bth 191 b continued. ~^'
the highost and best bidder. and upon a call of the roll said Ordinance was passed
and motion adoptod by tho following vote: Yeas, Hazelip, Nallaoe . uashington
and Eiarton. Jays s Jone.
Thereupon, the Mayor was direoted, if no prote'st~nppeared to avid ordinance'
niter the same hod laid over the time required iby law for protoat, to ndvertiae the 1
time, plane and terms of acid sale and to oxpoae the same to sole., bnt to accept no i
bid from any proposed purchaser unless bid for,said privilege and ordinance was oe
much as ~y600.00, and to report his eats and doings to the Board of Oommieaionera of ,
Poduoah. Snid ordinnnoe in its oo'mpleted form was direoted to be filed and rooorded
by the Clerlr of the City of Paducah in Ordinance Book kept for that purpose in his
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~~r/~ ooGK Chief of Police be instructed to take proper and necessary steps to protoot the prop-
eYty of the Sherrill-King Mill & Lbr. Co. and neighboring _property.in Mechanicsburg ,
~ and to uee beat efforts to apprehend and convict the author or anthers of the
threatening notice of L[oy 23d tucked on the property of the 9horrill Xing Bill &
Lumber Co., carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ysae. Hazelip,
' Marton, Wallnoe and iiaehington - 4.
. On motion the Board adjourned, to meet Thursday, May 27th, 1915, nt ton
• o'alook a. m., upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yana, iiaaelip,
Marton, aallaae and itiashington - 4.
~~ 3.~
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1tAY 27th, 191b~
at an ndfourned meeting of the Board of Oommiesionera, held in the Oounoil '
Chomber of the City Hall. City. of Paducah, Kentucky, on eiaey 27th, 1915, upon Doll
• of the roll'the following anawerod their names Burns, Hazelip, i:arton, La118oe
and Yiashin~ton - 6.
~~ On motion by 1layor Hazelip, that the 'retail coffee house lieenoe of a. $.
e ~urton be and the same is hereby suapendod for a term of thirty days from this date
~ / and that in case the Circuit Court should confirm the action of the Police Court
that said liaonse bo revolted.
~~~~(~ On motion by Ltombor Durna that the above motion bo omondod, and the lioonao
bo sueponded pondinp~ the action of said Burton in the Circuit Court, and that if the
Circuit Court convicts that the license be revoked,,lo.et upon call of the roll by
the following vote: Yoae, Borne and Marton - 2. Iiayab Hazelip, W.nhlaoe and
_ ~ Washington - 3.
~`"~~yf`- ~ On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the original motion be concurred in,
~~~..~~: carried upon Doll of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burns, Hazelip, Wollaoe,
~^-~~-. and'Woahington - 4. Days: Marton - 1/ .
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~ On motion by Member Washington, that 1's. Luther Graham be refunded ;p10.00
~ /
~7us-[.sx C7~:K that he paid out of his own personal money in getting evidence in the Burton case;
bo paid from the general oontingont fund, carried upon call of the roll by the
~~ following vote: Yens, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and aaahington - 5.
~~ ~ '~~~ On motion by the above., the aomnunioation from D. J. Levy, in regard to
. . `.
ffrGr-.c~ew....,.w/, the,inoreeaed valuation of personal property, woe received sad filed, upon oall•of the
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