HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/15,~ .~ ~. .,,` . '~" 4' Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofFaducah ~q 17 191 ., At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Connoil '. Chamber of the C1tq Hall. Citq of Peduoah, on twaq 17th, 1916, upon Doll of the 7 roll the folloring e~wered their names : Burns, Hazelip, Merton, Wallaee end i Nnahington - 6. ~' On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted ae read, s. upon call of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marten, • ~' Wallace and ~inshington b. ~~ ' On motion by Member Burns, ..N ORDIDIaNCE PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHb3E OF A ' /'~~~2 ~ keOTORCYCLE TO BE USED IN THE POI.ZCE DEPdBTE~,NT OF THE CITY dND aUa^HORIZING THE ! ~ ,, b EEfPLOYMENT OF aN OPER.,TOR THEREOF nS n SPECIaL POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY, aND. , DEFINING HIS DUTIES ..tiD THE I.C:THOD OF COL~ENSaTION, was .given its passage, upon ~'. i, cell pS the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Marton, Wullaoe and VYaeh- --- ington - 4. Nay : Mayor Hazelip, 1. , ~,~,,.,..~.,..~ ~ On motion bq L:ember Marton, the Finance Committee ollowanoe for salaries, ~'"~~"~ etc., amounting to X5,195.49, was allowed and checks ordered issued for same upon cell of the roll b~~ the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, IVa2lace • and Washington - b. ~``~"' ~~%~ ~ On motion by the above, a request from Mr. Lon Thomason ut 1324 Jefferson ~ ~~ ~' street, in regard to the bad condition of the sidewalks, same wna~referred-tC?~•th.e . commissioner of Pnblio Corks Yor inaeatigation, Doth to bond and having same repaired, oarried upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, `.,, Hazelip, Marton, t'nlleoe and uashington - b. ~~ ~ On motion by Member Walieoe, the Mayor and City Solicitor were instructs G~~`'~ ;, ~~, to bring in an ordinance regulating the sale of eggs in tho City of Paduonh, " !~ f• oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, . L'arton, Walleae and Washington - 5. c~,.~ ~~+-~!~ On motion bq Camber Aaehington, the City Solicitor was instructed to ~~a~-vl~.~ bring in an ordinance allowing the I. C. Ilailrond to lay its track aoro~js Tenn. Street between the main tracks of the L?emphia and Louisville division,, ea shown on the Dlue print in red, oarried upon call of the roll b~; the following votes Yeas, Burns, Eazelip, LIarton, Wallace and Y.aehington - b. 'fY~~~w On motion by the above the Puduoah L"star Companq was instiaiated,~to lay 9~1//~~r ~ their main on I;inth street batv~een Clark and ..dam, and the Yire plugs ordered ~ $~~^~''y pleoed on the rental list, oarried upon call of the roll bq the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Llarton, xullnae and SJeshington - b. ' ~,~' On motion by the above, the pay roll for the Street Department ending Ei~~//1 /,iL ~`~' :raturday Stay lb, not covered bq ordinance and paid by cash order, amounting to , ti~160,3b, was received and filed upon Doll of the roll bq the following vote: Yoee, Esurna, Hazelip, Morton, tielleoe and i7aehington - 5. On motion by Member 14+iton,u oommunioation from the Standard 0!1 Opmpanq~ i.D-~L.a,-/ i '~ in regard Oo over-aeaesament'was received a~ flied neon pall of the roll by the ~ Cf~ ~O ' ' • ~ !` following votes Yeaa, Burns. Hazelip, Murton, 1 iallaoe and G aehirigton - b. _ On motion the Board adjourned upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip; Iuarton, Gnllaoe and Washington - 6. aDOP'I'~ .APP V'82]7 ~~~ ~ -, L' ~ --~=" City C er ~ ~ }! ~ ~ ... U . { _ ' ~, 9 r . ~ ~~ . ,,