HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/15~ _ ,~ , . ~ ~ ~ •~ \, • ~. . ,•• ~' Commissioner's of Paducah uRy i nt~ l~~b_ ~., „~n . ~~ ~r r ~! 1 ~ r {. S '' f ~... ~. x J 3 P f ', F. No. • .y l : ,, t: , At a regular meeting oY the Board of Oommiealonera, held in the Oouneil ' i Chamber of the Oity Hall, City oY Paduouh, Ky. M¢y 10th, upon Dell oY the roll ~~ `; the Yellowing answered their names ; 'Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wailaoe and ~ Washington - 5. ~ U on motion the minutes oY the revioua meets P p ng were adopted ea read, upoh ~ i Deli of the roll Dy the iolloiaang vote; Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, N_~ / Walleoe and Washington - b. /'//( ~ On motion by Member Burns, that a motoroyols be puroheaed, at a Dent not ~ to exoeed X260,00, and that an ordinanoo providing that one half the fines ~ •.!' ' assessed upon evidence Yurniehed by the motoroyols officer De paid to him in iJ~ ~' fines for hie aervioea, and fines aggregating the Dent oY said meahine be ! • ~ ..,.'. ~' credited to the Department oY~Publio SaYety to reimburse same Yor the coat oY said maohlne, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Burns, Marton, Callaoe and J&ahintrton - 4. Hay : Mayor Hazelip, 1. ~ ,, ~^~~~ ~'~7~=,`G~ On motion byr Member Marton, the bill of ,y100.00 Rae allowed Hngle & Meyera• ` - , ~, ., ae ouatodian of the City Clock, oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the Yellowing ( :.,., vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip. Marton, ti'tellaoe and WaehinE!ton - b. OfJkt,~!-x,~a~~1~t/ On motion by the above the oommuniaation drom Mre. .lnnie Orr in regard to i ~!~•!~`! over-naeeoemont was referred to the Oity Assessor, upon nail of the roll by ' the following vote ; Yoas, Surne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. i( , ~~y-~~,~~ On motion by 1tombor Wuahin~rton the pay roll oY the 8troet Department Yor f ~:~~~1 the week'ending Sat. May 8, amounting to Y168.G0, not oovored by ordinanoo and ~~,~ paid by Dash order, was received and filed upon Dais of th~~ roll by the Yellowing 11, vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and CuahinFrton - 6.. t On motion by the above, a petition _*o#• water on Brown street from the H. 0. ~ ~ ` E ., & St. L. Railroad aoroea Creek Bridge was referred to the Pnduonh Water Oo. , Leith inatruotiona to lay mains, and the u'nterplug~ordere8 plaoed on the rental ~ ' list. oarried upon Dail oY the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burns, ~-~~- Hazelip, Marton, Weilaoe and Caehington - b. ~~"~"'~c~---~~"'~" On motion by the above, a petition Yor water on South 21re1 Yth atraet from j //?~eT~~uli Jaokaon to ierureeaee street was referred to the Paducah l'~ater Co. to ley mains 1~ "~ ' ~~"-"~t'"`~ ~/.~ and the venter plugs ordered plaoed on the. rantnl lint, oarried upon Dais of the roll by the Yellowing vote; Yaue, Burns, Hazelip, Murton, Wallace and Washing. ~~---- ton - 5. ~~ ;, On motion by the above,ttie question oY regulating the rnlnimum rata to be /~~ h ! charged Yor elootrioity by the Paducah Light & Power 00., notion wua deferred ~ C/ °~ until the Oommisaionere Dun hear from twent five or thert oitiea the size of .p ~. Paducah, oarried upon Dail oY the roll by the Yellowing voter Yeae, Burns, • Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. O~(/~ u~~ ~' On motion Dy Mayor Hazelip, that Dr. S. Gallon's livery stable lioenee o~.-~.-,.-~..e_, f at 4th and Kcntuoky .-ve. De exempted on nooount of him puroheaing. a lioenea from i the Yo2mar owner, lost upon Dell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yens, • I Hazelip sad Callaoe - 2, Haye., Burns, Wullnoe and Washington -'3. ~~~~~ On motion by the. above, the 0ommiaeioner of Public Works was empowered to ~'-~ puroheae n new Royal typewriter not to exceed y47.b0, and the old book machine Yormerly used by the city clerk, Yor said new machine, oarried upon Deli oP the roll by the following vote: Yaas, Hurne, Hazelip, Martont Welleoe and Washington .. .b- j t ~ ~ ' h `_; y