HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/155 ' ~ N'.r~!?"".;'.NM j~+> Y M^' '.. v~' ~c'~:. r Hia.~'~ '::^:a'.i t.i V:. ~ ,.: ~.f ~. •-..5;..,,...,. »++.L ++f~h-d+: ~i..u..Lw•w.+... ..~ w sat.+r+W-.,._..:•<r,ir.a++ _. f.:J.w W,u ~s+:....::.v..w....... :~ Commissioner's Pxoeeedin~s, City ofPadncah May sd }g,~ a • r t:~. ' At a regalar meeting of the Hoard of Oommiesionesa, held 1q the Oonuoll • Chembsr, of the City Hali, Citq of Yadnoah, 3Centnoky,Mey 3d, 1916, upon Dell o! the ~ .' • ~; roll the following anaworsd their names Burns. Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and•' ~ ~ s ~ „ ~ iaehington - 6. ~ ~ ~~ ~ On motion by Member Walisoe, that the minntea of the previous meeting ~~ is regard to. Noah English's doctor bill, be reooneidered, lost upon call of the l i' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hezslip and Walleoo . E. Heys s Busse, Marton ~ ' i; and «eahington - 3, ' • On motion by Member Hnrna, the mi:tutee of the provioue meeting ware • ~. adopted ea read, upon .oell.of the roll by the following votes Yeea, Burns, Marton., j • i'. . and Waehlagton - 3. Nays i Hazelip and Walleoe. j y~,~[,,.,,,,,-. 1 On motion by 1Sember Berne, transfer of the saloon license of Geo. Willow ~ `~ from ilS 3. dth St. to 127 S. 2d St., wee. granted upon Dell 4i the roll by the { ' following vote; Yeea, Hume, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaos and Wnehington b. I ~ • o/ ~ ~~ ~ On motion bq the above, tranefor of a saloon lioeneo was gsanted from i {. . ( ' ~"'~ ~'~ G. W. 8olloq, 119 Broadway, to J. W. Ivitte; et tho same location Mr. Nitta '' { ' • L ~ ` oiTera sa h18 bond the Equitable Ine..Co. of $t. Louie, Mo. oarried upon Dell ot, ,~ Y~' '" """"" the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Hurne, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and,ll'aehington,6 , ~ ~+~.~~ ~ On motion by tho above, a petition to open 24th atreet,in O'Brien addition ~~` ~~ and Jaokapn etroet; and any other atsoat paralleling 24th stroet that is doemad .,~^G necessary - same was reYorred to tho Commiaeloner oY Public GorY.e. oarried upon Dell ~ ' oY the roll by the following vote: Yoea, Burns, Hazelip, Murton, Wallaos and " • ' n ~ `^'.~, ~,c G~ Y.eehingtoA 6. ~ j j ' ® On motion by Mayos Hazelip, that the Weights and Eieeaure ordinanoe ba ~ . ; amended, giving the inapeotos.60;~ of the fines collected by the enforcement of the th ll t B ~ l b f i Y ow ng vo oae, urns, • q e o e: ordinanoe, oarried upon oeii oY the rol ~ ' Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington b. : On motion by Camber Hums, the monthly report of Chief oY the Firo Dept,, I • 7° t was reooived and filed upon call of the roll bq,the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Burns, ~ ~ . .u • • "' Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. , On motion by the above,. the monthiq report of the Chief•of Police oP j . i~ ~ o / I ~ ~ / C the City was reoeivod and filed, upon call of the roll. by the following votes Yeaa, ..~-~ ~ Bnrns, Hazelip, Mnrton, Gallaee and Washington - 6. M ~- ` _~' v~`~`' On'motion by Member Carton, the report of the OoIDleotions and Disbureementp ~ • ~.~.LLf~ ~..~ ~" ~ wee received and filed and ordered published in the official nemepaper, npori Dell i .~s~ of the Boll bq the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallooe and Wnehington - b. S A On motion by the above, that the amount of yT3b62.20 from the Goneral Q~~w„~ cc. Fund, and the amount of y200.00 from the Speolal Sower Fund be allowed for the month j , ' of .1pr11,and checks issued for same, oarried upon call of the roll by the following f . vote : Yoas, Burns, Hazelip, Carton, Fiallaoe and Washington - 6. ; , • ~ '., ~ • i ~~ ~ On motion by Member Walleoe, that the bili from Nagel & Meyers for ~100.00~ f~~J~,.,,~ i ~! ..~O,~y,," for the maintenance of the Citq alook was referred to the Commissioner of Finanoe,to , • ''~ .. ~..,.... 'x , investigate neon pall of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, I• ~ ~ .. ' ; Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ; . • ,~~ ~~- ~ .,,,~/ On motion bq Member Marton, tho Comeiss.ioner of Pnbiko Safety was 1n- ~ ~ , :; ~ ' ( "~ struoted to see that the loe wagon drivers live up to the ordinanoe in regard to , ~~- , ~ ~ • a~ `" ;;': b. weights, oarried. on Deli of the roll br the following vote: Yeaa, Hurna, Hazelip, ~ ' ton - 5 d Washin W li t s. • . g soe an a on, Mar • ~ ~ .. ~. . ~. ~. r , ~-~~ ~ -* ~... .. ~ .. ~ ,,. ~,~az~" ~ .. ~ ze.v~, i . --r..._._y..,,. .. i,.~..+W.m~im~a,v::-. ..i_Imydnma ~.. ,,~.. x yx:~~„~ .; xl s~,xxncuc«:I~,eem~cbtlayrl~m~hmwd~;~wmec~n4u~x~:~:~,:nN.:•,lx,=_. _ .,1.~,:~ ......:.. .:: .h~_,~~..,L ,..m s~W i:~~ ;.~-: ~. _. ..y. ~..- ^e_ y,. ... ...Ju:. t.L... ~. .~.i.,.i. ice.. i:.~ ,.wu ... _. ,.. .. -0vi.~~:.«.,,~,ska*X •.+a nre..aa._..- .. ..,~ ay.,;, w..,•.;,~.a..`a5~+~"«,~. s` f ~ :;,~,,+ , ~ . . ~ y,,,,,.~-~ . , . , q ,., _. - _ _ .. , r. - _ _. .. No. ~ ,_.. , , _ - ._ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah liey 3d 191 5 oontinned. ~+~+~~ On motion by Member Marton the matter of investigating the Fire Hydrants °"~ ~ and meter rent .and minimum rate for lighting and power, was referred to the ' ~ °y`•N~ Commissioners ea n whole to be taY.dn up for investigation Friday morning at ten I E i o'clock May 7th - carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burnaj 1 Harelip. Barton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. •~ vC.~-cam- On motion by Member Washington, the payroll for. the street departure m Pori Ei~° the week ending May let, amounting to ~lbb.76, not covered by ordinaaoe,,paid by i.' Dash order, was reoeivod and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: i ~~ Yeae, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. /J ~. •~ ~ ~~C-.- • ! On motion by the above, the matter~of frontage in regard to the Speck j '.~ G D , / ~ ~~2~t-~O ~.vGT lot on the corner of 12th and Caldwell street, same was received n~ filed upon •. ~ _ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazellp, Liarton, Wallaoe and '-, _ -----~ Washington - b. 7 /fj/r~ti~~ii~~2i.•~' On motion by Member i'lallsoe, that Lot 162 in Oak Grove Cemetery be trans-~I` ` ' ~ ° """'~~~/ (erred from Mrs. Ollie Elliott to Mrs. Billie Yovng, carried upon call of the roll ,.~, ~ by the following vote: Yeae, Hurna,. Harelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe sad Washington - b. ~, ~-~~..M,ei On motion by the .above, that the south half of Lot 27, block 47 in Oak ` ~~1T~iy7rs-~x O Grove Cemetery, be transferred to Walter Burrows from F. W.. Mooney,.oarried upon ' call of the roll by the following vote:, Yeae,. Burns, Harelip, Ltartoa, Yialleae and Washington - b. e~,/T..i~R~7`y~ On motion by Mayor Harelip, warra~ wen ordered drawn on the Commiaeioner ~/ ~ p~~ ~~ of Finance for {p184.69, for balance of account of Katter3ohn va Speck and City, ~ . i ~~~' carried upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote Yeae, Burns, Harelip, Marton. R'allabe and Washington - b. .{~ On motion by Mayor Haaelip, that the Oi,ty Solicitor be inetruated to bring ~~ --,J in an ordinance prescribing regulations upon the recommendations of the Board oY ~ Health and Meat and Bilk Ynspeotor, granting permits to butchers when their elanghter ~i? houses comply with said regalationa, and giving the Board oP Health, thrn the health officer, the right to revoke said permit when said .elanghter honeee do not meet , • the raquiromaate of said Board of Health regvlatione, as prescribed by this ordi~ nanoe, carried upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip,, • Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. On motion the Boerd,ad~ourned, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,.Burne, Haaelip. liartcai, Wallaoe end Washington -, b. A TOPT.~;D .~iP:r~:t2, ~~v f,` g /'