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.. \ • .. _ .. .. .... ... _ ... _.. .~. °2r5rgyt Commissioner's 1 f ofPaducah_a~r~~ ~91~. et a regniar meeting of the Board of Oo:m:issionere, held 1n the Council j • ., • Chamber in the City Half, Padnoah, Kentnaky, on •-pril E6th, 181b, upon Dell cd i- • j. ~~~ ~,,, ~1 .~f~ f ~,jj. { i, .$ • ;'. ~, ~ _~ i . -''*"R' i ti ., gyp, p~ Light & power Co., wen ordsred~oharged to the Dopt. of Public 9atety, oarried upon 1 o~Uy~-ACT Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Razelip, Gailaoe and Washington •S. 3{, ,.. Hays Burns and ]Barton - E. i, On motion by Mayor Razelip, that a request from County Judge Lang with regard ~~~ ~ O f~ ~ ~ to reduoing a bend 1n the Rinkleville road, at the Northeast Dormer of Jaokeon Hill property, at the P. do I. Railroad oooseing, and also fn order that the inlet _~~'~.• into the oity shall be above the high water mark yet known, we will oak you to aid ' ;: na by raising the part of street net outside the City limits two or three feet ~.,-.'L': ' is ~ ~ ~ ~~ ( ...,. ~, the roll the following answered their names Burns, Harelip, Marton, Wallaoe j ~ end Washington - b. 7~ ~..,./ ~"\ ~~ On motion by Ltember Bnrne, the eatlon taken at the previous meeting in rs- ~ ~,~,i ~• gard to passing a Resolution making a passage-way near the Luoas Land ~ Lbr. Co., j • was reoonsidersd upon Deli of the roll by the following vote.: Yeaa, Hurns, If Razelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. =i • On motion by the above, the above Resolution referred to was tabled upon j Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelkp, Marton, Wallaoe r ' _ end Washington - 6. j ' i j j On motion by the above, the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted } after reoonsidering that part referring to the Luoae Land & Lbr. Oo. - at the 1 ~I Defied mooting of April 28, 1915 - upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: j ;. Yeaa, Burns, t+azelip, ldarton, Wallaoe and Washington- 6. ~ ~t"`'~~~`^'~ On motion by the above. a petition to open a street in Meohaniosburg near the ~. ln:oas Land m Lbr.. Co. was referred to the Commies loner ot•Publio 4orks for invee• Ligation to report baok to the Oommiesionere, oarried upon Dail of the roll by p the following vote Yeaa, Burns, Razelip, carton, Walleoo and Washington - b. j a?~CL~. ~ On motion by Member t~arton,,the dootor's bill of Capt. ~loah English, Fire i~ ~~ Station #4, was re'Yarred to the Commissioner of Safetq, upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 4. Kaye, Razelip - 1. ~s y-u.T~r~~NLG~~~ On motion by the above, that all in~uriee resulting from aooident horoaftes to smployoes of the City bs treated by the City Phyaioian, and that if amid employee requires eervioea of other dootore that they shall pay for same individ- uelly, ezoept in oasis of first aid, oarried upon Dail of the roIDl Dy tho fallowing vote: Yeas, Burma, Razelip, 16alleoe and Washington - 4. Bay: Marton, 1. ©~,.; On motion by the above, the matter of printing pamphlet rule Dook and motif ~ ordinanos, also motion blanks, was referred to the 1'urohase Committee n on Dell of tho roll Dy the following vote: Yeaa, Burns, Razeli Marton Wallaoe and P. Washington - 5. ~"`~~i~ On motion by Member Burma, a transfer for saloon lioenee at 1100 ~outh ~~.y..~.-.-~/a~~ 11th Street from James Ward to Oeoar R. Sohmldt was granted, and tho bond soBepted, Q~¢Civ~~r[ upon Dell of the roll by the following votsi Yeae, Burns, Razelip, ]Barton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ~~~ On motion by Member Washington, the payroll.for the street Departmsut,for , ~~~- ,f~, t ~ the week ending april E4th, not oovered by ordinanoe, and paid Dy Dash order, ~`~"' amounting to $166.90. was seoeived•and filed upon Dell of the roll by tho follow- ,. ing vote: Yeae, Burns, ~+azelip, ]Barton, Wallaoe and 6eshington - 6. / ~~ Q~~D~ ~~ On motion by the above, the lights in the alleys oonstrnoted by the Psduoah /G:ufu~G G~%~ (/ ~.~,. _ _ ~ ;~~ ~~~ t ~~, ~~ ,. i., y~~~ k.~ 11r... ~.~ . ~ _ . ~J j :~ • No.~ ~` ,v ; . . ~. ~ ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah, rig 26th 191._6. oontinurd. ~ ~ ~~ I probably a distanoe of three or Pour hundred Yeet oY the length o! the street, same ~ ~ ~ ~ ,• . mss granted and the Commissioner oY publio- "~orke instrnoted to raise the said road ~ ~a ' I~~~ and oherge eame,to the Contingent Fund, oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the Yolloming ~ A ~ i F '~~p e„ ' vote : Yeae, Burns, hazelip, Parton, Wallace and Washington - b, ~ s ~ r On motion Dy liember Burns. one half rent oY the xeatuoky Theatre ~u ~ ~~ ~.e~' . o D~~~ . TOr"~ Yor 0obb leoture amountia to 37.60 was donated t0 the Wo ' ~ B ~ , mane Club and oharged ~,. ~ ~ to the Contingent Fnnd, upon Dell oY the roll bq the following votes Yeae, Bnrne. j ti: ~~ ~ _ Hazelip, Barton, Welleoe and Washington - 6. ' /Vs~ as~i++ e ti City 9olioitor, James Campbell, Jr. made a report on Dr. Solon Gillen'e , ' ' n -~1~~~ ~ bill and the lioenee oY the livery stable, also veterinary liaenae, -same wsa not '~ ? ~ transferable under the ordinanoe, therefore Lr. Gillen is responsible Yor said ~ a= 'PO °~"~~ lioenee. - «, • •~~~~ ~~ • ~ On motion by 3dember Walleoe, the oese o.Y Geo. Katter~ohn va Speoht mae ref rred to the Commissi S f 1' bli k ti+ d G t r T ~ • ~ e oner o u s an o or y i olioito to report beak, ; 4~ serried upon Dell of the roll bq the Yolloming votQ: Yeas, Burns, Hsaelip, Barton, ~< . Nalleae and Washington 6. On motion the Board ed~ourned, upon.oall oY the roli by the Yolioming ~, ~~ .vote: Yeae, Burae, Saselip, -~erton, Wallsoe and Tiaehington - 6. , ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~~. ,i a ~ 1 1tY (i[etc, MsY i . P,-. ~Ivi~...l.ull • ? q • N r. ~" .. . ~4.. r ~', TM. ~ _ ~ • ; ~ I ~ ~ .Pnn~ _ ~ ~ .. ... . ~~ i. i '. -, .. ~ i f~ ~ , 'te a - " ...:.~~ , t.,~..,~ 1 : ~ -.. .. T,,._ '~rr.. ' .. t r. . .. ~ k