HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/15 & 04/23/155. -~. ..
No, t! dr
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Of P&Cii1QS1t
At a regular meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionera, held in the Oounoii
Chamber•in the Oity Mall of the City of Paducah, Ky. oa~tpril 18th, 191b, apon
Dail of the roll the following answered their names : Barns, Heaslip, Mertoa,
Ballsos and Washington b.
On motion the miantea of the prevlone meetings were adopted sa read, npoa •
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, 1~aselip, Marton, Walleoe j
y~ ,
~ and Washington 5. i
On motion by Member Washington, the petition for water from residents ,
y,~,~~, and property owwers on Ninth street between Clark and ddems - petition herewith
~`'- attached - the Paducah Water Co. was ordered to lay mains and Lhe venter plugs ;.•.~µ -°
~-~~ "''• ordered plsoed on the rental lists, upon calf of the roll by the following votes i ,
I ... .
+, Yeas, Borne, liazalip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ,
~.~.+. f
On motion by Member Burns, the West ]{entno~ Cooperage Co. was exempted '
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from Municipal taaetion for five years, upon oomglYanoe with the ordinance, upoa
~'-'~'"~ O'~f"~ GO• Dell of the roll by the following votes Yene, Surne, Heaslip, Marton, Galleoe `
~ ~~~~'`! and Washington - b.
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oenae propos
On motion by the above, Dr.
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referred to the City Solicitor upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,
_ Burns, Bazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - 5. ~ ,
3ltney k •1
~ On motion by the above,. roles were snapended npoa the trafiio~do ~rdiaenees~ {
~n~'"~''~ npoa call Of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazellp, Marton,
walleoe and Washington - b. 'c.: ~'
' On motion by the above, an Ordinance regnleting the jitney oars in the
~ City of Paducah, end providing a penalty for violation thereof, was glven its ~
te Y 1 ,
passage upon Dell of the roll by the fallowing vo
Marton, Walleoe and Washington - 6. ~
~ On motion by the above, en amendment to the trafflo ordinance was given ~
~' its passage upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Sazelip,
Marton, Walleoe and Washington b, ! "
-~ ,
On motion by the above, a tranafer•of the saloon Sioense from Frank Wagner,
~,; ~10 South Second, to ~~.Elrod, the same number, wee granted upon Dell of the roll f
p / ~
-Gra~'C by the following vote: Yene. Burns, xazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b.
'` ~~
~ On motion by the above, five special officers were granted polioe powers
~, p
to sot in Dehn3f of the Engles' Carnival, upoa Dell of the roll by the following }'
~j vote: Yeas, Burns, heaelip, Marton, Walleoe and Geahington,- b,
au~.~/~ ~~~ 1. ,
! On motion by Member Merton, the financial alloxanae of salaries, etc.,
~~-~~~^'`~`'~""y amounting to ~3383.70,wae allowed upoa Deli of the roll by the following •otei
~"`~`~~`' Yeas, Burns, Hazellp, 1~arton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ,
~ On motion by the above. a petition for a street light located on the
kJ~i~-~" MayYield road, corner of Cedar -same was ordered placed ae soon ee possible and ;
~jlt, ~~~ charged to the contingent fund, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote= Yeas;
~ '
~s>~ ~
ZZZ Borne, llazelip, Marton, Walleoe and WneAington - b. ~ ,
p Oa motion by the above, a street light wee ordered placed on Brown street ~ `'~^'
l end charged to the oantingent fund, upon call of the roll by the following votes
Yeea, Burns, Heselip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ;
~~ On motion by the above, the Commissioner of Safety woe instructed to notify
('~~c-~r.G~! Q'ri/ the polioe departmeaL to examine all taxi end jitney oar lioenaee and those that ~ '
have not secured lioenae bo warranted, carried upon Deli of the roll by the ~G
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No '~'~ ~o
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah dvrii 19th 191 ooatimsed. : ~ -
following vote: Yeas, Bnrae, 1'1azelip, Barton, Wallsos and Washington b.
Oa motion by Bomber Washington the payroll Yor the week ending ~-
Aprii 17th, not oovsred by ordinanoe but paid by Dash order, amounting to
$160.20, same was reoei~sd and riled upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ ~,"
votes Yeas, Horns, Naeslip, Barton, Wallaoe and wnehia(ttoa - b. ~~~
~; .:
~ .~
On motion by Bembsr eurna, the Dootor°a bili of bosh Shgliah, oaptain '
of #4 Fire Station, wan rs4erred to the Oommis4ioner of l'nbiio.$afsty.; upon ~;;,;
Dell 04 the roll by the ioliowing vote: Yeas, Barns, Bazelip, ltartoa, Walleos:
~ '~"
and Waehingt~oa - b. .
Oa motion the Board sd~ournsd, upon Dell 04 the roll by the following ~• ,„
votes Yeas, Bnrne, Hazsiip, Barton, Wailsoe and Washington - b. ~ "
{ --
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City Clem
'; A~rtl EBd. 191b. '.
,~, At .a galled meeting of the Board o4 Commiaaionera, held in the Conaoil
Chamber , in the City Hall 04 the City o4 Padnoah, Kentnolpr, on epril 23d, 1816+
'upon oa11 04 the roil the following anaw6red their names s Horns, Hezeiip ~ ~ '
JI ~ ~ and atarton • $. t ,
"'"' I "
• ~ , /J D Oa motion by Bomber Barra, the.aaaeeement o4 aooonnta o4 the , ,
~v/ ~O B
$tandar8 011 Co. wen rs4erred to the City SoiYaitor and Commissioner o4 ~ ~ ,
- ~ Finanoe, npon Dell of the roll b9 the following vote: Yeas, Barns, Heaelip g',
''~ and laerton, 3. ~ .
~ ;, • - On motion by the above. Walleratein Bros.° assessment wen rednoed
~~~,~ ~ 40 $23.000,00, npon oelfl o4 the roll by 4he following votes Yese, Burns, •'
Hazelip and Marton v 3.
~¢ On motion bq the above. a resolution authorizing the pnroheae oY
pp ~p ~ /
ck C a Q a wa from the Lnoee bead ~ hbr. Co. 04 ~
one eight and one h 14 ~~ foot lley y
. e.
- the City o4 Padnoah, Ky,, was given its passage npon pall 04 the roll by the
` following votes Ysae, Barra, Bazeiip an8 ltartoa • 3. ~
~~ On motion by the above, aamea Oampbell, Jr. was granted epeoisl
" O~y
~ poiia6 power hpon gall 04 the roil by the following votes Ysea, Burns, liaselip ;..
-yam"`` y an8 Idarton a 3. ~
On mobioti-the Hoard ad~onrned, upon Deli o4 the roll by the Yoilowiag
~ ° votes Yesg, Bnrrds, Hazelip and Yar~toa.• Se j
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