HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/15~.~'..;,
• 8
,. It s regniar meeting of the Board o! Oommieeloaeref held in the 0onnoil
' Ohember of the Oity Hail. Paduoah, 74ntnoky,, oa Apsii 18lh,-1816, apon op11 of the ;,
;soli the loiiowing answered the it aamee i 8nsus, 11aes11p, xastea, Wallaoe sad 1
. Waebingtoa + 8.
• Oa motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted suer obrreotioal
ton Dell of the roil by the following votes Yeae, Horne, ~iesellp, ltsrtoa, Wallaoe and
Waehiagtoa • 6• j
,~ ~~ ~, Oa motioa by L[syor Itaseiip,'Olsnde alley was greeted a quart iignos lieeaee '
`' oa Brides street near tipple traok, upon Dell of the roll Dy the following votes j.
' '
Yeae, Heeelip, ltartoa.ead galleo0i S•Nays i Horne and Wsahiagtoa 8•
C~~'-T ter, Oa motloA by ltembes Horse, ea Ordiaeaoe providing !or the oorutruotion o!
` ie~/~ sldewslke, eto• oa 8eooad street from llaehington to Monroei sad Third from waehingtoa j
~', a'R~~. to Itonsoe, eto., was tabled, upon Dell of th8 roll by the lollowiag vot~t Yeae 8urae
~ ~
~~; i
,' !x^N-~-~-~ : W~rtoa, italleoe sal Waehiagtoa • ~. bays, lisaelipr 1. .
` Oa motioa by the above, the Oity 8olioitos was Snstruotsd to bring in ea '~ `
,; ~~ ~/ ' ameadmeat to the tratilo orlinanos providing for a Oity Lioeaee for pnbllo ohsnffeure ! ~,`
`"~ at $1.00, npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Herne, kaselip, L+arton, ~ '
. Wslleoe and Washington . b,
I v;;
!~~~ Oa motion by the above, that the 01ty pnrohase a ri ght-of-way sorose tl~ j
G~~~~~_ / lumber yard of the 7moae Laud•& Lbs. Co• st a aost of X100.00 for land, and that the .'
~ ~-.- ~, Oity oonetrnot, at its owe ooet, a fonoe paralleling s division fenos sow standing
' and the 01ty remove the lumber on the yard to en ad~eoent looetion, oerrisd npoa Dell
o! the roll ~ •
by tbo following votes Yeas, Horne, Nasellp, Ltarton, Wallaoe and
Waehingtoa + 6.
~/ ~ :. ,
~~`Q~/ !. Oa motioa by L[smbes lRartoa, the Depertmeat of 8afsty was inetsuoted to 1
-~-~-~ 1
. /o a 1.-++^~ ;keep ell vehiolsa at least one huadrsd Yost from Broadway on North 8ourth to Jeifsreoa,
yf ~ ~ oarrled npoa Dell of the roll by the fallowing votes Yeas, Borne, Nazelip, itnrtoa, f
-to I
,~ Walisoe sad Washington + 6.
Oa motioa by the above, J. S. Hardieoa was,rstundsd X6.00 for poll taz
~~•/% ~++.01o.:.Y for four years, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae Burns Haseli
~~'r-u si..7G . . P. j
Nsston, Welisoe and Washington - 6. ~
~f//_ 1 On motion by the above. the oommunioatioa in regard to the loostion of iisej
a hydrants was referred to the Board of Commiesiomis upon Dail of the roll by the follow-d ,
~~ A^ ing vote: Yeae, Borne, heaelip, ltsrtoa, Wallaos end Washington - b. i : .
• •.~fr.~-~G ~ On motion by Hsmbsr Horne. tbs question of rates end i'ranohiee of the ~
~,,ti,, Psdnosh bight & Power Oo. was referred to the Committer of a whole to laveatipp~~te
O- .
~~,,,~~,_ npoa Dell of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeae, Barns, Neaslip. llsrton, Wallaoe
ant Washington 6. ;
~•_~~ On motion by ltembsr Mellsos, ttu South half of Lot 88 la Blook One new I
/~~~~ `"~`~"~additioa to Oek Orove Oemstery wee traasterred from J. 6. Ter to Aob 6 N see. ~
~-+~ ~^^_'~~~'~~npoa Dell of the roll Dy the following votes Yesa, Hnrns, Naselip, btarton, Wallace ~
~~~~ ~ sad Washington 6.
>~GUi"' Oa motion b the above Lot $OS o " " a J ~ .'A
Q ~G~~--s~ue-p;; y is Bl ok P was tr referred from . W. ~ .., ;r~~
~lavi ~Y6gnew to ltrs. ldatilds Franke, npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, i
. ~ Borne, Neaelip, btartoa, Falleoe and Washington + 6.
~.~~ Oa motion by the above, the oommunioatioa from the Ohattanooga Industrial ~
~.~G6'1F~' Boars was seosived and filed, npoa Dell of the roIDl by the following. votes Yosa, ! .
Borne, }ia:ellp, 3tarton. Walleoe and Washington + b.
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~; No.~_. ~ ~ ~ `' ~~.
`I ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah 3prSl lY 191, cantianefl ~':~.
j: ~/ 0n motion by Member Barue, tho`, the Oity 9olioitor be inetruoted to *T~
bring in an ordinanos planing all owners of motor propelled vehiolee for hire ender ~' ',
~ ~e~~
a bond of X2600.00, for proteotion of persona anifering damage for negligenoe, lost ~ ~,,;,,,~,,
upon nail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Walleoe - 1. Bays : Haselip, f:
~. _ Burns, Marton and Washington - 4. ~ ~"
~~ ~~-~ rir~ On motion by Member Berne, that street lights be operated on moonlight ., ~ ~
j ;i
eohednls, ae in years peat, oarriefl npon sell oY the roll by the following tots: ~ r
~, e ~ Ysae, Berne, Saselip, lQarton, Wsileoe sad Washington - b. ~~
G~c. On motion by ldember Washingtm, the weekly payroll Yor the street dept.
~~__ a
'~ ~~" ending Saturday, 6pri1 10th, and not aoversfl by ordinsaos bet paid by oeah '
I order, was reoeived and Yiled upon nail of the roil by the.Yollowing vote: Yease .
i Horne, Harelip, Marton, Walleoe sad Washington - b.
~- ;~ `~~ On motion by Mayor Hassiip, that the reoomme~ation of Commissioner of ,
~'~%~~'""""'. / Pnblio Words be ooaonrred in, in regard to patohing and re-earring streets now
J<dy! _ oonetruoted with bitnlithio, oarried upon nail of the roll by the following vote r
/~ Ysae, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Walleoe and Baehingtoa - b.
~~~~-"~ ~ On motion by the above. the oommnnioation from Jae. CampbeDl.Jr. Oity
• Bolioitor, is regard to the offioial newspaper of the City of Padnoah was reosived
and filed npon sell of the ro12 by the following voter Yeas, Berns, Hase2ip,
Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b.
On motion by Member Berne, the proposition relative to the 8t. Mary's. ` ,"
i Aoademy in regard to an alley oa North Fitth street, wee referred to the City ~ ~~
.~ ~~? I
8o2laitor to aonlsr with Mr. Hughee and report bank siter.e thorough inveetigstion, ~ I
oarried upon nail of the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Berne, Hasslip, °`"°~
l[arton, Walleoe and Washington - b.
On motion theHoard afl3onrned, npon oa11 of the roll by the following
tots: Ysae, Berne. Haselip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b.
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