HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/15". k. .. ~ ~ ...r+•~7.[rta..a..w..~...Q.J-..u r.~... -.._ r +... .Y a.xw....~ .,i .._u,_.r av. __..__ r.._.u_...~'t.___r. _~ .....~ Commissioner's "~ 'F ce; F ~ ~, a of Paal~aeh ~ April bth jgj~ NO: 'Sl'/ . at a regular mestin~ o! the Board o! Oosmiaaioaera, bola 1a the Oonnpil. ~. Ohaeabes, o! the City Hall, Paduoah, Rentnoky, oa aprii bth, npoa Deli of the roll the loliowiag auaswered their named s 8nsaa, Hasslip, Nallaoe, Merton eaa j ~~~ >raehingtoa • b. Oa motioa by Member Martoa the miantes o! the oallsd meeting o! • ril E 1916, in regard to Claude Hilsy'e quart liquor liaeaee, sotion was ~reso4mied npoa ~ °~ I; same npoa Dell o! the roll by the following vote Ysae, Burns, Hazoiip, Marton (~ Nallaoe and Naehiagton - 6. • ~" Oa motion Dy the above, the mlantee for euetiage o! Maro6 E9th, Maroh 80th Ana 8Ut were adopted as reed upon Dell 0! the roll Dy thi followiag vote: Yeaa, ~. 8nrus, Hasslip, Marton, Neiisoe and Naehington - b. Oa motion by the above, the petition in regard to granting quart liquor tt !!Dense to Claude Hilsy on Bridge street was ssosivsd and filed upon Dell o! the ~" roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Burns, Hasellp, Martoa, Nallaoe sad Naehington-6 ~~ --~-~ { On motion by Member Nallaoe, that the petition tad remoaetraao• in regard -le.-w,Lc~ to gnart.lignor sioenee of Clends Riley, wed referred to the Oom. o! Pnblio 8aiety ~ to invoatigate the signers of the petition in regard to their location and y ~~'~ attitude psstsiaing to this matter, carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote, Yeae: Hasslip, Marton and Nallaoe - 3. Neye, Burns and Naehiagton -E. On motion.by Member ensue, the monthly report of the Ohie! o! Police was `~ ~ '~~ ssosivsd and filed, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yaee, Burns, I p c'c'' Haaolip, Marton, Nallaoe and Nsahington - b. Ozt motion by the above, the monthly report of the Firs Chis! was reoei-pQ ~" ~ -Ci~~~~ end filed, upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yaee, Burns, Hazslip, ~~ ~~~', Masted, Nallaoe and Naehington - 6. ~ a. Oa motion Dy !layer Hasslip, the transfer of saloon lioenae was granted ~ ~; ~~.~.~ ~r~~-~+~/ ;, .. from H. Calisel, 1736 ,Meyers street, to C. E. 1[illor st 301 Naehingtam street, j ~~'~ ~~" and bond Boas tad u on Dell of the ro,1 b the follow! ~ P , p y ng vote:. Yeas, Horne, ~ ~• ~ ~ Hasslip, Heston, Nallaoe. and Naehington - 6. -- -- I i, Mr. Nallaoe was ezoused for the balance of the meeting. .~~-~~•-.~ h OA motion by Member Marton, the monthly report o! oolleotioas end Qisbusse- ment• by the auditor dad treasurer was ssosivsd and filed upon Doll o! the roll __.., Dy the followiag vote:. Yeas, Bnrna, Hazslip, Martoa and Naehiagton - 4• ~.F-~-=-r ~ 4n motion by the above, the finanoiel allowance for salaries, etc., ~~"~"`~`', amonating to ~lb,b71.16, was eilowed, upon Dell of the soli by the following vote: Yeaa, Enrna, Hazslip, Marton and Nashiagtan - 4. ~,~ ~.~i on motion by the above. $3100. was allowed the Paducah Mater Oo, as per ' ~~'"`~ °j ooatsaot with the City o! Padnoah for this yaps, rental on 486 lire hydrants, ~ at the sate pf $Eb. pas pang, was allowed npoa Dell o! the roll by the following " ~- vote i Yeas, Burns, Hasellp, Marton and Nashingtoa . 4. '// ~~C~~t' On motioa by the above, Nm. Ksrnee do Bon was eilowed X846.00, balance dud c4ir : ~ , ~~~~:~~ as per m atreot, for lmprovemeute on the Market House, npoa Dail o! the soil by _ the tollow,ing sots; Y~sa, Berne, Hasellp, Heston sad Naehiagton •. ~~p~~~~ On motion by the above, the City Clerk wsa empowered to appolat ea sealetaat ~i'~''"'"`~ '`''r at the rate of $60, per month, to aeaiet 1n making out the taz bills, npoa pall E/~ ~~~''' o! the soil by the following votes Yeaa, Burns, Merton and Gasbingtoa •"8• ;~ !ley; Mayes Harelip - 1. ~r'y f~ Cn motion by the above, that the eoasa oi.8npervisosa be Defied In aeeaioa ,, Tuesday, apsil EOth, 191 b, for ode Qay only, oarMsd upon Deli of the roll Dy G the following vote: Yeas,Ais'+-a, Hsaeiip sad Marton - 8. Hay, Naehiagtoa - 1. " r urns, .~ 1 ,..._. ._.._,~,:.,..,.,..M.._ ~ ~ v ~ _. ,....,...'. y,._ ~~,.e .... .. ...... .. w.a„h, d~..w.•.~..., .o:~„ ...;gss~v~.~,..~s::',.:.:«~r+--:o.....'L,.~.w,L.-."-."e~": k • - ~' ~' ~ ~.; ~ _ :~ i .. ~ ~~ ,~, . _... _ _ . _ _ _ ._- ., _ No. ~ i- ~•,i - ^. ~., . ": . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 6pri1 s 191 s .:~ ~^ ~ ~~ Oa motion by Mayor Harelip, the oammnnioetion from Mr. D. H. ` ~'~ ~' ~ ~ ~i., Hughsa, relative to an alley between John Dean's property and 8t. ltary'a •oademy ~ t 3 was rsoeivsd and filet upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Bnrao; ~ ,~ i _ .Harelip, Marton and Waehington - 4. ', f,~,~''~/ on motion by the above. a oommnaloation cram W. T. Breves, City •~ Physioian, in regard to a bill amounting to ~1b.00 of Cora Jones was repaired and ~,,~"1 ~~ • filed epee pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Borne, Haselip, Marton ~ . fr ~~, and Washington • 4. 5 " ~i,C)/•-~'~ On motion by Member Waehington, the bill i"rom the Street Dept., ~~~~%r.[a"i'~•~^-~. for payroll week ending AprilSd, not oo~ered by ordinanoe and paid by oaeh order, ', . amounting to $141.80, was reoeivet and filed,•npon pall of the roll by the follow- ing vote: Yeae, Bnrna, Harelip, Marton end Waehington - 4. On motion by the above, a petition from Loeb-Bloom estate in ;., .- ~ -~.~-,--n. regard to hollow lends between 16th and 16th and 8entuo$y Awe. and Waehington Sta. ' ~ - ~` ~G was referred to the Board of Supervfsore, upon pall of the roll by the following ; • ~~ /1--r t~'~ ~~, vote: Yeas, Berne, Haseiip, Marton and Waehington - 4. ~~.~ ~.;-, ~ . -- _ Oa motion by Mayor Haseiip, that the Health offiasr, biaa;s ~ .~ . /~ J /J c~J salary be raised to $76.00 per month for the baleaos of this year, end that balaaoe. ~ J"r"" ~.~.:~... , of salary not apportioned be drawn from the general ooatingeut hind, oarsisd upon ~_," ~ o%~f~.oa)li of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Hums, Hassllp, Marton and Waehington- .,--~-., <~~--Or ~y I I a;.-~ On motion by Member Bursa, the Mayor was iaetrnoted to ezeonte ~,,,,,,~ ~~-.~-cy ooatrsote with the Marine 8ervias, is regard to sink and disabled seamen, oesried y`.,. ' ~'G!~~G6~~e ~ppon null of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bursa, Haseiip, Marton and ~ ~ Washington - 4. •R~~'-~'`"''L On motion by the above. the matter oY repairing gasoline etationa ~'-~'~%~ 9 at 109 Broadway was referred to the Oom. of Pnblio Works Yor oaasideration upon mod/ G~ osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Bnrna, Haselip, Merton and Wsehington -' 4. '~ '' ~ I _' (~,~ ,';+ On motion by Mayor Haselip. that ftorth Bust street be strioken ;.%G~UD~f from the motion referring to improvements of alI streets in bnaineee diatriot with ~`~'~""" oonowets and removing brink therefrom. parried upon pall of the roll by the k~;; ~ xa,~ _ , s„~~~,~,•~-• following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip; Marton and Waehington - 4. :" ~"~"" ~ ': On motion the Board ad~ourasd npon.oall of the roll by the _~' following vote:Yeae, Burns; Hsselip, Marton sad llaehingtoa - 4, ~~A - Citq Uler~G~~S%" . . .. j _ ~, ~' - ;,~~, ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 4'' i f`:' .. ' ' f'.. t ~, 1 • ~.. .'., ~ ~ i - ' .; ~ '.. $. .Y.k .: I: a '•. ~ .,,.,., ... ... ~ .:: .:. ~ ~- .~- '.' .. ~. . ~. ~ ~ I t d • L