HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29-03/31/15:. ,. :, _; i r ~ ~ ~ ~ .- P b F .5:: .. • . • .. No...~;:.._ ~'iolJ'IpU8810AC1'8 `« r k ~" t ~...,.. " s :k • , . + i ~. . _ar.~ of Paducah Ltaroh 29th 1915 dt a regular meeting of the board of Oommiasionore, held in the 0oungil • Chambsr~ in the City Hall, Paduoah, 8entuoky, on IItaroh 29, 191b; upon oall of . !I the roil the ioilowing answered their namees. Hurna, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe i end Washington • 6. • • !' On motion the minutes of the previous meotinga were adopted ea road, upon, ' 1• oall o! the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Horns, ~azolip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington b. • ~~~~ ~eo On motion of bteyor Hazelip, tho btaryland Oaeualty Oompany of Baltimore,' ~ Ltd., Aas relieved of liability on eooonnt of a oertain bond exoauted by that oompany ~~~ `under date of Ltaroh 13, 1912, in the sum of ~$b00.00, oondltioned that Pleas Wylie." • will faithfully oarry out a oertain oontraot entered into by and between Ploea Wylie w i ' Q • ~ and the City of Paduoah., with refesenoe to the disposition and removal of dead animals and other refuse, oontraot being dated Ltaroh 13, 2912, and made to expire Ltaroh 13, - P 1916,. a new oontraot having been entered into by~aald ihyiie and tho City of Paduoah, dated February 18, 1915, for the purpose of oerryintr on the same n•osk, oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and • Neahington -. b. • ~~~ .B On motion by ESember Ltarton, that the note ~14,7b8.00 and.lntereat, X73,79, p •• sfiiK/, I~ be allowed and paid to the City National Hank, oarried upon oall of the roll by .the. following vote: Yeas, Borne, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. G2~/T !~ . On motion by the above., the Commissioner of Flnanoe and Mayor were author. •.. ~ z+'~~ i` ized to borrow Y49,403~.b6 -being amount borrowed from the Continental-Commeroiel . ~~~Y U ~ ~' National Bank of Chioago, ~b0,000.00, leas dieooµnt ~b94.44 -oarried upon oell of, •• the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Borne, Hazelip, A~arton, Wallaoe and Washington G~~`~ i~ ~JLrv. ,~yss,J On motion by the above, 1lrs: Olean was refunded 8.40 for over-aeseaement " O~>~°GO°'^"'~"?~ ppon. gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Buxna, Hazelip, Elarton, Wallaoe '' . and Waehin~rton - b. ~~ On motion by the above. a petition from the Union Barbera o! Paduoah in t t t " o ina ruo ing regard eaoh empldyee of the oity to have his work done at a union • barber shop, was reoeived and filed upon oall of .the roll by the following vote; Burris, Hazelip. Liaiton, Wallaoe and Ceahington - 5._ n ~~~ On motion by btemlier Burns, that Com. of Finance advise that claim of J• 8• X (/ 911nkaid ie barred by limitations, and that it would not be legal to refund taxes, ~:. oarried upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Llnrton, - Yislleoe and W'eshirgton - 6.. n/ '~ ~ ~ ~ "` ~ " Y~r ~'I On motion by Liember Washington, the payroll Yos the unemployed amounting • ". ~~~ to ~'g76.10, oharged to the contingent fund,. for the week onding Liaroh 27th, and the /~i ~ ~ ~ payroll of the otreet dept. onding ttaroh 27th, amounting to M141.8b .the above sot v ~ covered by ordinance but paid by cash ca•der -same was ordered reoeived and filed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yoea, Horne., Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaoe • • .~~ and Washington - 6. On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the charges for tho unemployod when / ~ - ~ , (~' ~+ ~i~~" working in the street and elieys are under and in the departmanL o! Public Works, be oharged to the Dopt. of Public ti~orks, oarried upon call of the roll b the follow in Y 6 ~: `vote: Yesa, Borne. Hazelip, Ltarton and W'alleoe - 4. Nay; WnshlnPton - 1; ~ t ~ ~._. ~.. • , • , .. -. ,..,, ,. ~k :- , ~. • On motion by Liember pallaae, tfie.rules were suspended upon sending out oopies upon a resolution as follows: "WHEREAS, Roeooe Reed, City attorney of ~.~~ Paduoah, Kentuoky, hse designated the Tlews-Demoorat,a newspaper published in Paduoah, Xentuoky by the Demoorat Publishing Co., ae the offioial newspaper of the, City mitil: April let, 1916 " oarrie8 upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns,' • Hazelip, Liarton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. -._.~ On motion by the above, the above resolution was given 1ta passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hozelip, Liarton, Wollnoe and i i Washington - b. ~h^~CaA On motion by the above, a deed was grouted to Lire. Harper for Lot E1 ' :fit Q2~/ ~~N~~,y _A~. Blook 44, in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon Dell of the roll by the following yotex 1 ~Qy~ Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, i'wrton,, Walleoe and Gashington - b. ~~.~~~ On motion by Member Burns, the lotion of the.Liayor in appointing Hon. /Z~ ~~„~,,yt, W. A. Calhoun ae member oP Park Commissioners was ratified and approved upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeoa, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Walleoa and Faehing- '. ton -b. • '~ On, motion by the above, that eaoh item. when charged in the Apportionment ~y-~y....,~-,. c,~ Ordinnnoe be tnl:en up and voted on separately, oarried upon gall of .the roll by the ---•- following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, rlallaoe and Hnshington - b. ~~~~,,CG On motion bq the above, that the tax into be fined at X1.70 per hundred • ~ f ~'f. dollars for the year 191b, oarried upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Liarton and tileahington - 8. hays: •Hazelip and Wallaoe - 2> • On motion by the above, that, a postponement for the apportionment ordinance ~'~r<- be made until ten o`clock L:nrah 30th, oarried neon call of the roll by the following • note: Yeae, Burns, uazelip, Liarton, tiallaoe and i.ashinEtton - b. On motion the Board.ad~ouxned, upon osll oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, ~;allaoe and Washington - b. • ADJOURTiED LiEI:iIIIG OF.M ARC H 30th, 191b• At an adjourned meetinP. of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council' Cha••ber in the City Ha11, in tho City of Paduoah. Ky., on Liarah 30, 1915, upon call of the roll the Following anawerod .their acmes: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip' Liurton, ifullaoe and i'lsahin~ton - D. On motion by l.iember Wallace, that the fire plugs furnished the City by thee; J-`e~z~~ Paduoah C;ator Co. be plaoe.d at ;y25.00 per plug; oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Durne, Hazelip. i7.allaae and Washington - 4. Itay: Liarton - 1. ~~ "On motion by Liember Burns, that the above be re-considered until citizens ~~'`~~ ~ Dan be heard in regard to acme, oarried upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, i;nllaoe and Washington - 4. Hay: Liarton - 1. ~~y,~ ~~ On motion by the above, that the original motion, in regard to fire plugs „ ~~-_°..~~+~-~ stand, oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Burns, Hnzolip,' . _'~-~• Wallace and Gashington - 4. Nayl Liarton - 1. ~,~ ~Y~-~ On motion by the above, that eaoh oommiaeioner be aonstituted~a Committee %f~"'~!" `''"' of one to invoatignto the Watorworke problem, e:nd thut`Lir. Waehinlrton bo oppointod "`~.,F secretary to rooeive the reports and oomplete.atatistiaa, oarried upon call of the• , 'h, r011 by the following vote° Yeas Burns Hoz 11 Lin t W 'I oa,, ~~ ~°^^-~ i „~L~~..iw,.i • , • ", , , e p, r on a .aoe.and rashinrton - 5 ~,.. ~. .. - ~ . ~: . . ~ ~~ . ~. 1._ ..; .. Y ... .•:: '~ •~ ... .:. , • • .. t -..~.,.~,., n ,.. .. ... ... ; ...~ .... ., ..;. No.~ • " Commissioner-'s Proceedings; City of Paduaafi' >~IIrai, 3nth j~j~, continued. On motion by member Ltartoa, °In so Yar ae the Oity oY Paduoah is sot under , ,v~.t ' ~, contract with the Paduoah Dater Co. Yor 186 Yire hydrants, and as the Oommiseioners j ;and the Paduoah dater Oo. have eo Yar Mailed to nrrive of what would be ooneidere4 1 ,; i i '~ ~ e Yair rental for these Yire hydrants, I move that no money be apportioned in the j• i. _ • f~,.~ i apportionment ordinance Yor these plugs, and that the amount of y~2,7?b.00 that hue j ~. been pieced in the, apportioncrent ordinance Yor rental on these hgdranta be p]aoed t .•, • ~ ~~ in the contingent Yurid, and same to remain until the oommiesionera and F~ater Co. j . arrive at what is considered a fair rate, (SiPned) Don P. Lturton "which received no "~. ~ j, second. .,, • . ~ 6 i. On motion by TSember YJeahinRtoa, the Hoard adjourned upon call oY the Toll ~ f. ~! by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Eiarton, 6allaoe an8 1':aehington t 6. ~ , 4 f ' ~ ti' /~~~~~pity woi•1c ~ ~ O1 ~ ., ~ • " i . I • ~ + Ataroh 3~ 1816. , . j. ~ " ' ~ 6t a oalied meeting oY the Soard oY OorunlsslonerB, hold in the 9ounoil ~ " .. i . •• .' •Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduoah, 8entuoky, on 1:aroh Slst,.1916, upon call of the ~ , . ~ .. . ~ "' roll the Yollowing answered their naves: Burns, Hazelip, 1lnrton, Nbllaoe,and k Waehint~ton ~ • ~ " r. ~` ~- ~~~~~ 1, On motion by Ltember Burns, an Ordinance FI7CITIG Tl~ APPOE'TIONTIENTB CAF. TTiE ~ .. r ~»cw/PU$I.IC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCaH, KENTUC1fY FOR THB YEaR 191b, was givon_ita .~.~ 9.. paeeaee upon cell oY the. roll by the Yollovring vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip; Gallaoe land &ashington - 4. "Morton - 1, Nay. ~ ~' ~ ` `. . .. (~,~s.~K ~. On mot ion by the above, en ordinance FIXING T1iE LEVY OR Ra^aE OF Ti:X.aTION ~ I) '~~~'~`~ ,' ON PnOPET;TY LT.t Ti1E CITY OF P..DUC..H, Y.EIITUCKY, FOP THE YEui? 191b, .SID THE R.,TE OF TTTE i' , / 9i~ POLL T..X Y:ITH .HE PUI;POSES OF' ,S:.ID LEVY THEnFaINDER DEFITIED, was given its passage j " upon cell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeea, eurna, Hazelip, Ttarton, Gal]aoe 1 and C'aehin(;ton - 6. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by the Yollowing `` ;vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, 4allaae and 1laehington - b. , • i r 1 ~ O'i!_~J n~~~YU I k i 11 ~' 1 fi ~ ~ ~. 1 :. i.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ' j ~, f. I^ e . ~ • ~ ''' ~ _ " _: f . r. r, I " ;~ - i. ~ ~ . ., . .. ,.,. ... , .:_ ~- -- - ~. ,, h ~ ~ v°&.'Ki~.roh x`a~`.Atii'.sx$4wxafvratii^s~ +4'Ci`z~'Fk.H~+r:°rA,.~++/ • < ... '. -. ,. ...s,. r~ ..-.~ ,~.. _ .. ,. _.. .,.,K ..<.<