HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/15i •; i. . ~. • E .., :~..... p . ~.~ _ . 't E, <:,: ,:,. ~ k ,.a r I No, 3I • Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaducah~eh lbth jg18 '°I . ~ it a segnlar westing of the Hoard of Oommiodloaess, held 1a the Oouaeil i • Chamber. is the City Hall, 1a the oity of PaduoeJs, Kerituoky, on Msroh lbth, 1816 ~• upoa dell of the roll the following ariewesod their oamse~ 8uraa, Haeellp, ' Meston, Nalleoo srid iYaehiogtoo :. 6. ~ • ~ On motioa tho minuted of the meeting oY Maroh lbh ward adopted, after ~ ` f,. oorreotion, and the minuted of tho meeting oY Marsh 8th adopted ed read, upoa t deli of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Borne, Razelip, Merton, Wale oe (~ ~'• ii and iaehirigtoo b. ~ / r;'. On motion by Member Burris, the Oommiasioner of Publio Works wee author • ~ s""~'' leed to purohese soother wagon and haraedd for two ho rasa do that the patrol hordes may be worked.oontlriually, oarried upon dell of the roll by the follow. ~ ; ` irig void: Yesa, Burns, Razelip, Marton, Walleoe and Waahln~ton - 6. ~ i' • ~ ~~• On motion by Member btarEon, the Yinanoiel aliawanoe for ealnrlea, eto. -G r-"sr • ~,(,L~,,,4 ~ wad allowed, upon oall'of the roll by the following 'vote;~ Yaea, Burns, Razolip, " ' '' Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ~ ~: ~ I/~+ ~ ~ On motion by the above, a statement ohowing tho estimated revenue and t ~ • ! disbursements, was reoeived and f11ed upon dell of the roll by the following • ~' ; voter Yesa, Burns, hazelip, station, t'i811aoo and Washington - 6. • ~ ~ ! ~"` ~, On motion by the above, 8 "RESOLUTION sUTHORI2ING THE MdYOR 1+ND COM- MISSIONER OF PUBLIC FINt,I:CE TO EXECUTE NOTES IN DERi.LF OF THE CITY OF PdDUOAIi, ~ /so, o 00 ' " ItENTUCXY, TO THE EXTENT ~' ONE RUIO)RED TROU3aIiD ($100,000.00) DOLLARS", -the ~ r •; Tales wore audpendad in regard to sanding out oopiea three days before the prs• ~; aentation of Bane, oarried upoa dell oY the roll by the following votes Yeas, ~~ Borne, Hazolip, L(arton, {~sllaoo and ksshington - 6, • , • ~ On motion by the above. the above Resolution was gluon std passage ii • ~;, npon dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Razelip, tcarton, ~ • ~~ '+',.. E ~ ~' Walleoe and Washington - b. • ~', ~! O ti b R M i th t n n mo on y ayor a azel p, a bill amounti g to ~Eb,00 olalmed by '~'~' !~ Dr. Solon Gillen was ordered pals, upon onll oY the roll by the tollowing. .. I• ~, votes Yesa, Bernd, Razelip, carton, Wal]n oe and Weahingtori - b, I j • On motion by Member Marton, that Steve Etter be rofunded X28.87 Yor ovsr• '~ ~ p r,-~ , "~- ~i~ •- -/ ~`~^~ eeaeaement on personal property Yor the ysara 1912 end 1913 oarried upon Dell ^ j ~ of the roll by tho'foilowir-Et vote; Yeos, Bernd, Marton, R'sllaoa end Wnehing- j ton, 4. Nay; Mayor Razelip - 1. ~, •. ~ ~~Q ~ On motion by Member Washington, the payroll Yor the unemployed for last f •wesk, paid by dash order and oharged to oontingent Yund, amounting to ,gt28.66, ~'~`~• ~~ f ' was reoelved and filed, upon dell of the roll by the following rote: Yeas, l.~ y. Burns. Razelip, Etarton, Wellaae and lfaehingtori - 6. ~ , •(~ (/~i--~•e On motion by_the above, the payroll for the street department for tno ' ' '"_"' week ending Saturday, Meroh 13th, 1916, not oovered by ordinanoe, and paid by ~~~'. ~. L • aeah order, smounting to ~1b0.90, was reooivod and filed, upon dell of the j • ~, roll by the following vote: Yoae, Burns, Razelip, Marton, Walleoe and Waehirg - ~• ~ ton - b. ~~~ ~ O ti b it b !B t th t ~_ ~ • n mo on y om er ar on, a the reoommendatioa of Mr. Beehington ya`~~~ in regard to the appointment of Gue Gourieuz to euooeed the ]ate A. Franke, ~v ~- ~` ' i sewer inapaotor, aeme was reoe2rod and Piled and oonourred in, upon onll of th !! f roll by the tolloring vote: Yeas, Burns, Razelip, }carton, Walleoe and.ti~eahing- ~ ,° ton - b. • ~ " ~. (I - _ ..r I , r s ._ ;' y, , S.-..... __.. .c• .. ... .,. ~t424P.'v°°?,a"""'~~?A:'"tr,,"« r's'T;Y'a?.tic.`.,. ~-w ~irr• uk-z,..m. .a rmar. -nxi.a..:: ,...,., r,.-. r ?.-„~ r.,.-,,u:... .i .. -:, ~ -.~~;-n , ~ r-~~ . No. 3 ~-- Q ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Mesh 15th 191._5_- eontinued. ~J[~tin~G'/u-alfl On mat ion by fiember Washington, the oommiaeioner of Pnblio Aorke waa Gd 'authorized to.purohase eight oars more of rook to finish the roadway on L'eyere atreet~ in the Mill diatriot and the levee, oarried upon oell of the roll by the following i voter Yeas, Buras, Marton, Walleoe and Waehinfeton - 4. 3iayor not voting. ~ On motion by Member Walleoe a deed was granted to a lot in Oak Orove i .,,~~ ~~,~~~, Oemetery to J• S. Terry, upon oail of the roll by the following voter Yene Burns ~ • °~i s~ ~""~ ~ Hazolip, btar0on, Wnllaoo and Waahinapon - 6. r r '~ ,,, ~2 On motion by Mayor Hazallp, a oommuniaetion from Dr. H. P. binn, in y o~.e.~~rwf.okrr regar8 to sewer oonneotlona in.8ewer Diatriot ~`2, waa .referred to the Cfty 8olioitos ,oe,~~ with inetruotiona to bring in an ordinanoe if neoessary, upon pall of the roll by ~ /~ pp the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarten, Yielleoe and Y+aahington - 5. f ' ~,(ti/~4s/~i.(~ On motion by btember Washington, the matter of purohaeing the old lumbers ~ii//~~,c.~~-zDDu-~~~..r. of the Chatauqua.building at Walleoe Park to build a ward at Jaokeon Hill Sanitarium G''~~""''w~- was referred to the Commissioner of Publio Property for his reoommendati on, upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Yielleoe and i Washington - b.' ~.~ On motion by Mayor Hazelip, a oommunioetion from. C. b. Craig, in regard ~x~~ZG~~ ~/p to expeotorating on sidewalks was referred to the Commissioner of Safety, with power ire .w-,~csv to sot, upon oall of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas. Burns, Hazelip, Marton,. .~_.^„ :' Walleoe and Y+eahington - b. On motion the Board adjourned, upon oe11 oY the roll by the following •.~; vote: Yeas, Barns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe-and t;aehington - b. .• ,p,,1;00PTFi7D ~ ~.PBR VFD ^ P ~ . City Clerg R. - . k'i ~~ I 4 ," ~ ~~ _ „. ' Y P ~, ' i' ~', ' .. i. ~'{ . ~ t I + `! It. ~' f. !' ' ~ H: eti i `~