HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/15k ,~t ~. No ~,. , at a regular meeting of the Board of Cwmnioeionere, held in the ~ ~; Counoii Chamber, in tho City Hall, in Paducah, Kentucky, on M@roh 8th, 181b, upon i is Dell of the roll t}te following answered their na>nees Borne, Hazelip, Marton,. Wallace and Waehlnetoa - 6. ... ~' is On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were held up to be oor- W` ~, t rooted in regard to Milk Test Ordinance before adoption. ~y ~~ On motion by Member Borne. "AN ORDINdNCE xLtET1DING SECTION 80 OF 6N E ORDINANCE EUTITLED "AN ORDIN..NCE DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE OHIEF OF THE ;'. ~' FIRE DEPARTI.~NT :SID MAKING HILS EX-OFFICIO BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND MAKING THE CITY. ' ~~~ ELEC@RIC!-L INSPECTOR A33IST::itT BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND EST:~BLISHING RULES AND ~,! ~'' REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE ERECTION aIID CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, SENTUC3CY, AND E%TENDING THE FIRE LI1SIT OF THE CITY OF PADUCnfI, KF~NTUOKY, AIiD PROVIDIIiG PENALTIES FOR YIOLnTI0N9 OF esWY OF THE PROYISIOIi3 HEREOF", APPROVED " is was given its peaeage upon Dell of the roll by the BY TBE MAYOR AUGUST E8, 1911 ~, ~ ' following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, tderton, Lallaoe and iieahington - b, , ~ t Vf'~ ~ ~ ~ On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the Board of Commieaionere adopt a • I n~ ~ rule providing that no Ordint~noe will stand Bor passage until three days after ~^ I~. ~- / ~ ~; copies have been furnished by the city solicitor to each of the oommiseionere, j~ ~ carried upon Dell of the roll by the followring vote: Yeas, Borne, Hazelip, Ltar'toa L I~ Wellaoe and R'sahington - 6. •.: ~~ On motion by Member Horns, "Ati ORDINANOE DEOLARTNG THE USE OF OEI2TdIN ~~` c,/~,,,.~/ ~. SIDEFIALES OF THE CITY OF PADUCr;H FOR SKATING n3 PRIISA FuOIA EVIDENCE OF CREATING d,`,y`r I~,~/~ i` A NUI91,NCE" wee given its peerage upon Dail of the roll by the following votes ,~; Ysae, Horne, Hazelip, Ltertoa, wallaoe and Laahington . b. ~ On motion by the above, Lhat, wheseea,maay requests have bees made ~4 ' . ~~ ~ ~ either foe a now street running thru the lu>nbes district paralleling M111 and / ~, t!1 ' ~~i--,u.~ •~ . Clements streets, or for the opening of the gates across the railroad tracks, eats ~~lu,~Q ~i ~~ xea referred to the oota>aleoionera as a committee of the whole for investigation D ~~" ~q;~.ccs~f ~oes~~ ( and relief, upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Hurna, Hnsollp, • ~ Marton, wallaoe and Washington b• .. ~~. , Cn motion by tho above, that Robert E, I~uebeoh be granted police powerq ~• ~r~ Provided he furnish bond as euoh and not to be paid any salary as euoh by the v . a'~ct Pl+c~a Y: • City, oarrlod upoa Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Burns, Ytallaoe~ • and Washington 3, NAye, Hazelip and Merton . S, „ {~o-Gwbt4r ,; On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the 1loease of R. Ca11ea1 in Ateohaaioe. ~ y-~-~ ~ ~ j ~ burg be transferred to I. J. Englert at 13th and Harrleoa atroet, lost upon call / (~ ~ { of rho roll by the following votes Yeae, Hazollp and 17allaoa 2• Itaya: Hums,' " r Marton sad L"aahingtoa -3. ~1 On motion by Atayor Hazelip, that the Eagles Lodge be permitted to use ~irA-i,+-s- Tenth street irOm Broadway to Kentucky Avenuo and the North side of Kentucky Ave• '~ from Ninth to Eleventh street, under the supervision of rho Cammieelonor of j; Public works and Pask Commissioners. and that the usual license aonoeesioae, be ~ f • j. also granted, and that the proceeds be divided with the Horse of the Frieddlese, ; ;+ ~', carried upoa call of the roll by'the following vote: Ysae, Borne, Hazelip, Marton ~' ~ Walleoe and Washington - b. . _ • ~~ Oa motloa by Member ltartott, that the list of fire pings dating from ~, Oot. 6, 1886 to Deo. 11, 1914 be turned over to the Oommiaeioaers as a whole for , j investigation. carried upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Lallaoe and Laahington - b. • ', ~ , ,•u'; • +; ,.:~.... ..~., ,... ~.... h. .. ~ ...~,, ... .- ., ,,• . _..t.... ~..-u..:S.:w....._a.e....~+:5'.v.:..a.x:.,,i.:~..,,..__~..~a~._w...-....w-:..... «::s.,.3.u.....:~.uw,..-~:m..a~:,,~.F~..x~.:...-...~..._ . • .,. Commissioner's .Proceedings, City of Paducah ~reh Bth 1916 i .• k ~- ~s r z. _ . .~ ,. :h .~- ~ - , .; -... I~' / ; ~~~i~~l~-tiC.; On motion by the above, a petition from the unemployed Committee/turned over i To aommiasioner of i7orke with power to not, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the i. f - i following vote: Xeas s Burns, Hazelip, Aiarton and Wallaoe - 4. Yays: Washfngtaa - 1. ~~~ ~ ~ On motion by the above, a oommunioation #rom Steve Etter. in regard to per- ~~~~_,,,,,~,,,,,,¢ sonal tease, was referred to the City 3olioitor, isaeasor and Commissioner of Finanoe~ { upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Aiarton, Wallaoe i ' I `L o, > ;~ and Washington - 6. ~~p~~ // On motion by Aiomber Walleoe,e transfer of a lot in Oak Grove Cemetery was i `~'-'Tm'`'~~ a .granted from W. E. Greenhangh to Afr. Jaooba,wea granted, .upon oall of tho roll by I' ' the following'aote: Yeas. Hurna, Hazelip, Aiartoa, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. { ' ~Z~ t • On motion by Afayor Hazelip. the bill for servioes olaimed by Dr. Gillen - pp-- "~ ez-meat and milk inapeotor, was referred to the Commiea[oner of Finanoe, upon oall ¢c~(iC, r; of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Hazelip, Wallaoe and Washington - 3. 1~eys: .~{. Burns, Aiartoa - E. /~~ On motion by Member Piashiagtoa, the Commissioner of Publio riorks was given i ~,~,i *~' s power to purohase a oarload of sewer pip'ee - also a oar of paving brink, and 260 i ,~: loads of gravel, for nee in repairing streets, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the ___ following vot®: Yeas, Burns,' Hazelip, Alarton, 3;'elleae and Washington - 5. ' On motion by Aieyor Hazelip, the list of emplogees oa the street department k. ~~~~~ ~; for the week ending Baturday, Ataroh 6th, who are not covered by ordinanoe, paid by s .i;. oaeh.order, amounting to :137.70, was reoeived and filed and oonourred in, upon oell~~ ~~ of the Poll by the following vote: Yeas. Bnrna, Hazelip,.Lfarton, Wallaoe and 4; Y~aehington - b. ~ djlZ On motion by Afayor Hazelip. that the oammunioation from the City Solioitor ~ ~'- ~~ ~QGVr~s in regard to AIr. Carter's olaim of X4.00 for work done under the oontraot of Tobe { ,~ ~-•,~~~ i. Owens, name was ordered dednoted from the amount still owing by,~the City to Tobe p '~~ ~+~--~*~ Owens;•oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burae, Hasselip, ' 36arton, Wallaoe and Ciaehington - 6. ~- .~~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dail of Lha roll by the following votes ~.' Yeas, Burns; Hazelip, Afartoa, Wallaoe and Washington = 6. ' i -..(""~.'^. eat Clet~'` i. ,~ .' ~ w• „~ a. ., W_ J• t .... , i '~'~j • ~ .1 g. I 3 }gjG' H