HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/15u E ~ .~~.-• 'r ,J .~ , dt a regnlax meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners, held it the Conrail ~ Chamber in the City Hall, in the City oY Paduoah, By., Maroh 1st, 191b, npor Dail ~ oY the roll the following answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. On motion the minutes oY the previous meetings were adopted as read, upon 1 ~~ Dell oY the roll by tt~e following vote: Yeas, Bnrna, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoe and '~ . r i Washington - 5. ~ • ,; ~., On motion by Mayor Bazelip, that the oommunioation oY City Solioitor bs re- ~ i „('a ~` oeived and filed relative to suit agoinat Paduoah Traotion Co: and Paduoah Light ~ ~/ +i , ~~d,{•p ` ~, ;; & Power Co., on motion by Member Marton Lhat the above be amended -that the City ~ r 9 j; a 9olioitor be inetruoted to Yile suit against the Paduoah Light & Power Co. and Pad. ~:. Traotion Co. for taaee - oarrled u on Dell of the roll p by the-following vote: Yeas. ,. 4 ! I~ Barra. Marton and Washington - 3. Ltayor Hazelip and Wallaoe not voting. ~0~" On motion by the above, that the Tuberculin Teet Ordinance be emended so ea to .,,,~i''r ;; 0 ~' give those testing their cattle to so advertise the s+une, and that those furnishing : .. a~ rY` ' / dairy products Yrom unteoted cattle be not permitted Lo carry such advertisement, ~i same loaf upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip and Wallaoe-E.; , - ~' Noye: Surna, Marton and Washington - 3. ~ f On motion by Ltembor Burns, "dN ORDINtSI08 .ikILNDIIJC BEOTION 1•'IFTEEN (16) OF dN is ,S~y~ ~ / K, ORDYN~NCE ENTITLED "dN ORDIN~tCE GOVER:iIYG THE SeI.E, OF 1[ILK dI1D OTHER DIIRY PRODiiCT$,, ~ N ~'~' P~to t • AND £EGULdTIItG IIiE SdIiI^adRY CONDITION OF D~iIRIES bIJD MILT{ DEPOTS dND Tim COIDITION ~ ~: , i AND USE OF UTEi1SIL3, VEHYCLES, ETC., USED IN'HdNDLIIdG, MdINFeCTURING OR SALE OF • ' !'. MILK OR DIARY PRODUCTS IN THE CITY OF PADUCdH, KENTUCKY, dND REPEiwLIi7G CERTAIII ± ,; ` I ORDIItAiiCF.S OF a^HE CITY OF PADUCi~}i", APPROVED BY JAMS P. SL:ITH, ltnYOR, SEPTEI~ER i •. ~. {r• 1, 1911," was given its passage upon call oY the roll.by the following vote: Yeas, i u !• Burns, Marton and Washington - 3. Nuys: Hazelip and 7iallaoe - 2. ` On motion by Member Burns, that steps be taken to collect the bonds oY Taylor (~ p.,,.{.~~; and Johnston,, and that the oommunioation of City Solicitor be reoeived and filed, t ,. d~~f~ M ~ ~ carried upon call of the roll. by the.Yollowing vote: Yeas, Bums, Marton, Wallaoe . ' % r and Y, ashinrton - 4. L[gyor Hazelip not tinting. On motion by LtembeY Marton, the financial allowance for salaries, etc., amount- .IJ i ing to i~12,918.67, was allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, off" y;~` ' ~ ~pa,,la ,,,,,r+~ U ~j of Burns, Hazelip, A(arton, Wallaoe and R'eahington - b. j On motion by Etembar Washington, that the oommnnioation,in reaerd to Mayor p~.+''~ ~ Hazelip's salary being raised to ~3600.OO.per year, Yrom the City $olioitor was re- ~ 5 °r ~ oeived and Yilad and concurred ir, upon sell oY the roll. by the following vote: ~'11a") Yeae, Burns, ISarton and ti+aehington - 3. Nays t Hazelip and Wallace - 2. ~y ~ Or motion by Member Burns, the monthly report oY the Poliae,ead Fire Dept. ` i /~ '4`4~r ~ was reoeived and filed, upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, BuTne, . )Q,t~ V o~` Hazelip, Marton,.P+all&ae and Washington - 6. On motion by Liember Liarton, the bond of the. Berry-boat CITY OF CnIRO, (the Farmers and Lierbhanta Transportation Co. of St. Louie., Mo, having purchased Yrom ~ ~~ ~ lire. J. B. drntzen, Exeoutriz oY the estate oY J. B. Arntzen, deo'd, said bout and ' Yr@nohiae) with Farmers and T<ieroharrte Transportation Co. by Wm. Rupreaht, Pres. and ! i Edward 0. Rupreoht, as surety thereon, ,ointly and severally -same was accepted and; certified check, amounting to :~b00.00, ens ordered released upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing.vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoe add Trashington - 6. ~ • ~ i; On motion .by the above, the report oY oolleotiona end diebureeme~e was ~ ~. ~i r' ~ ~ .~ ~- ~" ,._ ,w ,:., @egg . i ``°v ,. u; of ~ i _ ,.: , 8 i t { 1 { , t ,.• <,, ~. .. I. i =~ ~ i ,.,- ~ ~ .a...~ • . «. ., x Y i F ' rsooived and riled and ordered printed npoa call of the roll by the following votai ~ , Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, lSa;ton, Walleoe and~Weahington ~ 6. J • ~ On motion by the above. that_the Mayor and Oommieeionsr,oi Finsnos b4 in•, .~' !~_ '~'r~atrnoted to borrow from the City Depository the anm of ~14,?b8.00, oarried upon cell i ~ • A _~~n(/ of. the roll by the following voto: Yeas Bums, Hazelip, Ltarton Nallaoo and F~,~_ I 4 N~ . Washington - 6. On motlon by tho above, that Geo. H. Goodman bs refunded ~167.b0 over- `.. '; ;'. ,r! pp// asaesament on poraonal taws for the year 1914, oarried npoa call of the roll by the e '' R~ following vote: Yeea, Hurna, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. i . k !' On motion by the above, that Ed Penton be refunded ~"227.b3, Yor over- ~ . aeaoasment on personal property for ttu years 1910 and 1914 inolueive, oarried upon ~d ~o''~' .; sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Marton, Wellaoe and Waahiagton.~ ~7,L..r'" ,: 4. Nay: itileyor Hazelip. 1. ~ . D is Oa motion by the above, a oommunioatlon from. the Oity Solicitor in regard to salary of the clerk for the juvenile court and expenses incident to probation officer ~ ~~(/ (~i~" ; appointed by the County Jndge. stating that the City is liable therefor. awno was ! ~' t • ~ allowed upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, ~ Walleoe and Washington - b. ~ • i. ~~~ i On motlon by the above. a oommuniaation from the Central habor Union, in ~. regard to the unemployed, wen reoelved and filed upon cell of the roll by the follow- j ing vote: Yeas. Burns,. Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ~ t{ ' On motion by the above. that the City Solicitor be instructed to bring 1n i. a-_,,v.I~~ ~.an amendment to the Bunotion Ordinance, so that whmi amended Seotioa 8 of Sub- ~'`~ section b will read one clerk. whose salary will be X800.00 a year, instead of two ) ~ '~, clerks at $1140.00 a year, oarried upon Deli of the roll by the following voter + ~; i ~ • ' Yoas, Burns, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - 4. Mayor Hazelip not voting. ! I On motion by Ltember Burns "AN ORDINANCE A}.1EDIDING AD1 ORDINADtOE ENTITLED "AN ;. ; ~~~ ~ ;,-ORDINANCE FI]CIliG THE SALARY OF CITY CL~iK OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KIIiTUCKY," APPROVED. r , BY THE MAYOR JUNE 6, 1903" wen given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Walleoe and Washington - 6. Oti motion Dy Member Washington "AN ORDINANOE GRANTING TO THE ILLINOIS OENTRAL ~ R',~0:. RAILROAD COMPANY THL RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A SPUR TRACE CONNECTED WITH ITS RAILROAD /~~ ~ TRACK NOt E7CI3TING ON NINTH STREET, IN THE CITY OB PADUCAH, KII~iTUCKY, AND EBTENDINa il GJ P'RCES A POINT ON NINTIi STREET BETfiEEN BOYD AND FINLEY STREETS TO A POINT OPPOSITE TH8 • ,B! ~ WEST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY HEREAFTER TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE COMPANY , . i f. IN ACCORDANCE WITH BLUE PRINT HERETO ATTACHED "wen given its passage upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Walleoe and Washington,;. ` ib } , ~~~ ~/rte' on motion by Mayor Hazelip. the report from the Commissioner of Public Works , Da~_ ~~ in regard to lnsta111ng new machinery at the City Light Plant,. was reoelved and :` ~Y""r rfiled and concurred in, to be ooaaiderod 1n the apportionment ordiaanoe, upon oadl. • of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Walleoe and ` • Washington - b. ! , i . Oa motion by Member Washington, that the queatioa for hydrant rental for ~~ P,~ f ;the year 191b bs referred to the Commiseionere ea a whole. end the superintendent ~ ~:," i -of the Paducah Water Co., oarried npoa call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ..j 4 Bnrne,'Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. i ` On motion Dy the above, that the Commissioner o! Finance be inatruoted to ~ ~ '•`' lnrnieh the oommiaelonere a atatament showing the date of the installation of all P :~ '. _ .~~ , t Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padaesh ~~ 1st 191 a . I,+++~ .~ "".~^^^^~.~u~la °us.~ ~crz ~,w : ,rau~wJ wd~m -.r++nls..:.®®~ ~ _ .-~ i arm~3~~~, r w{ ~ t ' ~~ , 1 ~ _ ;.., .. ° ~ - ..., .. ~•' ~ .,.._ _ ~ ~..~ _ .... ..~.., ..w No. 2- g ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Merah let 191 b f , hydrants beginning with the year 1884, carried upon call of the roll by the Yollowing; •^ vote: Yeas, Horne, }taaelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington b. ' On motion by Member Wallaoe, that the recommendation of the Oommiaeioner ~ ~'` .~ Q~~,,,y of Public Works to have a coal bin erected at the City Light Plant, same was received'; ~ar~ ? ~ -~,,..~. and filed and concurred ia, a.nd that hs be authorized to have said bin built, carried ~"~I[~-_ upon Dell of the roil by dhe following voter Ysae, Horne, Haselip, ltartoa, Wallaoe j ~ ` end Washington - 6. , ,r Oa motion by Member Wallaoe, the report of the Commiseionea of Public ~i `~i,(i.^'~ works, in regard to employing labor in alesaing streets, was received and filed and d ~~ ~ ~ concurred in upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burma. Haselip, ~ ~, ~i~'J "~ ~(+w"'%' ° ~. Marton, Wallaoe and Cleahington - b. Oa motion by Member Washington. the payroll for the street department for ?~ ~`~ !~ the week ending February 27, 1915, not covered by ordinance, and paid by cash order. ~~., ~~,~ ` amounting to $148.8b, was received and filed upon Deli of the roll by the Yollowing ;` vote: Yeas; Burma. Haselip, Merton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~ On motion by Member Wallaoe. the Commissioner of Public Ylorks was authorized ~,~~ °`~ y~~~ to order three to six carloads o.f crushed atone, upon call of the roll by the following l,,c~ 5 y ~rw. vote: Yeas, Borne, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b. w:r ~, On motion by the above, the report of eztre help at Oak Orove Cemetery, ~. p~,~„+/ and the awarding of oontraot for additional toilets and basins in the City Hall to Ed ~~. ' "', D. Hannan for e^92.00 -the lowest and beat .bid - and a oontraot awarded the Paducah ~ ~'~~ f,, 8rinting Oo. for filing Daces, at X224.00, same was roosived ana flied ana oonaurrea 1A ' ~' a '` ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip. Martoa, Walleoto ~; F_ ~. ~¢~ and Washington - 6. + On motion by Member Marton, that the office hours of the different em- ~' ~,~'°~ ployees at the Oity Hall be from 8:30 A. M. to 12:00 M. and 1s00 P. ~. to b:00 P. M. ~~' • ~~ 1'' ^ ~~''~E~ carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns, Haselip, Barton, ' Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~' " ~ ~. On motion by Member Burma. the City Solicitor wee iaatracted to bring in. ~~v"'"~ an ardinanoe regulating Weights sad lteasurea at the neat meeting of the Board of ° ~ ~' Commiseionere for diapoeition, carried upon call cf the roll by the Yollowing vote: 7' Yeae, Borne, Haselip, Marton,. Wallaoe and Washington - 6. ~ ~; ~~s:. On motion by Member Washington,. the Oity Solicitor was inatreoted to £1 5~/'r' r lavestigate.the opening of Husband street from fourth to sizth street, and, if ~.~ iY° . ,~`""~~neoeaea to enter condemnation roooedi ~I.w 6„~ rye p nga to procure this right-af way, serried r? f~"~ o i.. ~~ ~ upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Borne; Haselip, Marton. Wallaoe sad. ~^ • Washington,- b. g On motion the Hosrd adjourned upon Dell of the roll by the following votee~. ~ Ysae, Hnrna, Haselip, Merton, Wallaoe, end Washington - b. ~' • ~ K r v2ty ill lYi • ai • !s . i ~~ ' I ~ .. i • .. ~ ,S ' .. d