HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/15Commissioner's Proceoding~, City of P .x. • • At an adjourned meeting o! the Board o! Commioaionsrs, held in the i ,, • ~ Oounoil OhamDer, in the City Hall. Oity o! Paducah, Ky. February 88, upon Deli at I . ~ the roll the lollowing answered their names: Horne. Hozslip, Marton, Raileoe and j' Nashington - 6. • On motion the minntea o! Liu previous meetings were sdopLed ss road , ;; • !! upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burns. Hazelip, Marton, Nallaoe h and Nashington • 6. ~; On motion by Bsmbsr Surne "AN ORDINANCE PROYIDINO FOR THE MANNER IN • . ! ,,,,~~.~/~ ~~ WHICH OB9H ORDERS At6Y BE LtADE BY YARIOU9 COMIdI98I0DiER9 OF TH& CITY OF PADUCAH, ~G~'~"[Jz" r ~ KENTUOKY" was given its.peaeage upon Dail o! Lhs roll by the lollowing votes. Yeas • ~~i • ~ ~~ 8nsne, $aselip, Marton, Nelleoe and Nashington - b„ ,i On motion by the above "AN ORDINANCE 6M@IDINO SUBSECTION ONE 08 SEOTION, off' 1 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE .6?8OINTMENT OR RETEJTION ~.~ '~ BY THE BOARD OF COBBISSIONERS OF CERTAIN OITY OFFICERS, 64ENT8 AND EMPLOYEES OF'THZ • ~~ F~ i. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOSY, AND FACING THEIR SALARIES, POYIERS AND DUTIES", ADOPTED ~.~~~~" ~. BY THE HOARD OH COIBSISSIONERS JANUARY 4, 1916, AND RECORDED IN THE ORDINANCE HOOK i OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ON JANUARY 4, 19~b" wee gluon 1te passage on call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bursa, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington 6. I; ~ On motion by Lhe above "AN (1RDINANCE PRESCRIBING P09iTI0US OF EBPLOYMBI~' ~~..dl'~ IN THE POLIOE AtiD FIRE AEPARTbSENTS OF T1iE CITY OF PADUCAH AND PRESORIBINO THEIR ~11^""~ o../ .I DUTIES AND THE 1'~THOD OF PROBOTION AND REDUCTION" was glTOn its passage oa Dail o! , d~'~/ - the soil by the following vote:. Yeas, Horne, Marton and Naehington - S, Nuys, ' ~; Hasalip and Nallaoe B.' P. • On motion by the above, the osdlneaoe for tuberculin teat to dairy herda~ o!/( oto., wee sent book to bs re-draped by the Oity Boiloitor upon Dail oY the roll by ' ~~K~w~~i the lollowing voter Yeas, eurne, 8asallp, Jdarton, Wailspe and Washington 6• ' i .. On motion by D~ember Barton, rho Peoples Tobaooo Warehouse Oompany was ~}~~~'.' ~ ~'! ezempted from mnnlolpal taxation Tor five years upon Dail of the roll by the tollosing P • ~ ~ i vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallace and Washington • b. ~~~ ate"" On motion by Mayor Hazsiip, that the ooam~unloatlon from the Woman's ~~ip~Olub be received and filed and ooneidored in the annual apportionment ordinance °" rt~• oarried upon sail o! the roll Dy the followwing vote: Yeoe, 8urna, Reaeiip, Marton ~~~ Wallace an4 Nashington . b. • ' On motion Dy Bembss Barton, a oommunloation from the Oarpentsr's Local @~"'"r Union #bb9, bs relorred to the Oommlealoner o! Works with power to sot oarried upoq • •~°~ call o! the roll by ttu following vote: Yeea, 8urna, Hazollp, 1larton, Wallace and Nashington b. On motion by the above. that the Qommieeionera investigate the coal j b,~w~ j tipple track in Beohaniaeburg. in regard to Daving the I. 0. Railroad company grant mac.- ; Lhs Oily o! Yaduaah the priviloea of oonatruoting a walk alongside o! their track i for the benefit oY the men employed et the different mills - 1i permission is .. granted this walk will be oonetruoted Isom Ysieer avenue LO Meysra Street •oarried ~I, upon Dell 0! tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Horne. Hazelip. Marton, WailBOe ~r and Washington ti. On motion by Msmbsr Nashington, a oommunioation from the Paduoab Wales 0~'~- ~M Oo. was reiarred to the City Solicitor, is regard to the rental list of firs plugs, ' Pp.d'' '~ oarried upon oaii o! the roll by the lollowing vote: Yeas, 8urna, Hazelip, Barton, Nalleoe and Rashington b. On motion by Bomber Wuileoe, that the rsgneet o! citizens fora light ~' ~; at Teeth and Elizabeth streets. Ds granted, same oaTrled upon Dell of the roll by r *,t t ^ °' - - } i 5 ~ , l ., -•-.iR~~.... ~ .. A # . w~... ~ r .+Y~ws+irt N~+^• ~ ~. • ' '• w:, . i ~_T ~-:--,-~~gzpar, a2PAaaIP~i~"-rsm-'i~r-"-~-„.'-n:~.r,. ~-mrr~T~ ~- ~~, -~ °.,~d.° ,w„„, ;,~ ., a •. . ~ ~ No. ~ .. „• ~ ,.•, . ,: .: .` . ~ . ~L • • ti_. .. . , ... "~. \i01121711$S1UII61''$ PrOC@8CI11tgS, City Of PBCIuCah Febraerg 23 ?91 b oontinned• f , s .. 1 I ~~ i the following vote a Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, ldarton, Walleoe sad &aehington - b. k , ) Q.~' ~ ~~~ Oa motto:: by Member Marton, a request Yor a street light at Third and Adana i streets sa I ~, , 'j.J~ ~ , me wea.held np ane Mr• Marton was inetruoted to bring in a petition for j • ~ same - upon Dell oY the roll by the following votes Yeaas Burns, Hazelip, Wallaoe~ !! and Washington - 4. Dfayes Marton - 1. ,~ pD ~•~' U~'-~ i~ T`q On motion by Member Burns, that the Commissioners oonaider the lnatallatioa of ~~ ~ ~ f new maohinery for the City Light Plant auYYiaient to light and take pare of • ~ I 'Ti"''r additional street lights now required, sadthat the Oowaiaeioner of Works be requested ~ to get date and report ea soon ae possible, oarried upon Deli of the roll by the ~ I~ n following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazellp, Marton, Walleoe and;Faehington - b. ~ Oa motion by Member Walleoe, tk.e request of E, T. Weatherford-for transfer o!! ~~ e lot in Oak Grove Cemetery, also a petition from T. D. Harris and W. H. Harris' n • ~ ~~ ; ll heirs for transfer of a lot Sn,Oak Grove Cemetery, was referred to the City 8olioitor . to look i t •~ , d r n o the legality oY the petition, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the t ~ i;. . ~,+i following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Yleahington - b. j I %~//, O On motion by the above, that the oontraot for printing 200 Finanoiel Reports ~ad,• ~,/;o'~~ R be awarded to the Paduoah Printing Co. - the lowest and beat bidder - amount ~19.7b, oar i d j o~' ~~ ~, r e upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Bursa, Hazelip, Marton, ~ ~ q '~ ~i Walleoe and Yleshington - b. ' I li On motion .by Mayor Hazelip,. that the Board oY Commieeionere seriously Don- ~ ~ n ~~ eider an appropriation for a "real" white way, and the eatabliehment of the same, ~ and that the Retail Merohanta b t " j I e reques ed to remove the toy" lights and "oarni~ei ~ effeote" from the City streets, oarried upon oall oY the roll by the following ~ • vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ~~z Oa motion Dy Member Washington, that the Coatraot dor re-wiring the Bonrth i '~ ~~i street bridge be awarded to Dalbey & Company at g73.b0; he being the lowest end beet bidder, oarried upon Dail oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas Bnrna H , azelip, w P • Marton, Walleoe, and Washington - b.. ~ n ~,~,` ~ "~ On motion by the above, that the request Yob eaeiatanoe from the Feat gentuoky ~ '!..•d _I industrial Sohool be reoeired and filed and the Commissioners oonaider the matter ~ I ~ " ~~~.e'~• :~ ~; in maki ng up the 1916 Apportionment, oarried upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Feahington - 5. • ~ On motion b Member Burns, Y that the matter of purohaeing maohinery for the j ~~~y ~~•+~' "" ~ 01ty Light Plant auffioient to talcs oaro oS the extra atroot lights now roquirad, ~~ ~ ! and ulao sufiioient to opersto a mouorn White Way for the City bo aoneidered by the ~ Commissioners ea a Committee of the whole, and that the Commissioner of 4iorka be i inatruoted to get prioea and data, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, 1Sartoa, Walleoe and Washington - b. 71~~,~~~ On motion by Member Washington, that the gates to the liaueoleum be referred td ~•~ ~ Oommieaioner Walleoe, with power to sot, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the Follow: ~o ? ing vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington - 6. ': On motion by Member Marton, that the Commiaeioner of Pnblio Works be inatruotsd ;` ~;~j~ to write to the different Boundrya or Conetruotion Oompanieein regard to the oost of'~ 1Q j, / ~ { inetalling~a Greet While Way Yor Paducah -White Way to start at Birgit sad Broadway I street and extend o t t E ! u o leventh and Broadway, and oa .the following Dross streets, from Fi;st Street to•81zth street, gentnoky Ave. and Jeiferea~n Street - oarried upon', Dail of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Hums, Hazelip, Merton,, Walleoe and i i' Washington b. j "" '"'1 ~~ • a ,, ;, , .. f. ' ` r r ., 'l,' ;rte Y'M,h} ~' .. 4 f '• .. • C. i f f". y E 1 ..._ry_v-.. .. . ,. -. ,.. .a..::af::,a:..L..»~!:e.:c.c.._:..i ..-...-...~.,",.....:. ~_.:.::a_..x.r....-.W.r~F.,.:..,•s...~..::.~-ss_-~;,t;.::~';~, .,...:mow .. ~ - _ f1 • Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah Febrnars ~$ !g~ 6 0ontinued. ' • I' On motioa by liember Neehington~ the prey-roll fos the week ending Feb. ' ';~' ~ FAtb fos the street Department, amounting to ~ib7.66~ was reoeived and filed upon -', ~, '~' ~ P~+ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ Burney xeaelip~ Marten, walleoe and . ~ Neahington - b. . 'r•--°•~ ~~ t On motion by Member Burns, the transfer of salooa lioenae fran R: . , S~p Oelieei t0 I. J. Englert was reoeived and flied for further oaneideration by the ~'~~ ~ oommleeionere, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ Burna, ' ~r`' ~/-,~,.i I '' Reaalip, JSerton. Ttelleoe and naehington - b. ' ~~~~,~„~r ls~^~ ~ 9 . On motion the Board ed~onrned upon Deli of the roll by the following ~ a . ~,, .vote: Yoae. Burns. Basellp~ Ltarton~ C'elleoe sad Washington - 6. .. ~ ' ` ~ ~ . • I ~~,,~,,~, r ~ , '`, . ! • - ~ ~ ; ~~ 4'lty Marx, ' ' ' . ~~ ji k • " r . '. ., ,f .. . .. ~ Iii , ~i ' 1 , ' .. • ~ .. M 1 . 1 • R ~ ' ~ . ?. ' ., ~ •, t ~ i .. , a • ` 1 G i; .. .. i• .. r . r ~, t 1' ~ ~ \• - " , . .. _ 1 J • ~ it r '. ~ .s n r ~ : s " i >' • ~ . C ~, 1 ~ .. 6 s ' {i ~ ,.. _ A . ~~ r~ f r . ..~, ..-.... :-3..--.. ., _. ~ . ,.t 2 ,_ N _~