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02/15/15 & 02/16/15
y/°~'uM ...~ .n~n~or.y i• _.s,~:u_n un=~m~ '..,:..~~.,w..- ..,,,....~.:„,,, t,r~M I»,..m,~w. ~ss_.1x.-_~cJ1 ~~_su:ul~u4~~_J~_.t~E.e_._::~~__ ~v. l:-~:~.L~~.:l.. ~. ~. .~.vAr .' cr. ,.. ' ~. i . .. ~ - ... .; .. l1tu.. a? o • f ~, ~.. 1 ._. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah RAbrnero ~ bah 191 t ~I AL a regular meeting .of the Board. of Commissioners, held in the Connoii Chamber ~~ ~ ~ ~ . in the Oity Hall, Paduoah, Bentuoky, on B'ebrnary lbth, 191b,. upon oall oP the roll the ~ ~' ~. following answered their names Harelip, Burma, Marton, Wallaoe sad Washington - b. • ~ ~ On motion the minutes oY the previous meetings were adopted ae read upon Dail .! 0 oY the roll by .the following votes Yeae, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe end W9ah- !. ~ ~ ~~' ington - 6. j /j.. Oa motion by Mayor BaseYip, a Ree.olntiotY irom.the Ministerial oeeooiatioa in ~ Rca-~ ~ae"~'~~ regard to Sunday oloeing was reoeivsd and.Yiled, upon osll oY the roll by the Yoliow-.i ~.: ~G/- i k.rr'~""~' ~ ing vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton. Wallaoe and Washington - B. tf p On motion by the above, that the Commiesionar oY Pablia BaYsLy bs inetrnotsd ~.~ j ~~~ „~.u~ j( to enforoe the 8uneay•olosiag law to the,'letter, oarried npoa Deli a! the roil by ~ i; the following vote: Yeas, 8urne, Haselip,, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Marton, Lhe Commissioner of Pnblio Works was inatrnoted to, l ~~~, ry a~ °" %- '' employ at least fifty men in hie department to Olean ell streets sad alleys, ana ~ ' 1 ~~ " i Q~~ remove Yrom all grass plots ail unsightly trees, eto., these men to be employed Yor ~ (/ r {E II two .days, then fifty more men. to be given employment for two days - this Lo be ~on- i` ~ ~' timed until the City is oleangd oY ell rubbish ana Girt -these men to be paid the f • .usual amount ae is now paid is the Street Department, and ohargsd to the Ooatingeat Farad, oarried~upon'oell oY the roll by the Yo]:lowing vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip, I~ Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - ¢. ~ (; On motion by 1[ember Berne, the Commissioner of Pnblio Works wen iaatrnoted to i ,~_~ !'• ~' hire euoh teams from men in the oity owning teams not employed ea shall be neoeseary to feoilitate the,.oleaning.np of the City by naiag men who ars'now unemployed, oarrisA ~~, . I~ upon Dail of the .roil by the following rots: Ysea, Berne, Hesslip, Marton, Wallaoe ; I ~' and Washington - 6. ~ ~' ~,yw~ - ~• Oa motion by Membe7rJdarton, the Commieaioner.oi Yublio Works bs inetrn,ted to t ,f _,,•~ .3'• advertise Yor biQa Yor ooaetruotion oY Sewer Dietriot ,~3, eoionat to bs,oonetruoted k • ~ not to azoeed X76,000.00, and Pednoah labor to be .gloss the preferettoe is the Don- etruotioa oY same, same to be Stated when advertising Yor bids, thia.Lo be dons as i soon ee praotioable, Commissioners reserve the right to re~eot any and all bids, f I. ':~ oarried upon oBll oY the roll by the iollowing.vote: Yeas, Barge, Hesslip, Marton, II Wallaoe and Washington - b. I ~,~3 On motion 'by Member Burns, that by way oY amendment in taking bide for the f P ~ eeotiou oY the Third Dietriot Sewer that bide Yor the whole Crank line oY the sewer be taken in oon~nnotion with bide,and addition to, on the first seotioa thereof, so that the whole sewer may be bn41t immediately in the event a bond !sane is eub:oittee ':' and oarried, Peanoah labor to be need is the said oonetruotioa thereof, .oarrisa npoa j . Dail oY the roll by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallaoe sad • Washington - b. j @i~^"" ; On motion by Member Wallaoe. the report'oY the Commissioner oY Ynb13o Works P ~~,d/ wen reoeivsd and filed end oonanrred in. and the City Solicitor wen iaatruoted to, take proper steps to carry out enggeetioa, oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the ~; following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Mart an, Wallaoe end Washington - 6. i ~ On motion by Member Washington, that eotion oa paling the driveway at Rivereia~ Hospital be Referred until after our apportionment ordiaanoe !e made, oarried npoa ~ j{ Dail of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Hnr>ns, Harelip, l[artoa, Wallaoe sad if Washi ton - 6. € :~~:1~ ,,, ~,y-•t/ On motion by Member Wallaoe, a tranaYar oY a lot is Oaf Grove Cemetery Yrom ~' y ; Carrie Ounningham to Oe111e McDonald be grantee, oarried upon Dail of the roll by ths~ ~y !~ following votes Yeas,. Burns, Hesslip, Marton, Wallaoe eaa Washington - 6. r . _ ~-,. • i '~ 1, ~ i • I 'd+.W#;-. -:;v y,y .,.4tl t.:j,.~'' .': •:.:»p ..1•, dc.,.,;.; ;~~~ ,,--•.'.'.:r ~ s.. ~~y~" ...e... ., .r r~ ~... r,. c.,,. :.av.,,, ws.:,.. .. « . .. ~ re:... _.sw~r"S"iim'rr~sr"nt~r~~immimrnsm . A ~~ 1 •~ ~ ~ ~ . I F~:~, . \ I 1 v..: 1 .. .__ Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City ofPadncah F•bsnarY }bth .191 s oonLiaued that On mDtioa by Mayor Haseiip,/the Boarq o! Gomoisslones~ oones~l~r the I building o! newer without the ezeeution o! oontrsot and that Padgosh material be . ~' '' L~ used as tae as poasibie as well ea Padneah labor, oarsied upon Dell o! the roll by the ', . ; ~3 i following vote: Yeae, Bnras, Hssellp, Merton, Wallaos and Washington - 6. '~ i Oa motion by Member Marton, the semi-monthly'payrbll. smonniing to ,,,~b~ i. 38E17.88, wss allowed upon Dell o! the roll by the following votes Yeae, Berne, ©~ 1 / ~. Hasslip, llartoa. Wallace and Washington - b. u Oa motion by Member Washington, that the petition to remove the gym- , O°~ ,.naeinm apparatus from Holb park bs referred to the Oivio Aepartment o! Woman's Olub ~ ' . /, pY'~ ' and the Park Commieeionsre, oarrisd npoa Dell o! the roll by the following voter Berne, Heaellp, Mertes, Wallsoe and Washington - b. Oa motion by the above, the payroll !or the Street Dopartment !or the • ~ ~, week ending Februeryl3th, 181b, amounting to $131.96, paid by oeah order, same wss _ - r ,~PfI ~, seseived sad l11sd upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hasslip. S~I''~ $ Marton, Wa116oe and Washington - 6. Oa motion by Member Mertes, a petition liomB. J. Pa:toa, is regard to ~ . , /~~,~r~ over assessment, was referred to the Oommiseioner o! Finanos, Oity 8olioitor am ' ((~ v :Aeaasaors. carried npoa os12 of the. roll by the following vote: Yeas, Berne. ' To ,/ ;Hasslip, • -,----. Wallace and Waehingtoa - 4. Hay: Atartoa~ 1. . • v ~ motion by Member Waehiagtoa, as invitation from the Home o! the ~~ Brieadiees !or the Commissioners sad 1[syor to attend an iaepeotion o! the Home o! ~,4 ~ the Friendless on February 16th. 191b, same wen reoeived and Yiled, npoa Deli o! the I , roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hume, Hasslip, Marton, Walleee sad lashington -b. y. . On motion the Board ad~ouraed npoa Dell of the roll by the following ~vots:Yea:Bnrne, Hasslip, Marton, Walleos and Washington - b. ;' h.Ti70F"3:s~'1~ .tier '"V`I.+'I3 ~`- . ~~~~ vtcy v,.c.... t '~ ~! . ~, ,, ~~ , G. Fsbraary 16th, 191b. { ~' At a naffed meeting o! the Hoard o! Oommieeloners o! the Oity of •, 1. ;Paducah, in the Oounoii Ohsmber, in the Oity Hall o! the Oity o! Paducah, Ky. on !February 16th. x,916, upon Deli o! the roil the toilowing answered their names: Ba:rus, ~ , ~; 'Hasslip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. , ,a Oa motion Dy Member Walleoe " A RESOLUTION FOEt THE WTTIHG OF AN ~~ • f. pENIDiG IN THE.HEDGB HOW IH THE ALLEY-WAY BETWBB6 OAK GROVE OEMBTERY AHD THB PAOPffit'II ~~S .: i ~ ,OF TBB WBBT KBNNQKY.3tAU80LEU1L OOMPANY "wen given its passage, npoa Deli of. the roll y ~ LD,. ~ by the following vote: Yeae. Busne, Hasollp, Marton, Walleoe and ~7aehingtoa - 6. 4 . On motion the Hoard adjourned npoa Dell o! the roll by the following ', ,vote: Yeae, Burns, Hasslip, Marton. Wallace and Washington -b. .~ . ;. ,_ ~~ ,, .: _~ ~~ .. ,~.~ . .; ., c {j