HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/15 Called ,~ , ;~ ,, - !i Na!y ,: Commissioner's Proceedin s Ci of Paducah F.bxroarl laR 191.E ~t a oailea meeting o! the Hoare o! oommiesionr., heft is the Oonnoil W:egber, In the Oity Hall, in the Oity of Ysanssh, 8satnoky, oa FdDrnary 16, 1816, • npoa oali of the rail the loiiowing answered their namesi Bass, Heaelip, Marton, ~;, . Nallaos and Naehington - 6. • . ,~~.)6~!~`w On motion by 1[ember Neshingtaa, that the meeting of the Oooaoissioners st j ~•• i, Len o'oiook todgy, Febraary 16. 1116, !or the pnrpoee of hearing the proposition of • ~ the, Nest Eentnolgr Mansolenm Qo., sad set ions o'olook P. M. February 16, 181b to ~; bees said ssmsrb, oasried upon oali of the roll by the toiiowing votes Yeas, ensne .. „ ~, Hasslip, 14urtoa, Nallaoe end Naehington 6 • ~~I: On motion by Hembsr Nallaee, that the Leaks Printing Oo., being the lowest ~''~ (inn i, and best bidder ea per apeelfioatlons oa printing o! Oonetruotioa Bonne, eto. were `~ ~~.awasdea the oantsaot, at a prlw of ~34.?b, oarsied npoa Dell of the roll Dy the foll• ~, owing voter Yess, Snrne, Haeeiip, Marton, Nalisoe and Nashiagton - 6. . ~ ~~~, ,~/'" _ Oa motion by the above, that 0. landy Smith be employed ae superintendent u ~~~,.v y~a~ ! over the ropaising of the Market Hones at S$ of ooet, oarried peon Dail o! the roll Dy the following rotes Yeae, Burna, Heaelip, Marton. Nallaos and Naehington - 6. Oa motion by liembsr Horne, that the oommunioation of Mr. Jamisaoa be „ , ~" •~ seosivsd and tiled, and that on eooonaL of Shesrill-Ruseoll'a Failure to beours the. m~ iumbsr oontraot, and for the reason that Mr.. Jamieson aria hie firm reosivea no ooneia. f; station for the work dons, that ltr. Jamieeaa bs tendered a rote of ttianlce and obspk toe X10.86 oovesing amonat•hsretofors aliowed him !or enperviaing the work, oarrisa upon osil of the roli by the following vote: Ysae, sores, Hasslip, Marton, Nal3aoe ~ , and Naehington b. ;o?a ii .,,rL/ Oa motion by Member Naehington, the Oommiseioner of Publio Norks was em- '` p/" powered to pnrohaes two hundrod loans of gsanl at the Deet prioes he Dan, and later )'~ f. _// aavsrtiae for bias ior.what gravel that will be needed during the year 1816, oarrlea ~~}y"`. Y` upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Ysea, Bnrns,.Haselip, Marton,.Walleoe sad Nashington - 8. , Oa motion by Member Burns. the Oommieeionsr of Pablio $atety was ampowerea P~~~'Jto pnrohaea tarpanlias and oertain other equipment in order that 8aduoah may bs plsoed >" ~. * ~ ~ ~ in s more favorable Dines with reepeot to insuranoe rates oasried upon oa11 of the r roll Dy the ioilowing vote: Ysae, Base. Heaelip, Marton, Naliaoo and WsahingEon - 6. On motion the Hoard ad~onraea, npoa Dell of the roll by the following i vote: Ysae, Horns, Heaelip, Marton. Nalieoe and NashingEon - 6. .. ~ .J~'7 I '' f' i >., ~ ~. ~ L t; ~' , ~`` • I: r r . ~.. ,. S -~, :~ ~, ::w! '~ " ~'^ • ` ~, r'~. ,. • . , .. .. : ;y