HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/15 & 02/06/15+~r ~~ , I I
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Of Paducah F'PUruarv 3 ~ G 19J.~,
dt a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oouaoil Chamber
in the City hall, in the City of Paduoah, Xy.+ February. 3, 1916, upon pall of the roll
the following answered their names: Burns, Eiarton, aallaae and ~inahington - 4.
i On motion by E;ember Ci&11&oe that the printing of improvement bonds be granted'
n /~ ~~ to the lowest and beet bidder, eooording to apeoifiaations, was awarded to Hillin~s
db ~~ 6 Printin , Co. , ®10.60 ~
~`'-_ i; !r per set, same aarried upon cell of the roll by the following
~~ voto: Yeas, Burns, Liarton, YJnlleoe and Yiashinp-ton - 4.
~,~ ~' On motion b Btember Etarton that all bide received b the e
r y , y purahasin , commute
~vrra.-+++^` ii be turned over to the City Clerk, onrried upon call of the roll by the following
I -
hots: Yeas, Burne,.Eiarton, R'allaae and Fsahington -45 ~
f~' ~ On motion by Biember Burns, that"in the matter of the license of Ernest Yarbro`
(~ ,~,,C,and the conviction in the polies court of said Yarbro.for selling liquor on Sunday; the
lioonse of said Ernost Ynrbro to sell spirituous, vinous or mnlt liquors'for the
~! first half of 1916 be suspended fora period of ten i10) days, beginning at noon on ~
today, February 3, 1916, and anding at noon on February lo, 1916 - und, 15nrther, that
' ! ''he be warned that if he dioletos any of the lours of the City of Paduoah or Stnte of .i
Nr Kentucky rolating to the snle of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or tho maintennnoe,
I" npkoop or manaRament of his saloon or building, there will be no further order of '
suspension of hie lioenao, but that his lioenne will bo revoked -and that the Liayor
~` > i
lro tem be instruotod to sign the Order of Suspension and Iiotiae thoreof to bo eorvedl
"4; upon said'Ernest Yarbro", aarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas,
~; Dnrna, hiartan, Piallaoe and {+ashington - 4.
i( ~ i
-~j .~..~.l,C .~i. On motion by Eiombor Hallapo, that fourteon inch aarriago Underwood typowritor
~~~~•~!, be pur'bhased, samo onrried upon pall of'the roll by the following vote: Yens, Buxne,~
E"arton, Piallnoo and {~aohin;rton - 4.
M' On motion by 3wember h'allaoe the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by
!. tho folloranp; vote: Yeas, Hnrna, Eiarton, i~allaee and Washington - 4.
~A 7]Cr~~''rJ~::t-Vl'~ ' ' ~. , J .LL1~.y~VS.;D/'ti ~ ~i ~i ~ 6 ~ ~ J
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LT A CA7,LID LtiETIi~G of the Board of Oommiesionera, held in tho Council Chambers,
~i ~ '~~ in the City of Padu-ooh, K,y., February Gth, 191 G, upon call of the roll the following
answore8 thou names: Burns, kInzel3p, Burton, t'iellaoe and Siashinp•ton = 6.
~z~-f'C ~+ On motion by Eiember 17allaae, that the work done on offices by Contractor 11. F1
~~,, ((~~~ y Orren be aaae,ptod as per order of inspector, D. H. Jamison, and that D. H. Jnmieon be
~~-'~,~~~se.elrs..+; allowed two per sent for supervising work, amounting to $10.06; and contractor u. F.
Owon be allowed the amount of contrast, V61f3.00, less amounts which have been paid
j! to him, onrried upon call of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, ~
ISarton, S~nlloae and ~laahington - 6.
~,~ ~` On motion by member i7allaoe, thut the contrast for building the addition to
~K ~, t're mar):et houso, as per plans and epeaifioationa of G, Tandy Smith, be awarded to ~
,~ ~ ~~xy3•~+. ii. Karnes & Sons, for w1910.00, as per their bid, 'and the. City Solicitor was in- i'.
strunted to dray: contract as per ordinance, aarried ui.on call of the roll by the fol-!
!! lowing vote: Yoas, Burns, fiarton, Piallaae and R'ashinF*ton - 4. :iayor Hazelip not voting.
..f,~~,-,~~~ On motion by &iomber Burns, the matter of supervising the construction of the
c: r i,,,ri,C.,~r"r„~' Market House Oddition bo roferrod to tho Commissioner of Public Property for roport
and recommendation, onrried upon call of tho roll by the follewing vote: Yoas, Burns
• 1larton, Hazelip, Wnllaoe and Lyashirngton - b. '~
~., ;/~;,,,,, On motion by the above, a communication .from Geo. H. Goodman Ec Co.. for over-
J ~ ~' r asaesame~ waa roferrod to the 4om+missioner of Finance, 4it y Solicitor and :-ssessar, '
y for invostigation, onrried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns,
.. ;
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~d ~,~,,~ . , r
_. , : ,
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City of Paducah February 6th, Coat'
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No, ~~? >_
Hazellp, Marton, WalLsoe.and Washington - 6.
On motion bq Member Washington, the matter of purohaeing a.vaooum'
oleaner for the City Hall wne referred to rho Corsmieaioner of Pablla Property tar.
iaveatigetion nt ooat and to report book, onrried upon oaii of the roll by the
following vote:! Yeae, Burney Iiazelip, binrton, Wallaoe and Wnshington 6.
On motion by Bomber Burns the Board adjourned upon nail of the roll.
by the following vote: Yeas, Burna, Hazellp, itnrton, Wnllaoe and Washington - b,
Cite w
Y.1r1 Y~~
Y~' ..
;' .. i
• ~{ Febygar' Bth . 191b.
~ - •t a regalar meeting of t1u Board of Oommioaloners~ held la the oounoii ~
;< •
• ii chamber. in the Oity Eali,ot the 01ty of Paduoeb, Ky., Fsbrnssy 6th, 1916 upon oaii
~ Of the roll the following answered their namese ensas~ Haeelip~ Martan~ ~alleoe aaa`
', .. j~ gashingtoa . 6.
• ~
,~ On motion, the minnteo of the pzeviono meetings wero adopted so seal, npoa
' ~~ call of the roil by ttu tollowlag votes Yeae, Hnrna, Hazellp, Mastar-, Nailaoe dad
~~ washingtoa . b.
;~ ~. t
;~ Oo motion by Member Burns, the clock formesiy belonging to the 8aptiot
1~~'w~~' oharoh wap seierred to ttu City 8o11oitor and Oommiseioner of Pnblio Psoperty~ 4r to
~ ~,-~~ 'r the disposition of same on cell of the roll by the iollowiag votes Ysae, Barno~
,. • ,:
'Y !; Hsstlip~ Heston, washington - 4. ^ellaoe not voting.
D ~
Kim .~ On motion by the abon , that the preoeat doroe o! S!• seguiar patrolm~n~
u `;;~:
'together with the officers, bs oontinuod until further reoommenastion onrrie
t oaii of the roil ty the following vote= Yeae, Horne, lisseiip, Mart an, lieliaoe and ."~ ..
~' •aehington - 8.
~~~///111 even sr contract be referred to the Msyor
On motion by the above. that the so B
'f G~orl.~w`~' t' dad Board of Health, with power to sot, carried upon o~ 1 of the roll by the followi$ `
[; vote: Yeae, Bnrns, Marton, itallaos and 1Vsahingtoa 4. Mayor Heaelip not voting.
'.' ~;
~~°~ Oa motion Dy the above. that all applications of persons who desiss to bib
~H ~
~`` ~ !: oa the eaevenger contract be given the opportunity to ao ao by the Kayos and Board o!
~• ~'.
Health onrried upon cell o! the roll by the following vote; Ysae,.Burns, Marton eaa
~, lfsahington - S. Nays,.Heaelip and wnllaoe E.
-~ i ~- motion by Mayor 8nseiip, the payroll of the street department which art.
~-,~~, ~, not oosesed Dy osdlaenoe and were peia by cash order Feb. 6th, 1916, be received and 1
~ „*
' ~~ !ilea, same onrried upon call of the roil by rho following votes Ysas, Bnsns, Haselip
'ltastoa, palisoe sea ieahington 6.
fj On motion bg member washingtoa - Oommiaaloner walLoe wsa empowered Lo ~ .
~iLCccu:w ~ /'
p ~Y, ~I purchase a Yeoonm oleaner toe the City Hell. at the best price he oea ,oar;led upon I •
.mss- i.. call of the soli Dy the toliawing votes Yeae, Burns, Heseiip, Marton, Mallaoe sna ~ 1
~. ,, i .
i; Nashingtoa - 6.
Q ~.aerCasw~ On motion by member Hume, that the Mayor's report as to the 01ty P ysioiaa
fO~~.ri2d ~~ in regard Lo hie reoommeadgti•oa that ohasges be dismissed in the case of Miss ~
„'C""` ~ Hsndsiok onrried npoa dell of the roll by the lollowing vote: Yeas, Barns, Heasiip, i~
,. ,III,;,.
Marton, *elleoe and Naehingtoa - 6. ,~.
i `:~