HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/01/15:~,.. . ~, -.~m: '. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Febru nrv 1 191 6 -a ,9...e..µ~w ~e City Hall elevators be referred to the Commissioner o8 PnD11a Property and Oity• ~ • ~-' 9olioitor, Yor recommendation, parried upon pull of the roll by the Yollowing V~"'~" ~. 1. {n,~, ~e~ vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazolip, Elarton, CQalleoe and Yleahinaton - 6.~~ _ __j t P d h for At a regular mooting of the Board of Oommiaefoners, hold in the City Hell in the City of Padnoah, ISy,.Febrvary 1, 191b, upon oa11.oY the roll the following i • answered their names: Burns, Hazelip, Murton, %ellnce and %nahington b. i On motion the minutee oY the previous meetings were adoptod ae~read, upon ~' pall o! the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yesa, Burns, Hnzelip, Aiarton, Vlalleoe and ~' On motion by btember 8inrna, that the matter of apportionment for play ground e,. eta. be referred to the committee of the vd~ole for delib eretion and oonaiderntion 3, ,,; .• ~ _ iii~~~ ;:, in making up anneal budget to be diaouseed with the Park Board, same parried upon ' cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, %alleoe - i'. and Washington - 5. • On motion by the above tt® matter of i.nsuraaoe on Riversido Hospital and :';; i'.. On motion by Ltember Marton, the Yinanoiel report of the City o n uoa . ~~'--"' ;; the month of January 191b, was reoeivod and Yiled and ordered printed, upon call o i L~ ~ the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, L:arton, Tai]upo and L'ashiagton- `' 8• i N On motion by Lember Burns, the matter of raising Mayor Hazelip's salary eras. Jrn• , [. refe.rrod to the pity solicitor Yor an opinion, upon pall of the roll Dy the follow.. •~ ing vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, 1.iarton,.Uallaoe and Lashin~•ton - b. • '. ~1u.ae { On motion by ltiemher Marton, the financial alloxnnoe for,ealeriea, etc., wae•~ • u,(,~,t,rd..ea„•i. allowed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, kiarton, •, f Gallaoe and tiashington - 5. ~~.~,,,c ..- '~' On motion by Ltember Burns, the matter of Police Court etenographer'e,ealery, ~ !I 1 was referred to the Iigyor and City Solicitor for reoo:ranendation, upon pall of the a ~ N roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeae, Burns. Hazelip, Lturton, aailaoe and & aehington -6 ~; ~ti ~~/Z ,, Oa.motion by Llembor Barton, the bill oY Dr. Lackey, ex-pity phyeioiaa, for . I "; G~• ~ medioinee, etc., amounting to ,y"16.60, was allowed upon pall of the .roll by' the . ,. i _ following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Liarton, Wallace and Y~aehington - b. t, On motion by Llember Yr'allaoe, that it is the sense of the oommieaionere "that the preaerit ordinance relative to muzzling and Laking np of unlioeneod doge i~be enforced, name parried upon pall of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeae, Barrie, '.. Hazelip. Liarton, uollaoe end Yiaehin(rton - b. ~kJ ~ On motion by itomber Marton, that the serum troatmmt, to ihoe. Olenn'e mn, QJPit~/ ~~ amounting to Y62.50, be allowed, ear.:e parried upon pall of the roll by the follow. ;;ing vote: Yeea, Burns, L'.arton and Y~ashington - 3. nays: Hazelip and Wallace -2. • •, ~y(.~~~ ~, On motion by LSomber Cashington, the report cY the street department for pay. l.r~i~~~ 'roll, ending for the week January 31, 1915, paid by oaeh order,, be reoeivod and ~~t %filed, parried upon Dell of tho roll by the following vote; Yeea, Burney lluzellp, . ,~ ;Marton, Wallnoe and Yiashinpton - 6. iv ~~ On motion by Ltember Burns, a oammunioation from the F.etail Uerohante Aee'n,, µC' ~, ~ ~).~G1+•~i, in regard to oertaia stores keoping open on Sunday in violation of the law, same ''CC ~,wae concurred in upon Dell oY the Poll by the following vote: Yeae, Hurna, Hazelip.. ', ~. ', Marton, Gallooe and ~aehintrton - 5. sr On motion by the above the monthly report of the Police Department wee u ~;reoeivbd and filed upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hume, ,Hazelip ilarton, s~alleoe and WaehinPton - b. • j: bn motion the Board ad~ourneA upon pall of the roll by+St~he Poll V nR vote~t.-~~ ::Yoas, Burns Hazelip „Barton, Y:alluue and LashinFtton - b. Cif" , i• No.~d •'. t;. s. V f ~"~d .,.