HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/15.~ ., _ _ .4 ~_. ..._ .. ___._ _. _ . ,,t,. ~~ ~z . _ . .s__y_~__-~ ~. Commissioner's Of Paducah January 2bth 191b AT a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Coanoil i Chamber, in the City Hall of the oity of Paduoah, Kentuoky,.Januaryr 2bth, 191b, upon ~I oall of the roll the following answered their names: Burna, Hazelip, Mart an, Yiallase and Waehin~;ton - 6. i On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted and read,. upon i i t , li oall ~f the roll by the Yollowing vote:' Yeas, Burne,Hazelip, biarton, Pallsoe and j, h^ashington - 5. ~• ~h~~~~~..~J On motion by Member Burns, that no lioense be oolleoted for the entertainment ~r~s+-Rte,/// proposed by the Women's Hospital League, and that the matter of aiding tho League, in ~,f~%~~a giving said entertalnment,be referred to the Committee of the whole parried, upon calk 'r. ` pf the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burns, biarton, Hazelip, 7tallnoe and Wash- ~ ~ ---.. 1 ington - b. ~%/ ~ On motion by Member Wallnae, the following deeds to lots in Oak Grove Cemetery ~,. 'E'f~~ were granted and ordered reoorded upon the oemetery records, as follows: F. 71. Mooney, ~~ >~ v, ~, ~ ~~~ Lot 27, block 47 - Mra. T. E. Sohaefer Lot 39 in block 1, nevr addition -and L're. Lela } ~ Poynter, Lot 7•in block 48 in Oak Grove Cemetery; also a transfer of the west half of~ ~~, F. ~ ~ ' lot 'Y in block 48 to C. C. Parker from Mra.,Lels.Poynter, parried upon oell of the roll . by the following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hnzelip, biarton, Caellaae and Washington - b. On motion by tho above " .1N ORDINANCE ab'~ir'DIHG SECTION 43 OF :,ii ORDIiI.°StCE, ! ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AIdD LLIKING HIbI EX OFFICIO BUILDIIJG INSPECTOR, AI+D bUtKII+G THF. CITY ELECTi~ICi~L II+SrECTOR '" !~` ~~ ASSISTAIiT BUiLDIItG IIdSPECTOR, AI1D ESTABLISHING RUDBS AITD REGULATIONS COi1CF.RTdIitG Th'E ~ V~ R ~ ERLCTIOId luJD COIdSTRUCTIOid OF BUILDINGS Iid THE CITY OF PADUCi:H, KEi+TUCKY, 'AI:D E%TY,.SDIII.'3 r~ ~~sm/~ THE FIRE LILiIT OF TILE CITY OF PADUOAII, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDII:G FENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA+- 1'<i TION OF ANY OF T.IE PROVISIONS HEREOF", ADOPTED BY THE GII1ER:.L COUi1CIL AUGUST 7th, 1911'." was given its passage upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, E r. t u.,~-~, Merton; .~~allaoe and S'r'aehinPton - 4. days;. Mayor Hazelip - 1. ~~~r~~ On motion by Member biarton a resolution offered by Member Prallaoe, in regard L~'~ l~ to the r'eat Kentucky Mausoleum Co. -referring to two openings thru the hedge-fenoe ~pr~ r that sgparatee Oak Grove Cemetery from the property of the P,'eet,Ky. Mausoleum Co.- be referred to the oommiesioner of Publio Property and Pablio Ytorks, together with the I "City 9oliaitor, the above w$a amended by Member Burns by referring same to the Committee k: of the whole upon sell of the roll by the following voter Yeae, Berne, Marton, Hazelip, ~' h'allaoe and Traehington - b. ~' (- ~..~ ,,l'J On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the purchasing oommittee get prides on two ~~" "'` _~ auto fire truoka and thnt an ,appropriation be mads for the purohase of aer„a, to be plnoed at atntiona number 2 and 3, and that station number 4 and 5 be disoontinued, together with twelve men in the. two departments, be referred to the oommittee of the whole i parried upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip, Kallsoa and bash= ington - 3. 2iaq: Burna end biarton - 2. ~~_ On motion by the above, that the aooident of todny in which two horses were ~~y~be...~ ~, Qc cc-~+~c killed and a man aoverely hurt, and also the orippling of a horeo last week, be invee- ~' ~~ ~t ~ ~ ~' tignted by the aommiaeionera as a committee of the whole, same notion was ta]aen bq the ~. > 9 r ~„cw+c* same motion as the above ae stated. On motion by member G~ashin~ton the report for the enlariea of the street degnrtme nt for one week -January 16th to January 23d ~ also a list of Lhe employers G/iu !'1~'s-~f ~ for the sewer department for the first half of the month was reoeived and filed upon pall of the ro1T by the following vote: Yeae, Burna. Bazelip, Marton, dallaoe and ~ Washington- b. ~ , j ;.. ~ i. ~.. ,, ,w.~~r:. ~ ~ ~ ~ - h i, ---~, .~.~..~~ ~ tl f. c7t ~• . - • . ~ No.~ ^: - •" ' ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padacah t~,n~y Pstb l+pJ, b 'oontinned , ~~ jl • . . '' s ', ,g. ~ ._.. 's 5 ~h S ~ • lP~t Glcftt Ctty ,lerk•. •f~P_ VED {.~ ~ z' ~ ~ ~ 1 `J ~`? ~~~~~~~ I YOR. ~ ' . . • + ," • ~, .. • .. f f -. ,. ., r .r:r:ir ' ~ On motion Dy member }Barton, the Oity Solicitor was laatruoted to brig is m • " ~ ordiaanae creating the offioo of Weights end Lteasurea upon cell of the roll by the .~~-~ • ;;following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Martoa, Walleoe and Washington - b. , ~,"„~~e. ! On motion by the above, the City Salioitor was instructed to.brirg in 8n F>~Q !ordine.aoe oreati the offloe of Humane Officer ~~~ / cw, ng , granting h1m police power,and said, !'officer not to receive over X60.00 per annum, carried upon cell of the roll by the • ~~Yollowing vote: YeBS, earns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington 6. ~~~~' TYPE TO BE USED THEREFOR, was placed upon its passage and was killed upon call of ~ the roll by the following vote: Yeea, none; Nnye: Burns, Marton, Walleoe and Weahint!ton - 4. Mayor Hazellp not voting ~ ~ • ~~,~/ ~ On motion by Member.Burne, n oommnnloation Yrom James Chanbere - ~vho operates • //~ the Oity Fnrm - for n o antraot Yor the ensuing year was referred to the oommittae, ae ~ • " .~ , C/ i'a whole upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hurne, Hnzelip, Barton _ i~Calleoe and Washington - 6, , ~y. `Q7`~T"~~ On motion by the abovo, that the remonetranoa against Philip. M. 9tephon and :;~f C~z f~I, I'Co. ro rietora oY Hart li or liaens at 9th an a }~, . P P 4 Qu e d Keatuoky venue", acme was with- drawn, the etipulatio:e received and filed, upon call of the roll by tho following I vote:- Yeea:- Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallsoe and Washington - 6. i~~Z~r 1 '."c`r- ~. On motion by the above, A RESOLUTIOTi AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TI1E MAYOR OF . ,r~•~t/1 ~ THE CITY OF PADUC~ti TO BORP.01:' A CERTdIN SUf.1 OF LIONEY FRO}S THE SINKIIlG FUND OF THE ~C PPY OF PADUCAH, same was adopted ea read upon call of the roll Dy the following j'. vote: Yeae. BURNS, btarton, Wallace and Washington - 4. The Mayor not voting. ``;`~ I~ ~,~~r,.s-,•.u ~;. . On motion by Member Washington, AN ORDIT}ANCE FI%ING THE PRICE OR R1,TE TO BE ~_."~,.` j; PdID HY THE CITY 'OF "Pi:DUCtili FOR THE. PRINTING OF :.LL ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, NOTICES , ! ` t ~u~Z ; OF SALES OF TkX BILLS AND OTHER NOTICES AND ADYERTISITIG btATTER A;7D DESIGNATING THi+: ((/ ~ ~ Aq ~' 1 X~°`'~` On motion by Member Marton, the following resolution was concurred in: • ~Paeeed by the Central Labor Union;"Be it resolved that when the L'.ayor of the City ~'oY Paducah and Commieeionere give out any work that the union contrnatore and union •~ w f. ' • imen, ae workmen, shall bo given preference wherever possible", Yeae; Burns, Hazelip; •, - Marton, Wallace and.Ylaehington - b. ' ~.h-~+"y"'e..t. ~; On motion. by Member Walieoe, " ATJ ORDINANCE PROVIDItIG FOR TaE Ib~S'ROYELtENT OF !!!4• ~~` ~ THE 6tARRET HOUSE SITUATED HETYIEEN BROaDY•`AY i~I1D KENTUCKY AYEt}UE, 021 MARKET S3UAF.E OR ';'SECOtlD STREET IN T1IE CITY,OF PADUCAH, KE:ITUCXY, i.T1D THE LETTING OF A CONTRACT FOR TH$ ' i • ~PE'~FORMANCE OF Sf,ID YORK" waB given its passage upon Dell of the roll by the follow. Ping vote: Yeas, Hums, Marton, Gallace and Washington - 4. Naye: Mayor Hazelip- 1w; ' ~~,:, On motion by Member Burns, the Board ad~ouaned upon cell oY the roll by the i (l following vote: Yeae, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. ;~, , • ..~~.~ .~ .~., ~, -, ~, ~ n ~ q ~, I .,..q __, .._"~ -`-'Fsm ` ~prSTn.n. -~~r -'fit. ~:r .i,-:.~; _ .~ _.