HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/15... :.' ~..~ L I ,;a ., .. ., c. n.... :.... '.p. 'i .. __. ___ __ • NY ' ..I I { .. , ..% .. .. .. .. .. _. i _rrr~~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ • { ~ At a regular meeting of the Board oi'Commieaionera, he18 in the Council Chamber, in they ` '.'City Hnll; in the Citq of Paducah, %y., Januerg 18, 1916, upon the cell of the roll thel f .ifollowing answered their names: Burns, Hazellp, Marton', Aglleoo and Washington- b. ! !, " On .motion by member ,Burns; the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted and j ` . ,.read: Upon call of the•roll the following voter Yega, Burns, Heae].ip, Marton, Wnlleoe,' !;and Washington - b.. . ' rr,~~ ~~va On motion b bTember. Wallaoe the r ort of the De artmeate who were not 3' ~ ~' P provided ford (/ C ~ ~~ ' b rdi ~ . ~ „ q o nance for aalariea are :- Oak Grove Cemetery sad Riverside Hospital wee received , ~ ~ =~•*-~.+..~i .,, and filed. Upon cell of tha_ roll the following voted: Yeas, Burns,, Hazelip, Marton, i >.~ ,,Wallaoe and Washington - b. :~ ``~~~ ~ On motion bq Momber Washington, the report•,of the street Department for aalariea ~' ~ { ~ ~ not rovided b ~~u~zt- .. .P q Ordinance was received and filed. Upon.oall of the roll the following / ~: / ,:voted:- Yeas,.Bnrne, Marton;.Wallsae, Hazelip and'waeh3ngton - b. ~, ~ ~ /• ~-~. ' On motion by Member Wallaoe. that W., F. Owen, co~ntraotor, be advanced x30.00 on his '`~"" contract with the City, for the repairing of the second sad third floors of the Citq j °t'..~j :fig---C/G . rt.+ ~; • Hall. parried; upon sell of the roll the following. voted:- Yea: Bur:,e, Hazelip, Marton, '.:~ --- Wallaoe and Washington - b. ~ ! ~~~°f"""""' '~' ~ `~ 3 ' On motion.bq member Marton, the allowance for the semi-monthl a y p yroll for $7,268.68,: ~.~ 1 ., rwae allowed. Upon call of the roll the following voted:- Yea:. Burns, Hazelip, Marton, j Wallaoe and Y,'ashington -. 6•. ~ ~_- ~ ` { i Q,TIl ~„_~,,,,~. On motion by the above.J. M. Bradshaw wars allowed ~p3b8.40, as per oamtraot for work ~ ? >1 ` . ~2 / ~~pD ~ i~,~~.M.,.~,.,,done_on Sowell,, Thurman, Aehoraft and Eulah streets. Upon sail of the roll the follow-~ ....G~ a , ~.;'.~ .. y'' Q~~-,~f^~ inP, voted: Yeas: Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. ~ 7 ~ '''` . ~ ~; ~: , ~ ~~~.~~, On motion by the above,J. N. Bradshaw, contractor, woe allowed X10.10, for the ! ' ~' f ~ / ~^ ?grading sad graveling of an intersection of en alley on Sowell street, same to be paid ~. ~,- . ~..~' from the oontingeat fund. Upon cell of the roll the following voted: Yeas, Burns, • i ~:,. _ ,Hazelip, btarton,, Wallace and Washington - b. , ~- , ~ ~ ' .~ On motion bq the above, bir. F. G• Ooebq was allowed wb.76.from the 9peoial Street ¢ ~ ~ ~' _ (Ga ~'. ;Fund, ae this amount was paid by S. S. Esker, on a lot between Thurman and bindseq 1~y41.M•e,A.wl ~ t.: ,' ; ' :~. Addition. Same carried, end upon call of the roll the following voted:- Yeea, Bnrue,~ i- ~ 7 q ~ A :Hazelip, Marto:r, YJalleoe and Paehington - b. _. } ~ ' ,' =~ ~ ~.u.C~-~ On motion Dy the above, The Fidelity & Deposit Co. was released off of the bond of ~ a ``dj '~ d Citq auditor Thoe. T. Neelq, for $~10,000.00;and ~b,000.00 wae.eseouted by the same ~"~ .bondsman for the gear 1916. Same carried, and upon call of the roll the following voted: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - 6• ~ ~f'f/~~ { ~ i , ~ ~. On motion of the above, Joe Woods wa~a allowed x"20.00 for esrvioes rendered from Jan., . }} ~f ~4, to Januarq lb; 191b. Upon Dell of the roll the following voted: Yeas. Burns, BSarton; '>,'' ,~ " ____, Hazelip, Wallaoo and Washington - b. 1 / ~ ~ ~~ , ~ ~ ,.. .,~ ~~~cU~~,~ On motion bq.Member Durnq,eotion was doferrod on the Stephon liquor licence (aL•1 I rLid , ~ one week. Upon call of the roll the following goted:- Yeea, Borne, Hazelip, Marton, ` ' Wallaoe and Washington - 6. (;!.'eu~vQ........•~ On motion bq the above, 'the transfer of saloon license from Oeoar Dimmiok to Richard '4 l ~~ ~ •u~ Oaliesi at 1736 Megere street, was greated.. Upon Dell of the roll the following voteds ~. Yeas:- Burns, Siazelip, Marton, Wallaoe and'Ylaehington - 6. j _ `~ "~_ On motion by the aoove, AIS ORDINAtiCE REGULA^aING THE OPERATitiG OF AUTObtOBILES UPON ~ ~) L2~~ TNE 8TREET9 OF THE CITY OF PaDUOAH, 6ND FIRING THE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THF.nEOF,' • in regard to the out-Data on said automobiles, was pl&oed upon its passage and oarried:l t.3 ' .. ~c. ,Upon call of the roll. the following voted:- Yeas. Borne, Hazelip, biartoa, Wallaoe and ,Washington - 6. ~i l>?y~""~~ Oa motion bq• the above, AN ORDINeIdCE REOULATIHG BROXERB OE THE CITY OF PADUCAH, was ~ rpp Ci~7 r /- ^f/L I . • s . _ ' ~ - ; .. :. ...r ~ .' \.i t~ ~~ :nor. s-..~: :, : ..:: ..,,....,.... t. ::: ~::.,:., . .. .. • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Pad~cah• . i91` tabled; upon pall of the roli the Yollowing voted: Yeas,-Burns, Hazelip, Morton •• ' •. Wallsoe and Washington - b, • '~` ~ ` On motion t}y the above, AN. ORDINANCE AMENDING 9SOTION'4$ OF AN ORDINANR$ ENTPP- • ~+~•w...C.--. LED "AIt.ORDIHANCE DEFINING 6DDITION6L DUTIES OF TH$ OHIEF'OF THE FIRE DEP6RTMEMT i ~•~~»"q ~ AtiD MAKING NIL! E% OFFICIO BUILDING INSPECTOR; 8ND bSABING THE QITY ELEOTRICAL IN9PE0- ' ' TOR ASSISTAIiT BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND E$TAHLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS CONOFRNINi F • 'r: ~ THE ERECTION AND CONSTRUCEION OF BUILDINGS IN THE OITY OF $ADUCAH, KENTUCKY, sad. ~ EYTEIIDING THE FIRE LIAtIT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES ( ~ I FOR THE VIOLATIOf{ OF AI{Y OF THE PROVISIONS HEP.EOF" wsa given its pnsaege. Upan the + ` ` ~~ pall oY the roll the Yollowing voted: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Wallsoe end . ' IVashingtoa - b. . /^-~ ,, ~~ ~+~-~ ~- On motion by the above, Ai{ ORDINANCE AA~NDING AN ORDINANCE, ~TTITLED, "AN j I 0?DINANCE DETEP?SINLI{G THE FUNCTIONS OF THE DEPLi.TMENT9 OF PUBLIC AFFNIRS, PUBLIO - ~~-' .~.-,. FINANCE, PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC 410RK$ AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESORIBING THE DUTIES ,'. OF THE COASMISSIONERS" wen pleood upon its passage. Upon pall of the roll the , ~` ~~`~~ following voted: Yeas, Hurna, Marton, Wallsoe and Washington - 4. Nsys: Hazelip- 1.' ' __ ' ~ yr ~ On motion by the above, that eoavenger proposition be referred to Conuniselonor ~ of Affairs,, Works and 9afoty, vith Solioltor, for further oonaideratioa and report, { to be taken np with the Board of Health. Upon oe31 of the roll the following voted: +; Yese, Bnrna, Hazelip, Ldarton, Wallsoe an$ Wnshington - b. C./~-.t/v.«~ae.e.. ~; \~ On motion by Member Washington "AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING TAE COUNCIL OHAAIBER 4 n,,,'t,~» j:. ON THE THIRD FLOOR OF THE CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AS THE PLACE J ' r, " ^`""~ - OF LSEETII{G OF THE BOi+RD OF C011MISSIONER3' AND FI$It1G TuF. TIAiE OF CHI: RRGULAR ASEETILL38 ', ~ '~`~ -""'`"" "~ cif ~~~.,...~ ~ THEREOF" was given its pageage. Upon the pall of the roll the following votods Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Atarton, Wallsoe and WnshinEtton - b. i ~ . • • On motion by the above the market House ordinanoe as follows "AN ORDINANCE ~ ~ il rQ~r~~~ ~ ~ PROVIDING FOR THE IL'Q'ROYEAlEIdT OF THE AIARY.ET HOUSE SITUATED BETC'EEId HRO::DWi.Y ~~iID . ' ~ tx U KENTUCKY 6VEtiUE, ON HAIUCET S4UARE OP. SECOND STREET Ia .THE CITY OF PADUCAIi: I~F.IITUCKY, j `~~4' AND THE LETTING OF A QONTF.ACT FOR THE PERFORAI~.NCE'OF SetID WORK" waa .presented • nazi ordered to ley over one week. Upon pall of the roll the following votedij f t; j Yeas, Burns, Marton, Wallsoe and Washington - 4. Nays, Mayor - 1. f~,.~X~, ~! On motion by the above, Mr. A. Franke, sewer inepeotor, was sllowod ~?b,00 a ~. ' month as his-salary, and X10.00 per month extra for horse and wagon. Upon pall of ~ , L the roll the Yellowing •oted: -Yeas, Hums, Hazelip, Marton, Wallsoe end Washington,{ _ i; b. • . D ' s0 ~ ~~• i On motion by Ltember Marton, the Oity National Bonk was named as Oity Depository ' ~ ~ ., of the Oity of Peduoah, Ky. for the ysnr 191b, upon the pall of the roll the follow. { , ~~~~~~, ing vote: Yese, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Yielleoe and Washington- B. /~ ~""r'~ D !; Oa motion by Member Marton. that the matter of extending the Oity limits, wen L . ' ~ : t~r~~ ~ ' referred to the Mayor and Board oY Commlasioners, with the Oity 9olioitOr, to levee- .~ • ~~~ ! f O - • ~ ~~ ity, upon the pall o ~ tigate the advisability of sneezing pertain territory to the , the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Berne, Ltarton, Hazelip, Wnllaoe and Washing- ~`.•, ~ . . ~ ~ ton b. ~ ~ ,, i . . ~ i On motion by Member Burns, that the postponemer-t of the sewer matter be deferred ] • #~ one week, parried, upon pall of the roll by the following vote:- Yeas, Burns, Hass- + • ~; lip, Marton, Wallsoe and Washington -b.. ,~• ! On motion Dy the above, the Board adionrned, to meet nest Wednesday at Four ~kj "! ~' o'olook P. M. Open pall of the roll the following votedt Yeea, Burne•, Hazelip, h _- ` ~~ ~-'''~//,}~', ! " ~ , ~}, ~ Merton, Wallaos and Washington 6. .CL-F'-~, ~~ ~~ j S %% ,,~~ , , • A 11Sa.YU14 N . i; ~ ~~*Y ; ~- ., ' • ~ d ~~U~, A r, ~ y~~fa . T • .. !: .. is `~ .., • :e;:Mi~i ~ ~ a:b>aiA~.y.:i4N "a?B a 4°'.d•Ik~^.M. 4P +..<n;, ~,.f~;~i A,~;rtdFa,.r~/'w MU~~~wna!"MfiJJ~.F.aM+I•ih`).+'Rlrrixk?''/~''f~'H3(MM!M•'~w..INN!=1+~1!iFyht~w.~tfit+'AS$a': ~iih"eMS:'P ww+. 4:~+f~' +rkb.~isps:Ska".'.~T.~~d. h..:,~-~ ~! + .V~• 1 ,.., ... .. ,.... .. .,.^ ...,• ...... 'ptrxar~:.~dr. '' FLxpc• ~41etuASai1M K~n1+Ui 4(¢~::: 1. .. :~ .y.. uavu