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. :.:w.iii. -
On motion by member Marton, the minutes of the previous moetinga were adopted
~~ lea read. upon call of the roll by the tolloc•1ng votes,- Yans Mayor, Surne, Marton, '~
• "Ylalleoe and s'eahtagton. (b) '
On motion by tho above, the dnnuei report of L.d•1Yuahington Oity I~glneer for
~~ ,
the year 1914, woe reooived and tiled, upon cell 0~ the roll by the following votes j'
• /~ I,Yeas Etayor, Hurna, Marton, ti~elleoa end C'uehington. (b)
~: ~ .
/t~ ~', On motion by member Burns, a oomunioation from Judge. Lang in retarrenoe to
•(/~,~ ;Probation Otfloor waa roterred to the Commleaionor of Finance and City Solicitor, •
~tor report on Legality of the matter, upon cull of the roll by the following vote;.
:Yeaa Mayor, Borne, Marton, knilaoe and Y'aehington. (b) '
Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Padueah ~ ' • • 191_
!, .
• ~ 6t a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commiaalo0era, held in the Council Ohem, •(
• Iber~ in the Ciby Hall, 'in the City of Puduoeh~ Ky., January 11th. 1818 Upoa call
• i
• 'obi tho roll the tohowing anaKered to their nwnee;.~ldayor Hazelip~ Burns, Liarton,
~balleos and fiaehingtori. (b)
• ~
• ~~ On motion by momber Durna, a oomunioatlon from tho MantaotorN Heoor6 Pnb. Oo.
/~~' rua referred to the Commissioner of Public Property, upon cell of the roll Dy Lhe •
' ,• .. ~follorang vote;- Yene l:eyor,`Burne, Marton, Y:31aoe and Y+uahington. (6~ ..
~~.L~...w~~/ ~~. On motion by mambert,Mnrton. a refu8iwas granted the Pnduoah Marine Y;aya Co.
• ~y~;,,c~lay~6.,waa refunded ~b20.00 foe over assessment on pereoanl property, upon cell of the •
` QO TOll by the following vote;- Yeae Mayor, Burns, ltflrton, Y:allnoe and Ylaehington,(b)
• •f~ :,L D~~~,~~ On motion by member Burns, the muttor of aettlemont of the Old Teleohone Oo
~~""~' 6 0, was referred to the Commissioner of Publlo 9utety Commiaslone n and Yinanoe;r with
1 'City 3oliaitor, to ii possible arrive at nu adjustment eutisfuptory to both parties.
and in the event of such iailnro to settle the matter+tha City Solicitor wua ,
instructed to proaeotnte tho pending suit to a t1ne1 determnation. Committee to
~ ~ F:
'report baok,npon call oa the roll by the following vote;Yene Mayor, Burns, Marton; ,
_ Y~alleoe and C'ashington. (b)
d, ~ ~ ~ On motion by Ltayor Hczellp, the Fidelity and Depooity Company oY Mn~ry\land,wael
' ~`3~"""~" ;reloeead oft of the Polioe.Bond of George ^a. Gish, upon Dull of the roll by the
roll by 'the following vote;. Yene Mayor, Horne, Marton, Rallaoe and P.nehington•Ib)
~~~,1~ i" On motion by member sullaoe, the City 3olioltor was instructed to Dring is on '
~.,1-~,-s~.~ brdinanoe, amending Saotlon 93 of the Building Ordlnauae, ao thnt the thioknesa ',
• ~oY T`alla for one story buildings not to eaoeed the Night of 12 feet be 9 ihohea
~inetead of 13 lnchea,'npon cell of the roll by the following vote;- Yeaa ldnyor,
'____^ 8nras, ltarton, bnlleae and Yashington. (b) •
~a~"'~""'•«~ On motion by member Burns, the request of Oeoar Demmick fora+trnnafar of 6
e~~!-~'""^'" saloon license, was roterred to the Commiesionors of Plxtanoe and Saterty with the
City 9olioitor, for further reoemendntion of the Board, upon Doll of the roll by _ ~
~-- ~~•tho fcllowir~ vote;- Yene Mayor, Horne, Marton, Yiellaoe and Yluehington. (S) '
:~/j~t.o~~~ On motion by the above, the action tnxen 1n ragnrd to granting L.M.stephon a
`` ~-~*•~~""~`-• Company Quart Liquor lioeneo at 9th & Kentuokq eve be reoiadod and thrt present
I .application for removal of 1loenao at old piece loontod on Hrlflge Strout botweeea
Tipple and M111 Stroeta be grnntod in lien thereof, oarriod, upon cull of the roll- ~
• by the following vote;.- Yeae 1leyor, Burnd, Marton, Yiallaoe and Raahington. (bl i '
• ~i~Jf'~~ ~ On motion by the above, that the trsnafer of 3tephon Liquor license be granted ,• ' ~.,
-~~,er3l•ea requested in petition ebb~ect to agreomont therein embodied, ourreid, upon call '
' ~ of the roll by the tolloeJing vote;-Yeae Mayor, Hurna, Marton, Y.'allaoe and flaeh;~
r ____
.. ;~.,1nB~onF;~, ~ b)
• ``~~~ ~ On motion by the above, the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in an ,.
~`"` ordihaaoe granting to the estate of B.H.Soott the uAe of oertsin property .on `~ X
~: "~:*'~
. ,:
-~.. ~: .. T ~, ..
,,s ~,, ~ _ ... _ . _ . .
' i '
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• a ..
~ ; ~. _ ~ 1 . _ ~ _
l North Sth street for 3pnr track or switching pnrpoaea, and that acid ordinance oonfom ~
~ to the plan to be submitted by the Railroad Engineer, same oarried,. upon pall of the
j _. roll by the following vote;-Yeas Mayor, Bnrna,-b'nrton,-Y'allssoe and ii'aahington. (b)
,~~,,,~.„. 6z~ j
On• motion by member btarton, the City Solicitor wen inetrnoted to bring ea amendment
F i
' ,. ~.-.--.•~;
i to the Funotlon Ordinance eo the Finance Commissioner will be permitted to deposit
~ I
03 the Sewer Fund of the City in another-Pndnoah Bask .than the City DepoeitorR, npoa i
` 1, .
call of the roll by the following vote;-Yana Barns, carton, Tryellaoe and Gashington. ~
~._, (d) Nays Mayor. (1)
u~ic ~ ~ ~
~ ~p
'~ i
On motion by the btayor, that the Commieeionor of Public r~orka be instructed to j
,-~;.. :
p adver
ise for bids Yor the oonetrnotion of a Sootion of the Third District Serer and
` ~ I'
~_~"" and the r~60.000. no:: on hand be expended in said work. Same was ameadoa On motion o!
` . ~ .. '; mombar Durna, by referring same to the Committee of Tho 6bole Yor full discussion sad
I . ! botion to bo taken et next regular roosting, npoa call of yho roll by the following !
f .~ 'i veto;-Yeas Mayor, Burns, 14alluoo, Marton, and i;ushington. (b)
~,,.,,,,..~ '
' On motion by member Burns, the City Solicitor wsse instructed to prepare neaea-
c-c i eaB7y.dooumentafor:.t"Epasaeggec, enableing the of Finanoo to borrow monk
"~''/"~'~'"' ~
~ ey from Sinking Fund Yor immediate use, oarried, Upon cell of the roll by the fol-
~ lowing vote;-Yeea btayor, Bnrna, Marton, r~alleoe and P~eahington. (b)
. On motion by the above, the appoint~pont of J.E.Flournory, Frank 8ugustua ae eztra
~ /
r patrolmen, and the appointment of a Detective also the appoint oY Grisham to tales i
°~ ~
~'ct,~ ~~~° the pluoeof Ylilliam Hill, same oarried, upon call of the roll Dy the Following vote, ::~
k ~%% i:. Yeae Burns; Marton, S'~alleae and i'l.ashington. (4) btayor not voting.
~ On motion by member tieahington, That the Pnrohsssing Committee be impiered to
fi.-,L ~ ~ i
pudoheae a second hand Ford Machine for the Department of,Publia;.fiorka at an expense
. of sot 1ro~ezoeed ~P276.OOeame carried, upon call oY the roll by the Yolloriag vote;
Yeas Mayor, Burns, Marton, i7a11aoe and ii'aehington. (b)
C~-'~*'' On motion by member Bursa; the City Solicitor was iastruotod to bring in an
~~~•~' u ~ ordinance making it operate rooter vehicles in the City of Padnonh with
~; open ovt-out, exaopt in Gnrage Yor tasting rooters, aarriod, upon sell of the roll by
, the following;-Yeas Ltayor, Burns, Mnrton,i7811aoe and itnahiagton. )b(
// ••
~~ J9~^"~
G On motion~by the nbove, The Sonp House matter was referred to the btayor, Com-
'' miesioncr of Safety and Jailer, with inatruotiona to compile data etc., and report !
• 'I
book to the Board of Coruniacionore, oarried, upon assll oY the roll by the following
~~ vote;-Yeas Mayor, Burns, btarton, fiallaoo and Y~aehington. (6)
?' On motion by the above, tha mnttar of Logitmato Brokers, the City Solioitor~ was
(~ inotruotod to bring in an ordinssnoe Yixing the license at wG0.00 per month, snore
`, oarried upon call of the roll by the Yolioring veto;-Yeas Mayor, Burns, Marton,
/J- `.fir-- ~~ iFallaoo and Huahingthn. (b)
~,,~~~ ~-,_ / On motion by menbor lSalleoo, the horitbY.the Commiesionere meetimga,_was changed
Yrom 10 Oolook d.M. to.s Oolook P.M. each monday, upon call of the roll .by the fol-
~_ lowing veto;-Yeas )Gayer, Bnrna, Marton, Plallaoe and i:uehington. (b)
~ On motion by member Burns, a recess be.aaken, until 2 Oalook P.M. oarried, upon
',• call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Mayor, Burns, Marton, iFalleoo and ~aeh-
~, ington. fb) ;
,. > ~~ ~ i.^,t
~ ;
~~~~ ~~ C1C I Kg ~4.Yult
'• ~ '
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~. .