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. , ..~. ; No.3at 0
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padnoah ~ ~ . ~ lg1z
• Lt a rtgnlar mssting of the Board of Commissioners held is the Commieeloaera
ChamMr of the City Hali, paduoah, Sy., oa Dso• $4, 1917, npoa oell of the roil• t}u
' following answered thole nears: Horns, Gardner, Marton and Washington- 4..' ~ j.
On motion. o! llsmber Marton, the miantes of the regular meeting held on Dso. 17, ! •.
~! ana of the oallsd meeting of Dso. El, 1917 wore adopted as read upon oaii of the roll
~ by 4 yeas.
Oeme4ery Dees
~- motion of Member Oardnsr, the City Clerk was authorised to e:eouts deed to I ,
Mrs. Gr8mith. !~. Mse. Grove Smith. for lot ~1 Blook $3, Hsnusn St., in oak Grove Cemetery, she having ( '
~, paid to the Com's of Fiaeaoa the enm of $40.00 therefor, as per atteohed reoeipt. ~
~i upon oell of the roll by 4 yeas.
Marylsud Ca~nah; On motion of Mayor Burns, the Maryland Casualty Oo• was ;eleaeed from the bcrid of j '
ty released oa
bond Of Jao. K.. Jno. 8. Headriok, City 8olioitor, ae of Dao. 8 1917, he having sxeoutsd other approved
Headsiob ~; surety on that date- .upon osll of the roll by 4 yeas. ' '
!, Msmbss Gravse entered the mooting.
~, On motion of Msmbsr Washington, the pay roll for t}u Street pept. for the week ' '
ending Deo. E1, 1917, amounting to $167.Ob, sot covered by ordinanoe, ss per attaohsd
i atatsmeat o! Com'r of Works, was allowed upon oall of the roll by 6 yass. { .
P On motion of ttu above, the_pay. roll fae~ the Street Dept. for Deo, EE de E4th, ~.
• smonnting to $66.3b, not oovsred by osdinanos, was sllowsd upon oell of the roll by
i 5 vase.
Wm. =erase i On motion of the above that the Qit
y Pei to Wm. Barnes b Sone, $41.00, or halt of..
' Oona, bal. ',
allowed oa the atteabed bill for extras on the oontagioa ward, same being Dalanoe of total
oonstrsotioa of amount due by the City for their proportion o! total e:p6nse of building said ward, ! • •
CONT~(iIOH W~HD• is full of ell oleime against the City of Paducah- oarried upon oe11 of the roll by i,`•
.;, 6 yeas. ' ,
• ' On motion the Board ad~ournad upon oall of the roll by the following vote=
!' Yeae, Buse, Gardner, Grevea, Marton and Washington- b.
( "
' ~'
Deoember 31y 1917. ''
et a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Counoil Ohumber o!
• ~ j; the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on Dao. 31, 1917, ,upon oall of the loll the following
answered their names; Surne, Gardner and Gravse- 3.
On motion of Mayor Burns, that on aooount of this being the last .oi the year ands
• the reports, pry roll, eto. not having been oomplsted, and on eooot~nt of the rush iri j ., ,..-
~, ;i the offios of the Com'r of 8lnenos due to the oollsotlon of tales for the last half
~' of the ye~sr, that thin mooting be ad~ournsd until Rednssday, January Ed, 1916- oarried
• ~
t upon oell of the roll by 3 yeas. •
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