HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/26-12/27/16 & 12/30/16~~'. N.!~i`S . 1J~ Y. G ~~ ~~ ...: .. .•i v~ .,n. .. ~... y.w .-..•«...x,ti.,:•..:. ~.t+ui:~:..-.d-'^~,~..•.u^.. ,... wt:..le.,r_........~.r..ra...,.•, -. ....-+.• No.~ ! at a apeoial meeting of the Hoard of Commiesionsrs held in the Council Chamber j '• of the City Hall. Paducah, F,q.. on Dsa.87th, 1916, upon Dell of the roll the follow- } • ,' !ng answered their names: Burns. Gardnsr~ tiravea. Marton and Washington- 6. ~ (L-po-~' ';, on motion o! Member Marton. that the Report of synn Tully. a=-auditor be ~ MS^'(~^^'~"~ ssoalvsd and filed and he ba granted his quietus as auditor and Treasurer o! the City i of Padnoah- oarried upon osli of the roll by b yeas. p 'I 'F4^+~ Oi: motion of Mayor Burns, that tales be suspended ae to sending out oopi4a of. i " Rsaolutione &o. so that any member of the Board may bs permitted to offer any motion or Resolution desired at thin meeting- oarried upon Dell of the roll by '6 yeas. • n I_~-_ ~~ :ra motion of Member Marton. that the United 9tatse Fidelity ~ Guaranty Oompany fI ~d~-, be released from the bonl of iynn Tnily. e:-Audltos and Treasurer of the City•ot ~~ •, Paducah- same oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. £d P ctw,..EL.r. on motion of the above, that the asw England ~ Equitable 9urety'Co. be' released ~,•~• ~'"'^"`~ ~ from the bonds of Dr. Ed P. Parley. e:-Meat & .Milk Inspector, L. 1`;. Durrdtt~ e:-Oity ca, ~•~~,y,l;,,~ Weigher. Wee Flowers. formes Street Inapsotos, J. 0. SesDler. formes Snperiatendsn! I • G-U:+ -' ! th Li ht let 0111 Child a C 8t t J M Dann C J Ed ' Adeytei~_=191 ~ ~.P='S~,C.~ .TTT.D i ^Ur C4.~ 4.•• DECEMBER 87th. 1816. ; ~. •~,,,.. $ ~ aooeptod- same oarried upon Dail of the roll Dy the ibllosing wte; 4 yeas. On motion of the above. that the resignation of H. G. Johnston a• a member of x ~, ca."' i the Hoard of Hoslth bs aooepted. to take eiteot Deo. 31. 1816- oarried upon Dail of j 0~ ', the Poll by the ibllowing wte: 4 yeas. i t~ ~ ~ Oa motion of the above. that the eoonnt of #19.40 be paid Commisoioatr 1f. a. ' y,~, 0._ ~ 1~ Oasdnsr to .reimburse him toe aotnal e~oenea inonrrea on hie trip to Louisville to .{.~ attend the Tax Conterenos.as per attaohed statement. Said meeting being held at the .! ~ $!~ •p ~o-+~*'~Hoard o! Trade Rooms, Lonisville~ lCy.- oarried upon Dell of the Yell by 4 yeas. - On motion of the above. that the City Hoiioitos be rsgweted to ihsniah a ~`~"~~ written opinion as to regnirsmint of publishing ordiaeaoes passed by the Hoard of ~ ~1~~'~~Commiasionera- sane serried upon Dell of .the roll Dy the following wte: 4 yeas. Oa motion the Board adjourned upon Dail of the Poll by 4 yeas. `• .. i' , - .. Commissioner's~Proceedings,. City of Paducah " Deo~mb.r 86th jgl s ' at an ad~ow'ned meeting of the Board o! Cownieeionsra.beld in th4.Connoil". 1 • ~. • i Chamber of the City Hall. Paduoah, liy. on Deo. E6, 1916, upon Dail of tha.soil the ' following e~nawsred the is names: Horns. Oasdaer, Oravss sad Mashington- 4:. ' On motion of Msmbsr Osaves. the minntea of a regular meeting held on Deo, 18, a epeoial meeting on Dso. 18. and s rsgnlar meeting on Dso..86tb wets adopted as . ~. read upon Dell of the Yell by 'the following' wte: 4 yeas, i ,~ ~, • ' On motion by Member llashington. that the pay roll ibs the street. department I :, `'" ;", ' ~. ~.tos the' wek ending Dso. 88. 1916, ao;ountiag to ~94.60~ not oovsred by osdinanoe. b• ~' j allowed. oarried upon Dail of the. roll by the following wte: 6 yeas. ~ R„ , • ~ f 0:1 motion..ot Mayor Barns. that the' resignation o! Rev. C. S. Quin sad lire. i w~~ l Margaret Ford ea members of the Yosais Commission, heretofore tendered Chia Hoard, be o e g P n e rasa. ewer ~ away Asper ones. ~'~'•C' ~"'°~ Galan. T. C. Guises, sad A. F. Dowell. e:-patrolmen- oarried upon call of tlu roll C~,y ~„ , ., by the following wte: b yeas. £L ~`~'"'~ Oa motion of the shove. that the 8ational 3nrsty.Qo. bo released from the.bonde~ 9,C. C-1.~..~ ;T ~ ? ~,~-..<~ttrot the following e:-patrolmen: R. A. Y1ok, Hoyoe Hays, James Lpftin. Cl¢rk Fortson '~ ~~,Ma,Q ~ golly Franklin. sad from the bond of Dr. W. J. Hasa. ss-Qity Phyadoian.• oarried npga call of the soil Dy the following wtss 6 yeas. • . ~~r ,.. ~.,~~. ~_ li ~a a „ . ,_ _ . ~ ,2 _ ~ ~ ,, ~ - - ~, ~ .•~ i • - .,, ,.Notitig -~ Commissioner's Proceedings, .City of Paducah Deo. E7th 191~aontinnsa 1 - r On motion d! Member Marton, that V. F. Maohmeysr •=-msrohant polioeman bs relieved _--. p (~ °~ of hie polios powers. and the granting oi, same 1~ osaaslled- parried upon osll of the j . ~. ~ ~-~~,~ rsll by b yeea. On motion o! the above, that the amount of $3b6.77 be allowed and oheok leaned ~ . p to Harry Roea for same, as per wntr4ot,for rrork done on Twenty-fourth street- thin ~ ~ , ', p ~31.C ~7 amount to bs paid.ont of the 8peoial street Fund, in aooordanae with report of 0om'r j , ~~' . '"`~ of Finsnoe and Auditor hereto attached, parried upon cell of the rail by five yesa. ~f.k- ems,: y ¢`_ ~ ~ '. On motion of the above. that the amount of`$b01.81 be allowed and ohsok leaned ; , ~.~N' to G. q. Kattsr~ohn, as per wntraot for work dons oa Broadway from lot to 4th etrset,~' ~ ;; this emonnt to be paid ont of the Spsaial Street Fend, in sooordanos-with report of ~s-o - :~ . ~~~ (~Com'r.of Finanos and Anditor'hersto sttaohed- same parried upon pall o! tls roll by 1 ~ ~° :. b yaes. Oa motion thq Board ad~ournsd upon pail of the. roll by 8 you. ~~~., •v _191..'' +. 'A1:a~^d -- ~ - py .~ ~jJ `~'Y - .. ~r ~ ~ ~~~ JldARU.Ct DECELiBER 30th. 1916. - ,~A3 a palled meeting of the Board of Comnieaionere held in the Council Chamber o! '. ths.0lty Hall, Paducah, $y., on Dso. S0, 1916, upon pall of the roll the following F ,.. ~ c answered their namses Bnrna, Gardner, Graves. Marton and Weahingtoa- b. On motion of 3dayor Bursa, that relea bs suspended sa to ae~nding out oopiea of ~° 4-.ten ordinanos amend Seotioa 16 of the biasses Ordinance parried n on,osll of the rolY - ~g P ~. .~ ~°-- ~ by the following vote: b yeas. On motion of Member Gardner, aN ORDINANCE A1tENDI2JG AND RE-ENACTING SECTIO)d /.~llMA~ 82ZTEEN O16) OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITbED: "AW ORDINANOE FI7CIN6 AND REGUbATING THE LICEHSS ®.y~,;~c,~/ AND THE MANNER AND FORM OF GRANTING AMID ISSUING SALiE, ON VARIOUS bIHE9 OF BUSDYESS, •.OObbINGS, OCCUPATIONS AND PROFE$SION3 IIi aHE CITY OF PADUCAH, BENTUCKY. AND PROVIDIaG THE YENAbTIES FOR NON-PAY>riEEIT THEREOF dND THE VIOI/ATION HEREOF, APPROVED BY TH8 SdAYOH , OF THE CITY OF PADUCA}l, BENTUCBY, DECEiffiER 19, 1908" waa given its passage upon pall of . the roll by b yeas. :` p On motion of Mayor Berne, that the Com'r of Pnblio Works bs authorised to get bar P bids for printing the lioenee ordinance, and that oontraot to print 600 poplar be ~~ awarded the lowest bidder- oarried.upon pail of the roll by 6 yeas. ' On motion: o! Member Marton. WHEREAS. John D. Smith hse audited the pity books /o~.~ for the past ten months beginning Jan. let, 1916 to Nov. lot, 1916. that lir. 9tsith bs ~l a6e~'' re-e~ployed to finish the audit of all books for the year of 1916- parried upon pail ' of the roll by the following votes b yeas. - ~` Oa motion o! Member Graven, that the Com'r of Pnbiio Safety bs authorised to Yj. . ~ ~~, .pnrohass a new Olives typewriter for the use of the ahiaf of the Fire Department, and ` -;~ . ~~~~~~~r~, etohanging the old typewriter now in uas ae part payment therwn- parried upon pall ~ x,w, ' of the roil by 8 yeas. i On motion of ltayor~Burna, that the City Solicitor bs reQuested to dreg boad~ for. - Improvement of Broadway from lot to nth streets st once- parried upon cell o! roll b~ 6 'say. ' ~ ~ On,motion thq Board ad~ournsa, upon pall of the roll by b yaes• y 19r~ . ~, ... i ~ ~~ .. , . • ,' • -i'- t, . - -. ' .. • , ~ j'