HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/15 & 03/23/15. ~n~. --. ~~~uvu ~„e,~... . ~ t,,; 1 - u:e~Ed~s1~,m~,,~zanwucL+m~ume:whN.l~l:~~nt.m~s~em~o-u~cV,,•.• „~,...... ,:~.~,11. a ,~ ~~me~wr~l,~ ~u~duu ii.,i , .~' c ~ •~ _. • '- ~,~. • i 1 j Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Atarah 22nd .191 b . At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Counoil Chamher, in the City Hall, City of Paduoah, Ky. on btarah 22, 1916, upon oa11G. .of the roll the.fallowipr nnawered their names: Hums, Hazelip, Murton, Wnllaoe C and Washington - 6. j r ' On motion by btemb.er Burna,.the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted ae road upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton, R'allaoe and Washington - b. ~,~ ~~~~ On motion by the above the transfer of the saloon license oY 934 3. ~~~-!' ~ ~~ Fifth street to 933 S. Third Street waa granted to Dan Galvin, upon oall of the roll) 'J~~c~o--s-w~~ by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, L'arton, Plallaoe and Washington b. ' ~ On motion by the above, the appaintment of Rosooe Reed of official newspaper for the year beginning April 1, 191b and ending April 1. 1916. same Ras referred to the City Solioitor upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Harelip, Marton, Walleoe and Ctashington - b. (%~G~I~tt~Grrrv On motion of the above "CiHERE.~S, THE CENERi~L ASSEMBLY OF THE COA&tON- ~,.t~[i ~"' WEdLTH OF KENTUCKY, BY AN dCT OF SAID GIItERNL xSSEbiBLY PBSSID DURING THE SESSION OF .' 1914, REPEALID Ait. ACT OF THE GENERI~L ASSEI~,BLY OF THE STATES OF KEITUCKY EIITITLED "irN '. ,' .. ACT RELliTING, TO iIEIGHTS, biEASURE3 liTiD BBLAIICD3, GIiD THE dPPOIIJTA}ETJT OF AN YIISPECTOR ' OF S'iEIGHTS :~TiD P~~ASUiIES FOR COUIiTIE$;" ,.sPPROVED BY THE GOYERItOR MARCH 23, 1910, aIiD APPEeIRITiG AS CHAPTER 90 OF THE ACTS OF TTIE GEt1ERAL ASSEb~LY OF TI;E STATE OF KEIii'UCKY ': ,FOR 1910" wns given its passage upon oall of the roll by tho following vote: Yeea, i . Burns, Hazelip, A[arton, Wallnoe hnd Washington - 6.. On motion by the above, that the Doard go into the oleotion of an Ynspeotor of Yreighta and Ateaanree, ourried upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, b[arton, S~`allaoo and Washington - 6. _ >>~11""~ On motion, Member Burns planed the nomination of Mr. Tom Orr for the ' ~~ ~'~ Position of Inspeotor of Weights and Measures - Itrember Liarton nominating Roy Hurt, '; `4~~~ ~ upon poll of the vote Atr. Orr reaelvod the following vote: Burns, iallaoe and ~~~ 1Vaahington - 3; blr. Hurt reoeiving AIr. Mnrton'a vote - the Mayor not voting. G~~~ On motion by Aiember Alarton, the report from the Doard of Supervisors for the year 191b was reoeived end filed upon pall of the roll by the following ~~,~GVi-r~~~-¢~ vote: Yeas, Burns, Hnzelip, Aiarton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ~~ ~7~ 'Ap On motion by A[ember Wollaae, the Paduonh Printing Co. was awarded ' ti ~~l/ 0 ~ ~ the oontraot of printing of tax bills, amounting to ,x`64.60, aarrfed upon pall of the ~~~~~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, A'.arton, Walleoe end Washington - b:. On motion by Aiember Washington, the weekly payroll for the unemployed . amounting to N69.00, and the Street Department for the neeY. ending Maroh 20th, pain ~~ ~`- by Dash order not covered by ordins.noe, was reoeived and filed upon gall oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Burns, Hazelip. I,tarton, Walleoe and Washington -, b. ~~~ On motion by Aiember B'ashinpton, that any Commissioner passing or ~yy d refneing to vote on any proposition presented, without being eaoused from voting ,.by.the Commissioners ea a whole, shall be reoorded ea voting against the proposition,;' carried upon pall of the roll by the following tote: Yeas,' Burns, lderton and Wash- ington; 3 - Naya, Hazelip and Walinae - 2. t/~~`"!'~ Oa motion by mayor Hazelip, n oommunioetioa from the (Sivio Dept.. o~ the Woman's Giub in•regard to Kolb's park, was reoeive8 attd filed upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeaa, !!urns, Hazelip, Liartoa, Wallaop and Washington .. r--m„ ~__ ,U ^~°-r .. ~~' Commissioner`s r No ~' s'- ofPadnCah batch' 22 191.- oontiausd ec3 I~•,p,~-'di On motion by Member Burns, that X100.00 be set aside in the 6pportionment ~~~G~•~^~e,~ Ordinance for the Ctest Ky. Induetriel Oollege, same onrried upon .pall of the roll Dy Ci ,the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Eiarton and.Washington - S. lteys, Hazelip and ~' 11e11eoe 2. ~ On motion by MemDor Burns, the Board adjourned to mast at 10;00 o'clock e.m. L'aroh.23, 1916, upon cell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas;, Burns, Marton ~, and Washington - 3. Kaye, Hazelip and Walleoe - E. ' y'DOPTSII~ APP VIflD ~ -. ~' ~ City Cler . y ~, r. c \~ ~i ~4; ~ I : " ~! ~ ~ ,. . ~. MARCH 8$. 1915. '• ' ii { AL sa ed~ourned meeting of the Board of Commissioaers, held in the Oouaoil ~, . ;. iChamber, in the City Hall. City o! Paducah, Kentucky, oa March 23, 19L6, upon cell ' Hof the roll the Yellowing answered their namoe: Burns,. Hazelip, Marton, Wallaos 1' Wand Washington - S. ~osr~.•.L On motion by Eiember Burns, that X1,000.00 be eat aside for the Board of Trade ~e ~ 'for the year 191b carried upon cell of 'the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, ~' 'Hazelip. Marton, Walleoe and Washington - b. L2~iE~~"+~f•-+~w~' On motion by Member Martoa, that eotlon be deferred on the 8pportlonment ;~ ' i ;~,: . ~, -/_ ~ • !''u• ,Ordinance. parried upon call oP the roll by the PollowinP vote: Yeas, Burns, tlartori .Walleoe and Washington - 4. I~eye: Mayor Hazelip - 1. I . ~~ ,~~J,,~.~•~ On motion by Member Washington, >ur Walleoe was appointed as a Committee oP oao ' (~(.~~ GE%~-2e~ to talk with Lfr. Humett relative to reduction of hydrant rentals and report back to~ I • ~~ ~ the Commissioners, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns ' ' HH-azelip, L'erton, Wallace and 4ashington b. ~ ' ~cs'~ Oa motion by Mayor Hazelip, that the Commissioner of Pub11o Works be instructed ~t~ ; ' ~ to secure engineering data for the oonetruotion oP the first section of.Thlyd'Dist. I,•~`, ,. • 8swer, using Paducah ciaterlel and Paducah labor. then advertise for bide without ony ~ ' '',reatriatione as to labor or material, and submit both propositions Baia b1ds, ~' ~ ~ ' • ~ hcwever, being male aub;eot to re~eotioa, and that said ooatraotors bs required to ' ~. submit bids using Paducah labor oxcluslve of foromea, and Paducah material ns tar ns ~~ praotioable, oarriod upon nail of the roll by the following vote;. Yeue, Durns~ Hazelip, L!arton, Walleoe and Washington - b. ~ ' ~~.er On motion by Ismber Washington, the C1ty 8o11oitor was instruct to bring 1A,aa ~fe•,..~ ~• ordlnanoo allowing the Ohio River Sand and Gravel Co• t0 oonstruotK~~.si~e~w~.klr•.•• ~sa~is ~~~~~~~pes attached blue print, carried upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ~ ; . __ Burns, Hazelip, Marton, Walleoe and Washington • b. ~ ~ ;,' On motion by Mayor Hazelip, that all brink eidowalks in the business distract j r } ~• ~ be replaced with concrete eldewulYs artd gutters said district embracing the i • ~i.~.... "~ r'•tollowing territory, Prom First street to Savonth street between Washington and e", ~ /~~ ~ . fhl~onroe atroeta -; that the City Solicitor be instructed to dray an ordins:noe for ~ • • same, carried upon call oY the roll by the following vote; Yeus, Hazelip, l:arton, J Walleoe and Qaehington . A• Ilay; Burns - 1. 11 ~ ~•~ . . .. .,, ~, ~ :.. ~ , . . a i. r ~.. , x • ~ ~...~,..A....~.r,~..:~. ~ . u .,, .. ,~, -,~. i - ~ { ..~ No. 3 6 ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~°r°'' zs~ 191 b . ~ f I . On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of tihe roll by the follos- ~ ` ~ ing vote Burney Hazelip~ Liarton~ Walleoe and Washington - b. : " ,. g'j~OPT~l3, ~ ~ ~ .APP=~, 7~D / I r ~ ~~ /cFii .. ~ QttY , er ~ ~ ~Y~~; 7 . - ~~ ~.~ ,. ~. ~.{ i ; ,~ ~ ~ ' ~,. . -I ~ry ~ .. f, ~i: ~ ~ .. ~ ~. ~~ ~. .. k't ~ ' ' • .. ~ ~ , K4K ' is ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,. ~ ~ ... ~ ~~ ~ .. 1 ~ .. - .. .. - i , i ' ~ 1 ) .` ~.. .. 1 1#. - - ,. ki" M h _ i ~ ~ ` .. f