HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-2016SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street, Mayor Kaler presided, and upon call of the roll by the City Clerk, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). PRESENTATION AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MISSION LIFELINE EMS PERFORMANCE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD TO POLICE & FIRE CHIEFS Dr. Irvin Smith, Medical Director of Mercy Ambulance, presented the above awards to Police Chief Barnhill and Fire Chief Kyle. COMMENTS REGARDING STUDY FOR 2 -WAY CONVERSION OF JEFFERSON AND BROADWAY STREETS Several people were in attendance at the Commission meeting wanting to express their concerns regarding the approval to execute a contract for professional services to conduct a study for the proposed conversion of Jefferson and Broadway to become a 2 -way street. This study will also include the addition of bike lanes to Broadway and Jefferson Streets, preparation of signing and marking plans for bidding, performance of signal warrant studies for all intersections within the study area to to see if the intersections can be converted to 4 -way stop intersections and perform a signal warrant study at 3rd and Jefferson. The firm will also assist the City in the preparation of the Transportation Alternative Grant. Mayor Kaler began the opening of comments by reading an email sent to Planning Director Steve Ervin from the owners of Hooper's Outdoor Center. They wanted their concerns for the conversion of Broadway and Jefferson and bike lane additions to Jefferson and Broadway to be considered. They are not in favor of the conversion to a 2 -way street. However, they are for bike lanes in Paducah but not if that means Broadway and Jefferson have to be changed to a 2 - way. The city residents that spoke and are not favorable to the 2 -way conversion were John Berry, Joe DiJulio, and Brad Rankin. Kathy McHaney, Linda Miller, Greg Holtgrewe, and Martha Emmons spoke in favor of the study. Concerns expressed by city resident Dana Amsdell were in regards to Paducah being a walkable city. MINUTES Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the reading of the Minutes for the August 23, 2016, City Commission meeting be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MOTION R & F DOCUMENTS Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the following documents and bids be received and filed: DOCUMENTS 1. Certificate of Liability Insurance and Right of Way Bond for Extreme Construction, LLC 2. Contracts/Agreements: a. Consent to Casualty Insurance Renewal for the Columbia Club Theater (MO # 1928) b. Professional Consulting Agreement with Federal Engineering, Inc. for 911 Communications Services Department (ORD # 2016-08-8401) c. Professional Services Agreement with Bacon, Farmer, Workman Engineering & Testing, Inc. for the Noble Park Pond Bank Stabilization Phase II (Executed by CM) 826 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 d. Addendum No. 3 to Agreement to Employ Jeffrey A. Pederson as Paducah City Manager (ORD # 2016-08-8412) e. Contracts for Services with Midtown Alliance of Neighbors for FY 2014, 2015 & 2016 (Executed by CM) 3. Paducah Water Works Financial Statements for period ended July 31, 2016 BIDS FOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1319 Park Avenue 1. Brent Lindsey* 2519 Ohio Street 1. Karolyn Brown* BIDS FOR ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Ten (10) Police Pursuit Rated SUV's 1. Paducah Ford* Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVE AN ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE KENTUCKY INFRASTRUCTURE AUTHORITY FOR PADUCAH WATER Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY APPROVING AN ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT DATED AS OF AUGUST 1, 2016 BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY AND THE KENTUCKY INFRASTRUCTURE AUTHORITY; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AGREEMENT," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). M.O.#1929; BK 9 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1319 PARK AVENUE Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF BRENT LINDSEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $50 FOR PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1319 PARK AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SALE," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). M.O.#1930; BK 9 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2519 OHIO STREET Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF KAROLYN BROWN IN THE AMOUNT OF $500 FOR PURCHASE OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2519 OHIO STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SALE," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). M.O.#1931; BK 9 ORDINANCES — ADOPTION APPROVE CONTRACT WITH HDR ENGINEERING, INC., FOR BROADWAY/JEFFERSON TWO WAY CONVERSION WITH BIKE LANES, TRAFFIC STUDY AND SIGNING PAVEMENT MARKING PLAN Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, APPROVING A SHORT FORM AGREEMENT WITH HDR ENGINEERING, INC., FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE BROADWAY/JEFFERSON TWO WAY CONVERSION WITH BIKE LANES PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID CONTRACT." 827 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City hereby approves an agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for professional services to study Broadway and Jefferson Streets being converted to two-way, adding bike lanes on Broadway and Jefferson to connect to Phase 5 of the Greenway Trail and Noble Park, prepare a signing and marking plan for bidding, perform signal warrant studies for all intersections within the study area to see if the intersections can be converted to 4 -way stop intersections and perform a signal warrant study at P and Jefferson. Additionally, HDR will assist the City in the preparation of the Transportation Alternative Grant. Further, the Mayor is authorized to execute said agreement. Total compensation for the services provided by HDR is the lump sum of $63,000. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#2016-9-8413; BK 34 AMEND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ORDINANCE Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, ""AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTIONS 6-4, 6-7, 6-9, 6-31, 6-35, AND 6-40 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY." This Ordinance is summarized as follows: This Ordinance amends Chapter 6 of the Paducah Code of Ordinances to conform with recent amendments to KRS Chapters 241 through 244, enacted pursuant to the passage of Senate Bill 11 during the 2016 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly, regarding rectifier's licenses, special temporary alcoholic beverage auction licenses, and alcoholic beverage server training; to modify the times during which alcoholic beverages are permitted to be sold on Sunday; to permit Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages by the drink for athletic facilities holding a Quota Retail Drink license, by the drink for licensed distilleries that also hold a Nonquota type 3 license, and in souvenir packages for all licensed distilleries; and to require wholesalers and distributors to verify that retailers hold a valid local license prior to selling them alcoholic beverages. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#2016-9-8414; BK 34 AGREEMENT WITH LONE OAK FIRE DISTRICT FOR 911 DISPATCH SERVICES Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH LONE OAK FIRE DISTRICT FOR DISPATCH SERVICES, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah hereby approves a Communications Service Agreement with Lone Oak Fire District for 911 Dispatch Services which will begin on August 1, 2016, and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Agreement. The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of eighteen (18) months. Such term shall automatically renew at the end of the Initial Term and any subsequent terms thereafter for an additional eighteen (18) months unless either the City or Lone Oak decide to terminate or renegotiate the Agreement. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#2016-9-8415; BK 34 AGREEMENT WITH HENDRON FIRE DISTRICT FOR 911 DISPATCH SERVICES Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH HENDRON FIRE DISTRICT FOR DISPATCH SERVICES, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah hereby approves a Communications Service Agreement with Hendron Fire District for 911 Dispatch Services which will begin on August 1, 2016, and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Agreement. The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of eighteen (18) months. Such term shall automatically renew at the end of the Initial Term and any subsequent terms thereafter for an additional 828 T- -- -.,- - -.. _ - .. 1 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 eighteen (18) months unless either the City or Hendron decide to terminate or renegotiate the Agreement. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#2016-9-8416; BK 34 ORDINANCES — INTRODUCTION APPROVE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE SOLID WASTE'AGREEMENT WITH FREEDOM WASTE SERVICE Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT FOR TRANSFER, TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND FREEDOM WASTE SERVICE, LLC,; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a First Amendment to the contract with Freedom Waste Service, LLC, a Kentucky limited liability company, for long-term transfer station services, the transport and disposal of all municipal solid waste, and a safe and accessible citizen drop-off area for the deposition of recyclable products. This amendment approves the location of the Transfer Station Site and the plans for development of the Transfer Station and documents agreement and understanding as to delay liquidated damages. APPROVE FINAL ANNEXATION FOR TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY FINALIZING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND DEFINING ACCURATELY THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE SAID CORPORATE LIMITS." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah hereby approves the final annexation of certain tracts of property contiguous to the present city limits, located at 6125 Blandville Road and 1592 New Holt Road, containing 8.313 acres, more or less. CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF NORTH 29TH STREET BETWEEN HARRISON STREET AND TRIMBLE STREET Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF NORTH 29TH STREET BETWEEN TRIMBLE STREET AND CLAY STREET AND BETWEEN CLAY STREET AND HARRISON STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the closing of North 29th Street between Trimble Street and Clay Street and between Clay Street and Harrison Street, and authorizes the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer of property to the property owners in or abutting the public ways to be closed. CLOSURE OF YOPP STREET Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF YOPP STREET BETWEEN 3220 AND 3300 WAYNE SULLIVAN DRIVE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the closing of a portion Yopp Street between 3220 and 3300 Wayne Sullivan Drive, and authorizes the Mayor to execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer of property to the property owners in or abutting the public ways to be closed. PURCHASE DUMPSTERS FOR SOLID WASTE DIVISION Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF DUMPSTERS, LIDS AND REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR FY2016-2017 829 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 FOR UTILIZATION BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES WITHIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME". This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah authorizes the Finance Director to pay an amount not to exceed $70,000 for FY2016-2017 to Municipal Equipment, Inc., for the purchase of various sized dumpsters, lids and replacement parts for the Solid Waste Division of Engineering -Public Works. PURCHASE ROLL OUT CONTAINERS FOR SOLID WASTE DIVISION Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ROLL-OUT CONTAINERS FROM TOTER, INC., FOR THE ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS SOLID WASTE DIVISION." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Finance Director to make payment to Toter, Inc., for the,purchase of roll-out refuse containers, lids and replacement parts for the 2016-2017 fiscal year, in an amount not to exceed the City's budgeted amount of $60,000. These containers and accessories will be used by customers within the City limits of Paducah served by the Solid Waste Division, Engineering -Public Works Department. This purchase is made in compliance with the Kentucky State Purchasing Contract. PURCHASE VEHICLES FOR PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PADUCAH FORD FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF TEN (10) 2017 POLICE PURSUIT RATED VEHICLES FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE POSSIBLE PURCHASE OF UP TO TWO ADDITIONAL POLICE VEHICLES PRIOR TO JUNE 30,2017; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah accepts the bid of Paducah Ford in the amount of $357,845.00, for the purchase of ten (10) 2017 Police pursuit rated vehicles for use by the Paducah Police Department; approves the purchase of up to two (2) additional police vehicles at the unit bid price submitted in the bid, in the event the City may need to purchase additional vehicles prior to June 30, 2017, and hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a contract with Paducah Ford for the purchase of the vehicles. ACCEPT 2016 PORT SECURITY GRANT AWARD Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FOR A 2016 PORT SECURITY GRANT AND AUTHORIZING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT THE GRANT THROUGH THE PORT SECURITY ON-LINE PORTAL". This ordinance is summarized as follows: The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to obtain a 2016 Port Security Grant in the amount of $14,678.00 for the purchase of three security cameras to monitor the floodwall. This grant does not require any local cash or in-kind match. ACCEPT FY2017 HIGHWAY SAFETY GRANT AWARD Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF A 2016-2017 KENTUCKY HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENT GRANT AWARD WITH THE KENTUCKY OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY, A DIVISION OF THE KENTUCKY TRANSPORTATION CABINET." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute the 2016-2017 Kentucky Highway Safety Program Reimbursement Grant Award with the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety, a division of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, in the amount of $25,450, for overtime hours associated with saturation patrols, including fuel costs. This program does not require any local cash or in-kind match. CITY MANAGER REPORT The city manager requested an executive session to discuss personnel issues. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board go into closed session for discussion of matters pertaining to the following topic(s): 830 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 Issues which might lead to the appointment, dismissal or disciplining of an employee, as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(f). Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ADOPTED: September 13, 2016 City Clerk May Pro Tem 831