HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-2016AUGUST 16, 2016 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday, August 16, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street, Mayor Kaler presided, and upon call of the roll by the City Clerk, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). INVOCATION McCracken County Rescue Chaplain Larry Dickson gave the invocation. MINUTES ' Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the reading of the Minutes for the August 9, 2016, City Commission meeting be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mayor Kaler made the following appointments: "WHEREAS, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, I hereby appoint Terrance Adams and Patrick White to the Paducah Area Transit Authority Board. These terms will expire June 30, 2020." Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Kaler in appointing Terrance Adams and Patrick White as members of the Paducah Area Transit Authority Board. Adopted upon call of the roll,.yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MOTION R & F DOCUMENTS Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the following documents and bids be received and filed: DOCUMENTS 1. Irrevocable Letter of Credit for Subdivision Approval for Ridgewood Villas (ORD # 2016-08-8396) BID for PLANNING DEPARTMENT Sale of 1908 Clay Street 1. Latria Hensley* Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVE SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AT 1908 CLAY STREET Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE BID OF LATRIA HENSLEY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1 FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1908 CLAY STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SALE," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MO#1926; BK 9 ORDINANCES — ADOPTION CONTRACT FOR 911 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT FEDERAL ENGINEERING Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PURPOSES OF ENGAGING FEDERAL ENGINEERING, INC. TO PERFORM 818 AUGUST 16, 2016 CONSULTING WORK FOR CITY OF PADUCAH 911 COMMUNICATION SERVICERS DEPARTMENT". This ordinance is summarized as follows: This Ordinance approves and authorizes the appropriation of the second installment of one-half the funds necessary to engage Federal Engineering, Inc. to consulting work for the City of Paducah 911 Communications Services Department in planning, designing and providing implementation assistance in the replacement of the current 911 system infrastructure, including a public safety radio/wireless communication system, a 911 telephone system, and a computer-aided dispatch system. A copy of the Ordinance and the form of the basic document for such transaction will be on file in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8401; BK 34 ACCEPT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE FEE GRANT AWARD FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ACCEPTING A 2016-2017 LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE FEE GRANT AWARD FOR OPERATION OF A ONE-YEAR DUI ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY JUSTICE CABINET." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby accepts grant funds in the amount of $7,396.00 through the Kentucky Justice Cabinet for a 2016-2017 Law Enforcement Service Fee Grant Award to be used by the Paducah Police Department for operation of a one-year DUI enforcement program and hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a Grant Agreement and all documents relating thereto. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8402; BK 34 AMEND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ORDINANCE TO ALLOW DISTILLERS AND BED AND BREAKFAST BUSINESSES TO OBTAIN A NON -QUOTA 3 RETAIL DRINK LICENSE Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE II, SECTION 6-33, "ISSUANCE; STANDARDS," AND SECTION 6-40, "LICENSE TYPES AND FEES," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY." This Ordinance is summarized as follows: This Ordinance amends Chapter 6, Article II, Section 6-33, entitled "Issuance; Standards," and Section 6-40, entitled "License Types and Fees," which regulate licenses to sell alcoholic beverages, for the purpose of providing for the issuance of Non -Quota Type 3 Retail Drink Licenses to distilleries and "bed and breakfast" businesses in accordance with recent amendments to KRS 241.010, 243.0305, and 243.086, enacted pursuant to the passage of Senate Bill 11 during the 2016 Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8403; BK 34 CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES: GPEDC/ENTRE PADUCAH Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners adopted an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH THE GREATER PADUCAH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES THAT WILL INCLUDE SERVICES FOR ENTREPADUCAH." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Greater Paducah Economic Development Council in the amount of $250,000, to be paid in equal quarterly allocations of $62,500, for performance of services as outlined in said Contract. Further, this contract will include services for EntrePaducah in the amount of $50,000 to be paid in equal quarterly allocations of $12,500. This contract shall expire June 30, 2017. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8404; BK 34 819 AUGUST 16, 2016 PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE -COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE, INC. FOR THE COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Paducah Junior College, Inc. in the amount of $125,000 for the Community Scholarship Program. This contract shall expire June 30, 2017. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8405; BK 34 PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE-PADUCAH SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE, INC. FOR THE TWO LOCATIONS OF THE PADUCAH SCHOOL OF ART." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Paducah Junior College, Inc. in the amount of $75,000, to be paid in equal quarterly allocations of $18,750. The funds will be used for operational expenses which shall include but not be limited to utilities, repairs and other operating expenses for the two locations of the Paducah School of Art located at 905 Harrison Street and 919 Madison Street. This contract shall expire June 30, 2017. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8406; BK 34 PADUCAH TRANSIT AUTHORITY Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH PADUCAH AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Paducah Area Transit System in the amount of $215,000.00, to be paid in equal quarterly allocations of $53,750.00 for public transportation services for the Paducah/McCracken County area. This contract expires June 30, 2017." Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8407; BK 34 LUTHER F. CARSON FOUR RIVERS CENTER Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE LUTHER F. CARSON FOUR RIVERS CENTER INC. FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center Inc. in the amount of $63,325 to provide an extensive youth performance schedule in continuing with their tradition of the "Class Act" series. This contract shall expire June 30, 2017. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8408; BK 34 BARKLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BARKLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT FOR PROVIDING GENERAL AVIATION AND AIR CARRIER SERVICES." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Barkley Regional Airport in the amount of $110,000, payable in quarterly installments of $27,500 each, for providing general aviation and air carrier services to the citizens of McCracken County and surrounding regions. This contract shall expire June 30, 2017. 820 -. i - --- - - --_ - - --- - -, F- AUGUST 16, 2016 Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD. #2016-8-8409; BK 34 ORDINANCES — INTRODUCTION CONTRACT WITH HDR ENGINEERING, INC FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FOR FLOOD PUMP STATIONS #2 & #9 Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT PLANS FOR FLOOD CONTROL PUMP STATIONS #2 AND #9; AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTION SERVICES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAID CONTRACT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City hereby approves the Professional Service Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for engineering design services required to complete the Project Plans for Flood Control Pump Stations #2 and #9. The City also agrees for HDR to provide construction administration and inspection services during the construction of the project. The total amount for the contract for all services will not to exceed $132,500. Further, the Mayor of the City is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement. ACCEPT 2016-2017 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT AWARD Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT, AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO, WITH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FOR A 2016-2017 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT THROUGH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO BE USED BY THE PADUCAH POLICE." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City of Paducah hereby approves the execution of a grant agreement, and all documents relating thereto, with the U. S. Department of Justice for a 2016-2017 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Accountability Grant, in the amount of $11,963.00, to be used by the Paducah Police Department to purchase mobile radios. No local match is required. APPROVE CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT TO EMPLOY JEFFREY A. PEDERSON AS PADUCAH CITY MANAGER". This ordinance is summarized as follows: The City hereby approves an addendum to the employment agreement with Jeffrey Pederson and authorizes the Mayor to execute said addendum. The changes are as follows: Term of agreement increase effective July 26, 2016 to July 26, 2019; a salary increase to $165,897 annually; and an allowance for a portion of unused sick leave to be paid out upon resignation. WORKSHOP NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES DISCUSSION Planning Director Steve Ervin led a discussion with the Commission about selecting the next neighborhood revitalization project since the Fountain Avenue neighborhood project is coming to a close. He recommended some goals and objectives and gave some considerations for neighborhood selection. Mr. Ervin suggested the Planning Department in partnership with the Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency work through the selection criteria for neighborhoods and come back to the Commission with recommendations. ADOPTED: August 23, 2016 City Clerk 821 ayor