HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-2016MAY 10, 2016 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street, Mayor Kaler presided, and upon call of the roll by the City Clerk, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). PRESENTATIONS DUCHESS OF PADUCAH Mayor Kaler presented local artist BiLan Liao with a Duchess of Paducah. PADUCAH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BEER FEST FUNDRAISER Daniel Sene, Executive Director, invited everyone to the first Paducah PA*BREW*CAH Beer Fest. It is Paducah's newest festival selling craft beer. It is on Saturday, June 186' from noon until 5:00 p.m. at the corner of 2nd and Broadway. PADUCAH CHIEF'S BASEBALL General Manager Greg McKeel wanted everyone to know the Paducah Chiefs Baseball Club, a member of the Ohio Valley Summer Collegiate Baseball League, is back in Paducah after being gone for 60 years. They will be playing at Brooks Stadium for the 2016 season. Mr. McKeel, on behalf of the Baseball Club, thanked the City for its support. Mayor Kaler presented Mr. McKeel and Doc Hideg with Duke of Paducah awards. MINUTES Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the reading of the Minutes for the April 26, 2016, City Commission meeting be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MOTION R & F DOCUMENTS Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the following document be received and filed: DOCUMENTS 1. Notice of Cancellation for the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky for May 3, 2016 2. Certificates of Liability Insurance a. Premier Fire Protection, Inc. b. Vanguard Contractors, LLC c. Municipal Equipment, Inc. 3. Quitclaim Deed with Christ Temple Apostolic Church for 1018 North 14th Street, Tract 1 & 2 (MO # 1888) 4. Contracts/Agreements: a. Memorandum of Agreement with the Department for Local Government Office of Federal Grants for a walking trail in the Health Park (ORD # 2016-04-8356) b. Contract for Services with the Greater Paducah Sustainability Project, Inc. (Executed by CM) c. Contract Modification for Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to extend time and balance of the grant for construction of a transient boat dock (ORD # 2014-09-8186) 5. City of Paducah Department of Finance Financial Report for period ending February 29, 2016 6. Paducah Water Works Financial Highlights for March 2016 7. Paducah -McCracken County Convention & Visitors Bureau Financial Statements for period ended June 30, 2015 Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). MUNICIPAL ORDERS PERSONNEL ACTIONS 774 MAY 10, 2016 Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. (SEE MUNICIPAL ORDER BOOK) Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). KLC WORKER'S COMPENSATION SAFETY GRANT Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN A 2016 MATCHING INSURANCE SERVICES SAFETY GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,950 FROM THE KENTUCKY LEAGUE OF CITIES FOR ISOMETRIC TESTING FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS TO ATTEND THE KENTUCKY LEAGUE OF CITIES SAFETY CONFERENCE," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). M.O.1904; BK 9 APPROVE APPLICATION FOR BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP GRANT Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF PADUCAH PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO APPLY FOR A 2016 U.S. BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,030 THROUGH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). M.O.#1905; BK 9 ORDINANCE — ADOPTION CONTRACT WITH PADUCAH CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE PADUCAH-MCCRACKEN COUNTY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES." This ordinance is summarized as follows: The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with the Paducah - McCracken County Convention and Visitors Bureau in the amount of $25,000 to be used for marketing and promoting events and venues related to the 2016 American Quilters Society Show. This contract shall expire June 30, 2016. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#2016-5-8363; BK 34 ORDINANCES — INTRODUCTION ACCEPT 2014 LAND & WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANT AWARD Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY GOVERNOR'S OFFICE FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FOR A 2014 LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: Authorizing the Mayor to execute a grant agreement and all documents relating thereto with the Kentucky Governor's Office for Local Development to obtain a matching grant in the amount of $75,000.00 for a National Park Service Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for the construction of Phase I of the health park located at 421 North 13'' Street. The City will provide 50% in-kind/cash match. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF HOTEL MODIFICATION AGREEMENT WIFI&I MAY 10, 2016 Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO HOTEL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PADUCAH RIVERFRONT HOTEL LP, WITH RESPECT TO A PUBLIC PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE AMENDMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: This Ordinance authorizes the City of Paducah to execute a First Amendment to the Hotel Development Agreement between the City and Paducah Riverfront Hotel LP, eliminating Paducah Riverfront Hotel LP's commitment to operate and manage the publically owned convention center, generally known as the Julian Carroll Convention, William and Meredith Schroeder Expo Center. TRANSFER REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 619 NORTH 6" STREET TO THE PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER CORPORATION Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE SALE OF SURPLUS MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 619 NORTH 6TH STREET, PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR PURPOSES OF PROMOTING TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: This Ordinance authorizes the City of Paducah to execute a special warranty deed and bill of sale to convey the real property and improvements located at 619 North 6th Street to the Paducah McCracken County Convention Center Corporation for purposes of promoting tourism and economic development. CITY MANAGER REPORT • Last week Planning Director Steve Ervin, Mayor Kaler and the City Manager had a conversation with RATIO, the consultants for the city hall project, regarding separating the plans for renovations into phases. At this time, the City wants Phase I to include stabilizing the overhang and repair of the roof; items which are necessary for keeping the building safe for the public and employees. The preliminary cost RATIO has given is $3.4 million. The City Manager is going to discuss with the Finance Department options for funding and will come back to the commission to discuss the alternatives to find out how they want to proceed. There has not been any discussion with RATIO about future phases. They are on hold until directed to proceed. • Demolition contract should be authorized for the nursing home building located at 501 North P Street, next to the new hotel site by the end of the week. • Lower Town Arts & Music Festival is this weekend, May 13th (3:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.) and May 14th (10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.) • Budget presentation is going to be two weeks from tonight MAYOR & COMMISSIONER COMMENTS None were given. PUBLIC COMMENTS None were given. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED: May 17, 2016 City Clerk 776 1 ,, , ,T - -,�- --