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April 27, 1994
At a Called Joint Meeting of the Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County
Fiscal Court, held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4:35
p.m., Wednesday, April 27, 1994, McCracken County Judge/Executive Danny Orazine
called the meeting to order. Upon roll call by Mayor Gerry Montgomery, the following
answered to their names: Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Hornsby, and Renfro.
Upon roll call by acting recording secretary Annet Lofton on behalf of McCracken
County, the following answered to their names: Judge/Executive Danny Orazine and
Commissioners McNeil, Cope, and Bradford.
Notice of Meeting
On motion of Mayor Montgomery, seconded by Commissioner Robert Coleman, the
executed copies of the City of Paducah Notice of Called Meeting to be held at 4:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, April 27, 1994, be received and filed with the City Clerk. Adopted on call
of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Hornsby, Renfro, and Mayor
Montgomery (5).
Agenda items were as follows:
Old Business
1. Angel of Mercy Ambulance Service
Judge/Executive Orazine reported the Fiscal Court's position was that each government
entity should contribute $125,000 and require the maintenance of the same level of
service as heretofore from the ambulance service.
Mayor Montgomery reported she and Judge Orazine had met with Jack York on April
15 requesting an extension of the current contract. She further reported that in a letter
dated April 19, Mr. York refused the request and made a counter offer. That letter was
not made available to the secretary to be included with these minutes.
Judge Orazine suggested that the Ambulance Committee retain the four remaining
members and that both a City and County Commissioner be added to the committee.
Mayor Montgomery agreed.
Commissioner Dick McNeil suggested putting stipulations on the contributions made by
the City and County, such as that the money may be used only for equipment purchase,
and that the City and County retain title to such equipment.
Motion was made by City Commissioner Grumley and seconded by City Commissioner
Zana Renfro that the City and County contribute a maximum of $125,000 each to the
Angel of Mercy for the coming budget year with the same level of service being provided
by the ambulance service and that a small group consisting of the Ambulance Committee
and a representative of the City and County commissions work out details to define what
service are expected and what kind of controls are to be administered. All members of
the City Commission voted aye.
Motion was made by County Commissioner McNeil and seconded by County
Commissioner Bradford that the County concur with the motion made by the City, to
wit: that both City and County contribute a maximum of $125,000 each to the Angel of
Mercy for the coming budget year with the same level of service being provided by the
ambulance service and that a small group consisting of the Ambulance Committee and a
representative of the City and County commissions work out details to define what
service are expected and what kind of controls are to be administered. All members of
the Fiscal Court voted aye.
Paducah City Commissioner Robert Coleman asked if there was an alternative
emergency ambulance plan in case Angel refused the City/County offer. A spectator in
tht audience, Mr. McClellan, also recommended that a contingency plan be formulated
in case Mr. York refuses the City/County proposal as stated above. Members of the
Ambulance Committee who were present in the audience (Palmer Edwards, Kim Davis,
and Charles Simpson) replied they had such a plan in mind that could be implemented
on a short-term basis but would require that the Judge/Executive declare a state of
emergency in the county. Judge Orazine also stated he had a contingency plan in mind.
Mayor Montgomery recommended the Committee work on further details for a
contingency plan rather than discuss it in an open meeting since such disclosures might
hamper contract negotiations.
Motion was made by County Commissioner Bradford seconded by County Commissioner
Cope that Dick McNeil be appointed as the County's representative to the Ambulance
Committee. All members of the Fiscal Court voted aye.
Zana Renfro was appointed by Mayor Montgomery as the City's representative to the
Ambulance Committee.
Kim Davis was appointed by Judge Orazine and Mayor Montgomery as interim chairman
of the Ambulance Committee until a new permanent chairman can be selected by the
County Commissioner McNeil requested the Mayor & Judge appoint a seventh member
of the committee.
Mayor Montgomery instructed the ambulance committee to look at the contract for
definitions and controls and to look at emergency alternatives. She further directed the
ambulance committee to evaluate the local service as well as other services to see what
is the best financial arrangement for City & County government and, secondly, if another
alternative is chosen, how it might be implemented -- some kind of a format to be
suggested for implementation.
2. Paducah -McCracken County Tourist and Convention Commission
Mayor Montgomery named those presently serving on the Tourist Commission: Eugene
Katterjohn, County representative; Yvonne Holsapple, Hotel/Motel Association
representative; Rollie France, Chamber of Commerce representative; Jim Gregory,
Restaurant Association representative (resigning -- Hospitality Association will
replace him); Lou Brown, Hotel/Motel Association representative; Tom Wilson, City
representative (City looking for replacement); Pat Copeland, Hotel/Motel Association
representative; Gary Houston, Attorney; County Judge, Ex -officio; and Mayor, Ex -officio.
Mayor Montgomery restated what had been discussed at the previous City/County ✓
meeting: that the Convention Center Board be inclusive of the members of the Tourist
Commission with some other appointees. Buddy Smith was a Judge's appointee on the
Convention Center Board and his term has not expired. Larry Sanderson is a labor
appointee whose term has not expired. She suggested keeping these two on and perhaps
naming Bill Schroeder as the Mayoral appointee and asking Gene Katterjohn to chair
the committee. The Mayor also suggested the Convention Center Board could meet
quarterly immediately before the Tourist Commission meeting, if they so desired. Both
commissions authorized the Judge and Mayor to take the steps outlined above regarding
the Convention Center Board.
3. Landfill & Recycling
Judge Orazine announced a County landfill workshop to be held April 28 to discuss ✓
alternatives in case the county landfill should be closed. Those on the agenda are P & L
Railroad, LWD, and B & J from Hichman County.
Both Mayor Montgomery and Judge Orazine reported on steps their respective
government entities were taking toward recycling.
4. - Airport Board Request
Mayor Montgomery recognized Richard Roof. Mr. Roof addressed this year's request
from the Airport Board for a $17,500 contribution from both the City and County ✓
($35,000 total) to replace a tractor and a mower for use at the airport.
Judge Orazine commented that the Fiscal Court might be able to provide a source of
funding (other than property taxes) for the airport's 10 -year plan. After the Court has
had an opportunity to discuss its options, they will get back to Mr. Roof regarding this
possible funding source.
New Business
1. City/County Cable Authority
Judge Orazine reported that on April 25, 1994, the Fiscal Court adopted an ordinance
regulating basic cable rates. He further reported the County is interested in the
possibility of forming a joint cable authority with the City. Mayor Montgomery
responded by saying she had met with Allie Morgan, Dan Key, and Carney Allen to
discuss the possibility of a joint authority, but there are problems that would have to be
overcome. The plan is not impossible, but it might be easier to form two separate
authorities and have joint meetings as necessary.
2. Ethics Implementation
Judge Orazine reported that the County has access to a model ordinance from KACo
that the County could implement. This might be the route the County takes in order to
save the time it would take to draw up an original instrument.
Mayor Montgomery recommended that the City appoint a Citizens' Task Force
consisting of representatives from the NAACP, the Chamber of Commerce, Labor, and
the Commonwealth Attorney's office to assist in drafting the City's ethics ordinance.
There will be a meeting on May 9 at the PADD office with Kentucky League of Cities
representatives to go over model ethics ordinances. The City Commission approved
appointing a 7 -member task force before the May 9 meeting so the appointees could
attend the PADD meeting.
City Commissioner P J Grumley stated that Allie Morgan would make a report to the
next meeting of the E911 Committee regarding a totally new type of early warning
system called an umbrella -type system. One device may possible cover the entire county.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m.
Temporary Secretary
McCracken County Fiscal Court
Mayor B. Mon g