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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for purchase of new street sweeperA RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE-~OF" A" NEW THREE"CUBIC YARD `ELEVATING'I3OPPER STREET SWEEPER AND PRESCRPBING THE CONDITIONS: UPON WHICH'SUCH~PURCHASE SHALZ BE MADE.. : _. , ,. __ .., _. _; ... _. - -. _ . .. - - BE IT. RESOI;VED BY' THE BOARD `OF COMMISSIONERS`OF T:HE'-CITY OF~ " PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: - _. __ _ ; .,__ SECTIQN 1_.; 'That the City'1Vlanager ~be,' and' he' is hereby, authorized to advertise for the purchase of one (1) new three cubic yard elevating hopper street_ sweeper:, for;: use by-the Street `:DQpartment,: said sweeper.,_ao have tYie minimum specifications according to- the° specifications attached-hereto and by :reference -~ -• incorporated": herein . ~ ~ - - ~ - - ` _ - - - ':` ` . SEC=i'ION 2~ c~- Each .bid received `shall designate -the :amount with and wtYiout allowance fore trade,-sn of a :-sweepe`r more specifically described' in the specifications attached-:hereto and . bye reference ':r~corporated .:herein .~ ~ '1'Y%e City ~of Paducah reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids "witl% ors :without trade-im allowance: SECTiON ,3. The City` Manager shall advertise. for bids by a notice posted_on:-the bu~iletinfboard at-City-Ha11-- a~nd:-by`riserting~notce of=the. reclnest for bids in 'the Pa-ducal" Sun-~Derirocrat Ito be published as--required by flaw::. All;. bides shall ~b''e ~s~a~ed~,.and- no- bird.' shall"be- :received `after-• the - hour-.fixed ~in:the 'notice for - _ the opening of-~sam_e.'- ~A11 bds-~received- by:"~the~ =C.-ty -Manager up ta?the' tirrie ':fixed for the opening of same shall be filed with : tle° Board -of C:o''mmissionsrs.:~rho :may let a contract' to ~-the best responsible -bidder; an-d the ~B~ard ~of Commissioners' shall reserve--the-rght to reject-~an.y -and all bids: and~-:the -City: shall :not._become- legally obligated to- ":purchase said "-van, ttype~ v~ehicld until: the. ,adoption of s.ri~ -ordinance ~ ~:: authorizing the execution of a contract. SECTTON 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners December 27, 1977 - .:~ -. .. Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, December 27, 1977. 720 r