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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for purchase of new tires719 -. A -I3.ESOLUTIOIV REQUESTING .THE CITY .MANAGER .TO ADVERTISE. FOR BIDS FOR-•FURNISHIl~G-; THE- GITY~ OF--PADUGAH WITH~;ITS ,Ii,EQUIR,EMENT, FOR .NEW .AND - . . RECAPPED- AUTOMgBILE :AND .TRUCK--: TIRES, FQR--T_HE -PERIOD _OF .TIME FRgAII :.; . ,- . JANUARY 1, 1978 TO DECEMBER 31, 1978 - - - - BE.. IT .RESOLVED BY .THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS.:. OF -THE . C-ITY OF P.A~UCAH, :KENTUCKY... , _.._ ~. _._- - SECTION :,1. That.. the ..City Manager , be, .and---he is hereby,, .authorized ..and ._ advertise .for bids for. furnishing the City of Paducah with, its...require- ment of new...and .recapped automobile _ and truck,.. for. the period: _of time from January 1, ,1978: to December;..31, 1978.; .under- the., fallowing- terms. and:_conditions:.... _, Each bidder shall state his discount price `based ,upon. net, State, .prices , to the:.-Commonwealth.. of, Kent~zeky, and. each bid shall."include. within the .bid. all taxes, if any . -: ;: .: The successful: -bidder shal>• state- that-~t agrees to. be-,responsible :for supply- ing all requested tires that may be listed on the-bid-form whether ,from, the -bidder's- stock or- from ..other.-s-uppliers;~ and a~.l. bids. ,fox, items not: in, stock by the.-supplier shall th.e. manufacturer-; type of tire. and ,.g.uarante.ed .price.. , The. -acceptance of, any. bid shall; not. preclu.,de the. City. -from purchasing used tires or Civil Defense surplus tires from any source other than the suceeseful ";bidder ,, SEC-TION 2...,., The, City ,Manager-.--shall. advertise for :sealed bids -by_ posting a notice on the bulletin board at Ct3r-; ;Hall. -and,.by. inserting.;. notice of the for bids in the.--Paducah. Sun Democrat.„~o.:be..publishe~i -for; not less than. seven. -days nor more -that. twentyone days before ,the -date .fixed ,for ,.the opening - of same ..All -bids shall be_-sealed, and. no bid shall be, received after. the ;hour fixed- in the notice .for. the opening of same . All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fix.ed;. "_ . in the notice for the opening of same shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract to the best responsible bidder, and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not become ,,- _ - - - .. ,.. -- legally obligated to any bidder until the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a purchase contract . SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force andeffect from and after its adoption . / ~~~ Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners December 27, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, December 27, 1977.