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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for asphalt mixer and leaf machine710 ADVERTISE FOR SALE` TO THE ~HiGHEST RESPONSIBILE BIDDER, ONE BARBER-GREEN MIXALL NO_. 804=52=59 ASPHALT MIXER AND ONE LITTER-GETTER LEAF' MACI3INE A'RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIREC~iNG' THE CITY MANAGER TO NO. 276, AND DECLARING~~ SAIDEQUIPMENT TO BE SURPLUS PROPERTY - -' ""BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS- OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SEC;TION-1 ;That the -City Manager be, and. he is hereby,:_ authorized and directed 'to advertse'for sale to :they=.H'ighe'st ,responsible bidder,. -one, Barber- Green Mxail No. 80.4-5~2.=59 Asphalt Mixer.- (app~oximately~ 20 - 25; years old)-~, and one Litter-Getter Leaf Machine, No. 276, (approximately- 15 years old) , upon. terms: and conditions that are acceptable-to the City of 'Paducah; Kentucky, SECTION 2. The aforesaid asphalt mixer and leaf machine are inoperative and ;are hereby declared: to be surplus= :property . - - - ~ SEGT-ION 3: ~- The City-~Ma~nager shall -advertise ,for bids- by anotice -~ - posed at the City Hall door and b.y-inserting. notice ~of-the req-uest €or bids. in the Sun Demec~at -t~o . be published as required- by law.._; All bids_ s~iall ~be ~sealed~ and no bid shall be received after the hou-r fixed-n•,the notice for:- the opening-of same:. ;All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for the opening of-, same shall be filed with the Board of ~ Commissioners wHo-may--authorize ~-the City Manager to issue a bill of sale ~to the' best, responsible-:bidder;. and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the -right .toy reject .any and arl bids- and- the City- =-shall -not become legally obligated to accept:~any bid--until--the-.adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a bill of. s-ale~:,,, , . _ _, ..-: . _ .._ . .- .- -:- SECTION 4:: This resolution . sHall~ be--in full, force., and e~ffeet from and after the date of its adoption :- , ..: -~ - .: .. _.. -.~ , . - ...; . . , - _ 'may _~~ _ _. __ - _ .. _ ., . - Mayor.. , . Passed~by theFBoard of. Commissioners Deee~ber.--20 1977 Recorded by Louise -McKinney;~~ City: Clerk, :December. 20 1977.