HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-12-1503684 ORDINANCE NO. 77-12-1503 -',AN ORDINANCE AMENDING::,SECTIONS, 10-49; 10-51; -10-52;' 10"55;- 10-156;,, 10-58; 10-59; - AND 10-61".CIVIL LSERVICE11 OF - THE - CODE OF' ORDINANCES : OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY.:: BEr IT ORDAINED -'BY 3THE -BOARD,-,OF � COMMISSIONERS OFTHE' CITY OF PADUCAH,---KENTUCKY:;- 'SECTION"Ar�,.:­Tha t Section 1049,, 6f'the' Code of Ordinances of, they City of, Paducah Kentucky; - b6­arriended, and ieorda'iri4d, go that , sa'id'section :a-g''amended '.and reordained shall hereafter-Irreadi as `follows.` Department ;6f k finance. (a) There- is thereby created and authorized the following, p ositiong - in the department of -finance;-,and. the salary of. each position,,- provided the amount of �lsuch;­ salary is not changed under any apportionmentordinance her'eafter adopted, shall be as follows: Positiori .... Base Monthly =Salar This department ,sha,11;Aberu,,ndei'the direction and supervision of the city treasurer, a noncivil service position which has heretofore been -created: by separate ordinance. Auditor 902.00 Bookkeeper 756.00 Secretary 663.00 Computer audit clerk 663.00 Clerk -typist (4 positions) 550.00 License inspector 1,034.00 Assistant license inspector 675.00 (b) The license inspector shall be paid at the rate of $1,034.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $1,044.00 per month; at the expiration of one year $1,054.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $1,064.00 per month; and at the expiration of three years $1,074.00 per month such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. (c) The computer audit clerk shall be paid at the rate of $663.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six, months $673.00 per month; at the expiration of one year $683.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $693.00 per month; at the expiration of three years $703.00 per month, and at the expiration of four years $713.00 per month, such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. /Z (d) The secretary shall be paid at the rate of $663.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $673.00 per month; at the -expiration of •one"year' $6'83.00 per month; .at the expiration of two years $693'.00'. per month, and at the expiration of four' ye'ar's '$703.:00 .per month, 'such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager (e) The clerk -typist 1 shall be "paid at the"rate of 550.00. -per' month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $595'.00 per' . month; .at; the , expiration -of one year $605:0'0: per' month at the expiration" of two years $615,.M -per month and at the expiration of three -years., $625. W per_month, such increases to be made upon recommendation-- of, the city manager. -r (f) The bookkeeper shall be, paid, -at the rate of _$756..:013 -'per, month for the first,* six -,months - of employment at ,the , expiration of six .,months- $766'. 00 per month;. -<and at zthe expiration of two years $776.00 per month, :such increa,ses.i.to be made upon .recommendation of thef city manager, (g) For such period of time as the City of Paducah receives and, must , account,for general revenue sharing funds and any special revenue sharing funds from the United States Government, the auditor and: bookkeeper . shallrsbe:.com; pensated for their extra services in an amount as . follows: ' Auditor $30.00 per month. Bookkeeper $20.00 per month. Any of the foregoing positions in subsection (a) may hereafter from time to time be designated for payment from said revenue sharing funds upon motion duly passed by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. (h) The assistant license inspector shall be paid at the rate of $675.00 per month for the first year of employment; at the expiration of one year $685.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $695.00 per month; at the expiration of three years $705.00 per month, and at the expiration of four years $715.00 per month, such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. SECTION 2. That Section 10-51 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be amended and reordained so that said section as amended and reordained shall hereafter read as follows: "Sec. 10-51. Engineering department. (a) There is hereby created and authorized the following positions in the engineering department, and the salary of each position, provided the amount of such salary is not changed under any apportionment ordinance hereafter adopted, shall be as follows: 686 Position, "Base Monthly' Salary City Engineer 2,45Z.00: Chief "Draftsman 042:.00 Chief" of Party 1,;042 ,:00 Engineering technician "A" 1;020':0-0 0'.0-0 Engineering technician "B" Instr ment man Chainm an 663;.00 - Clerk.. stenographer ;(VYI 'The bile'rk'-'st6nograph6r 'shall 'be,paid' at "the rate (of.:":$652.'00 per month , � - for the first sik,-m-onths of employment;, �,at, the expiration of ��six "mont,46,166ZAGper per ':and atAhe-expirati6n,-6f, month; at the � expiration of -one, year $672. 00_-� -month, two years $682.00 per month, such increases to be, mad.,,e,- upon: recommendatif6m; of 7 the dity', mainager.,' The 'chain m Ai:i'-shall,;be� padd*'at:,the zate., of $663.00.: per,-riionth' for the first • ye4t, of employment; at the expiration ofone. year 'the galdky, shall.;beincrdased:,- to $673.00 per month, -such -increases t61 --be. made upon- recommendation- of _the :city manager.. W.-Jpeleted._� (e) - Deleted,., SECTION 3. That Section 10-52 of thee-Code,of Ordinances ot-the-City of Paducah, Kentucky,. bo.'aniended,(And re6rdaiwed so,"AhAt said` section.As,-; amended and reordained,shaliiher hereafter .read.. asl! ,, eo follows: Sec. 10-52. Street department- --:--generally. (a) There is hereby authorized and.:created the,: following- posifibns in the street department,,- and the.salaries ,of, eac-h-positionr; provided 'the amount pf.'such salary is, •not-. ehangedl under any. appatti t ordinance hereafter adopted, shall ohmen .1, be as follows: 0� P6sitibn Night 4oreman" Foreman -(4; positions) Garage: -:foreman Office Manager Base -Monthly= Salary 1,030.1010., 40-03.,0011­�' 7 -&07 Base 'Hourly Rate Sewer maintenance!,man- (6,. positions) 4`;31 Equipment .operator 'W!, (5 positions), A,6-6. Equipment operator IIBII (6 positions) V 4.,55 Equipment operator "ICIt (2 positions) 4.42 687 Street --repairman (6 positions) Trubk'drivers (12 positions) Night'' watchman Laborers. (3 positions) Chief "'mechanic Mechanic 'Class "A" (5 positions) Mechanic Class "B" (1 position) Concrete finisher (3 positions) 4.20 4.07 3.80 4.781 4.66 4 AZ 4.66 Vdhidle'body repairman , 4.55 (b) "-Office manager :shall. -be, paid -;at, the rate. of, $719-.00 -per month for the first • year "o%' b mployment at the: expiration. of one, year- $737 :00 per,, month; and at, -- the expiration: ofr:.two years -1$747,;0a-per:month;' ,such increases to�be made upon recommendation:: of r the city manager. (c) Laborers shall be paid at the rate of $3.80 per hour for the first six months- of :employment; .at the. expiration of six- months $3 ,5 perhour; at the expiration. of oiie year .,,$3:R0 per -hour.--and at the expiration of two ;years $3.95: per hour, such ificreases t6,fbel, made- upon recommendation .of the -city -manager. (d) All other positions of hourly employment shall be paid at the base"' hourly rate for the first six months of employment, and at the- expiration of six months the rate of pay shall be increased by $0.05 per hour, such increases to ' be made upon -recommendation of'the city'°manager" . SECTION. 4. That Section 10=55..,of the Code- of ;Ordinances of, the -City, of Paducah, Kentucky, be amended and reordained so that said secfion' asp amended and reordained shall hereafter .read as -follows:: !!Sec-: W0 55, ' 'Floo'dwall department. (a) There is hereby -authorized"Wand created the following positions.) in' the- floodwall' department; dn.d!,the °sa iary',of each` positions, provided` the 'amount of such salary is not changed under any apportionment ordinance hereafter adopted, shall ;be as. follows: Position _ '- Fl"oodwa"ll chief foreman Base Monthly Salary 11041.,00 Flood'v 611 maintenance (operators - 3 positions) 755.:0,0 ' Fl`oodiwall maintenance man "A" (operator - 1 position) 857.00' (b) The chief foreman shall be paid at the rate of $1,042.00 per month for'the first six months of employment; at the expiratiori` of. six months $1,,0'52.0,0 per month; and at the expiration of one year $1,062.00 pen :month`; such increases to -be made,upon recommendation of the city manager. 688 (c) Maintenance men shall be paid at the rate of $755.0'0 per 'month for the e p ym-'ent; 'at -expiration;. first six months 6fk7o ii"I'�` 6t six m6nt s'`per month; at the expiration of one year $775.00 per month; at the expiration of twoyears $785.00 per month, and at the expiration of three' 'years $795,.760 per month,' such increase's to'be ma -is -upon re . commendation' of the , city manager" . SEttl That 'Section 10: -56' bf theCode of 'Ordinances of' the City of Paducah, Kentucky, 'be' amended' and rebi-rid a-ined;so-iliat' said section ass ` am' ended and reordained shall hereafter read as follows: 486c. 1_6-56. Sewage disposal department. (a) There is hereby authorized and created the f6ll6wing''pbsitions in"" the sewage disposal department, and the salary of each position,' provided the amount of such salary is not! C. hanged u nd-6i any apporii6nihen"t ordinance here - a -do' `ted, 'hall b' --As-lo ow after e s: Position Base' -Mon thly" Salary Chief z�perator 1, 08'2% -H Maintenance man Operators '(2 Pos itions), Operator. 'trainee' (2 positions 926.00- 755.00 680.00 Base Hourly Salary Laborer (I position) 3.80 `6f $75 " (b) Operat6r§` shall be paid at the 'rate 5 0 6 per month forthe first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $765. per, month;, at th6 expiration of one year $t75.00'per' month; at-1he"expiration of 'two years of three h $78'5':00 'per' m'6nfh;"and 'at the expiration " `" reie years -457M '60' er ont' , such increases to be made upon recommendation of`tYie-61 mana ger-., (c) Operator trainee' shall be- paid at the rate V'$'680; 00 per -month for the 'first year of`e_`mpl_'oym ent; at th e_:'ex'pI2[r'atio'nI of one year $105-.-'00 per month; at the expiration 6 two y6ars­`$!3b"0J0 polr'­mlonth,"-alnd- at the expiration ifiree years increases to e made upon $755A'6per month;' such' b'- '' e city manager. -(d-) ]ULbo'rers shall be paid at the rate of $3.80 per hour for the firdf six months of employment; at the expiration of six' months' ;$3.'85'per'-hour, at the, expiration of one year $3.90 per hour; and at the expiration of two years per hour', such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city mana"ger";. 689 SECTION 6, That Section 10-58 of the- Code of Ordinances. of the City of Paducah,, Kentucky, be,, amended and reordained - so that said.., section as . amended and reordained, shall hereafter ..,read as follows: "Sec,_ 10758. ,.Police Department. (a) There is,hereby,authorized, and creAted...,the .following positions in the police, department.-, and, the, salary. of -.each position,, provided the amount of such. salary is,not.-changed under any apportionment- ordinance hereafter adopted, shall be as follows: Position J3ase Monthly Salary Stenographer - record. room 652.00 Meter Maids �(,2 623,00 (b) The, ;stenographer_. -,,recor4. room, shall beDaid.:qLt_,.the rate of $652.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of -six months $662.,0G_per.,_ month; -at the expiration of one year $672.00 per month; and at the expiration of two years $682.00 per month, such increases to be made upon recom- mendation of the city manager. (c) Meter maids shall be paid at the rate of $623.00 pp ..1nopt for, the first,,six months of employment; at the expiration of six months.. $633.:00., per -month;, at -..the expiration of. one year $643.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $653.00 per -month; at the expiration of three years $663.00 per month; an d,,at ,the expiration of five years $673.00 per month, such. ,increases to,,.be made:upQp,.,recommendation of the .,city, manager!'., SECTION. .7, .,That., Section,, 107-59,..of the.: Code of, Ordinances of the .,City, of, Paducah,, Kentucky.,bp --amended..,qnd reordained wso, that said -section as.,.amended and, reordained shall hereafter read ..as,.,fbllow,.s:, !."Sec.. !,Q-59. - Parks and Recreation, Department---, -There jsrhereby created, and.;authorized the foilqw_ing_ positions in. the parks, and recreation; department, and the -salary of each- -position, provided: the-- amount of such -salary: is .,not, •changed, under any, apportionment, ordinance- hereafter adopted„-_ shall be as follows: Position c Base Mpnthly Salary Administrative -andon., as siatant _:r�epreat-i Maintenance, super1,079-00-1- I noitz-tiqx-9 eEt fs- b iv�, iea 0,:_�. Office managepr 7,7�)'.�­, 3::1&o riolf Fba-girm. no 9 -i m,,--Yzj Recreation supervisor 8,65..00: 690 Base Hourly. Rate Equipment operator "B" 4'.55 Equipment operator "C" 4.42 Maintenance man No. 1 (1 position) 4`.42 Maintenance man No. 2 (3 positions) 4:31 Shop mechanic 4.55 Trubk driver (1 position) 407 (b) The office manager shall be paid at the rate of $719.00 per month '-for the 'first year of employment; at the expiration of one year $737-.00' per' 'month; at the expiration of two years $747.00 per month; such increases to be made upon recom- mendation of the city manager. (c) All other positions of hourly employment shall be paid at -the base hourly rate for the first six months of employment; and 'at the expiration `of -six months the rate of pay shall be increased by $0.05 per hour, such increases 'to�'be made upon recommendation of the city manager". (d) Deleted. SECTION 8. That Section 10-61 of the Code of Ordinances of the City `of Paducah, Kentucky, :. r ,- be amended and eordained -so , �.a tht said `section -as ameride�'and reordained shall hereafter read as follows: Sec.' 10-61. Unassigned positions. (a) ' There is hereby` authorized and created the following positions not assigned to any department of the City of Paducah, but directly under the supervision of the' city''manager, and the salary of each position, provided 'the' amount of such salary is not ch gan: . ... ; .. ; .. - ged under any - apportionment ordinance hereafter adopted; shall be as follows: Position Base' Monthly ' Salary Director of public services 2', 050.00 Planning & Zoning Administrator 945:00 Personnel -purchasing clerk -typist " 550.00 Planning & Community 'Development clerk -typist 55fl.00 Fire Marshall's Office - clerk -typist 550'.100 ADMINISTTRATIVE -CLERKS ' City Clerk _. 1, 008 00' Administrative Clerk 789.00 691 MAINTENANCE Chief of maintenance division 1,145.;00 Base Hourly, Rate - Meter maintenance man 4.42 Chief, maintenance man - OSHA inspector 4.83 No:. maintenance man (3 positions) 4.31 Maintenance helper (1 position) 4.20. J,anitor:, 3.80 Assistant _janitor_. (2 positions) 3.50 Laborer 3.80 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Base Monthly Salary Chief inspector 1,450.00 Assistant -to .building & electrical inspector . 756,.00 Evaluation clerk,. 742.00 Clerk -typist 550.00 (b) The chief inspector shall perform the duties formerly performed by the; building inspector and the electrical .inspector, and . said building., and ele.ctric4. inspector,,shall-,be under. the. direct supervision of the city, manager. (c) Maintenance positions shall be- paid at the base hourly; rate for, the first six months of employment, and at the expiration of six months the rate of pay ,shall. -be. increased by; $0..05 per hour, - such increases to be -made upon recommendation of the city - mana-ger . .(d). ..Janitor,.. and laborer :positions shall_ be paid at the base hourly rate . for the first, six months of employment;., at. the expiration of six: months there may be an increase of $0.05 per hour; at the expiration of one year there may be an additional increase of $0.05 per hour; and at the expiration of two years there may be an additional increase of $0.05 per hour, such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. (e) The clerk -typist shall be paid at the rate of $550.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the., expiration,, of six months, $595.00 per.., month; at the expiration of one year $605.00 per month; .at the expiration of two years $615.00 per month; and at the expiration of three years $625..K.per month, such, increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. (f) The chief of the maintenance division may designate -one employee in his department to act as a lead -man or part-time working foreman to serve in- such capacity at the direction of the chief of the maintenance division, or at such times 692 as the chief of the maintenance division is on leave. The employee so designated shall be paid an additional $0.15 per hour during such times as the employee designated actually serves in such capacity. (g) The City Clerk shall be paid at the rate of $1,008 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $1,018.00 per month; at the expiration of one year $1,028.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $1,038.00 per month; and at the expiration of four years $1,048.00 per month; such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager. (h) The Administrative Clerk shall be paid at the rate of $789.00 per month for the first six months of employment; at the expiration of six months $799.00 per month; at the expiration of one year $809.00 per month; at the expiration of two years $819.00 per month and at the expiration of four years $829.00 per month; such increases to be made upon recommendation of the city manager". SECTION 9. This ordinance amends Sections 10-49, 10-52, 10-55, 10-58 and 10-59, of Ordinance No. 76-12-1352, Section 10-52 was amended by Ordinance No. 77-9-1470 adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 27, 1977; Section 10-56 was last amended by Ordinance No. 77-11-1495; and Section 10-61 was last amended by Ordinance No. 77-10-1484, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on October 25, 1977. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 2, 1978. Mayor. ,Passed by; the. Board of Commissioners December 13;._ 1977 .....;Recorded -by Louise McKinney; City Clerk, December ,13; ;197;7. .