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HomeMy WebLinkAboutbid for purchase of backhoe669 A ,.R,EBOLUTIQN REQUESTING .THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ..THE PURCHASE, OF ONE: HYDRAULIC BACKHOE IMPACTOR FOR USE IN THE .STREET DEPARTMENT,- .AND; PRESCRIBING THE CONDITIQNS..UPON .WHLCH SUCH,PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE . - _ _ D OF. ;COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ` B,E T; RE LVED BY. THE BOAR, , PADUCAIi, KENTUCKY: , , - - , SECTIQN 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to advertise for bids for the purchase of one hydraulic backhoe, impactor _for .,use by the treet Department,, said. backhoe to have th e .minimum specifications according to the - specs icat~.ons attac a ereto and by ,reference incorporat ,_ .. :. ... ~ ed herein ... SECTION 2. The City. Manager .shall advertise for bids by a notice posed on. the bulletin ,board at Cit~r Hall. and by inserting notice of the. request for bids in the .Sun Democrat .to be published as law. All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour. fixed in the notice .for .the opening of same . .All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for the opening of same shall be filed w ` ith the .Board . of .Commissioners who may let a .contract to the best responsible bidder.,. and the Board of Commissioners ,shall reserve the right, to reject any and. all. bids and the Cit shall not. become legally obligated to purchase y. saz ac oe unti , t e .a o. tion o, . _an ordinance authorizin the executi :: :,, ... ,. p ._, . _ g on of a contract . SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full, force and effect..from and after the date of its adoption . Passed by the Board of Commissioners November 22, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, November 22, 1977.