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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for purchase of two diesel powered cabs - Refuse Dept.663 .. ~-, ,. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE- ~'URCHASE OF T~TO_. -:(2) DIESEL- POWERED CABS -AND CIA-SSIS. TO BE USED WITH THE FRONT.-LOADING REFUSE.:TRUCKS, A.ND PRESCRIBING-THE CONDITIONS UPON W~iIGH.-SU,CH;. PLTRCHI~S~E SHAIrL ~ BE -MADE : - - . - --BE IT: ~RESgLVED .$Y .THE_- BOARD .OF -COMMISSIONERS,. OF .THE: CITY OF PADUCA.H„ , KENTUCKY;., E ,T:I. N; 1...,:That,;the Cit Mana -er-:be,. and ,he as hereb ;. authorzed:to --S - .- Y g ~ y advertise for-- the -purchase of ;-two. (2,):..Eabs~: and -chassis to. be used.. with the: front loading refuse trucks,. said cahs..and : chassis to have the .minimum specifications according to the. apecifcatians,:-attached -hereto: and by :reference- incorporated herein . SECTION 2. Each bid received shall designate the amount with- and with-- . ; out allowance. for trade-in of.. vehicles -.more spec.~fically described in .the specifications attached- hereto and:; by, reference •. incorporated., herein .. The City,, of ,Paducah reserves the r-fight to ,accept, or. reject- any and al bzds with or without- trade-in ,allowances. SECTION 3. The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a notice posed on the bulletin. board .at City .Hall and by inserting ,notice .of the request for bids in the Paducah Sun Democrat, ,t9 be published as required by. law . All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received: after the ;hour; .fixed .n the notice for the opening of same.-. - :All bids received, b~,:,the; City Manager up to the time fixed for the opening of:_ same ,shall be.-filed; with the. Board of Commissioners, who inay let a contract .to ..the;, :best„responsible bidder,,.and ..,the .Board of .Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not b:eco~ne. aegally obligated. to,..pur,.chase ~s.aid cabs ;and .chassis .until .the ~ adoption. of .an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . ,r 1 , Mayor ~ v°` Passed by~ the.. Board,.of Commssioners,_Noyember 8;,,,.197.7.. - Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, November 8, 1977.