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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for improvements on Boys' Club640 A RE`S(~LUTIOIV REQUESTING THE`CITY MANAGER,-TO' AD'-UERTISE FOR MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO THE BOYS! CLUB "OF PADU'C~AH, INC .-; AND PRESCRIBING TIIE CONDITIOI~7S~UPON WHrCH SUCK PURCHASES SHALL BE !MADE 'SE IT' RESOI;~IED~'BY "THE BOARD''OF CO'MMISSIONERS''OF~ THE CITY OF PADUCAH~ ,KENTUCKY:' ~ _ - - _ , .... .. SECTION 1. That the City Manager be; `arid he' is' hereby, authorized to _ .. _ ,. advertise' for"Miscellaneous Improvements to the Boys' Club of Paducah, Inc: , said - .. advertisement for bids to be as follows: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ,: ;,s , 1. RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS: The City of Paducah, Kentucky will receive bids for Miscellaneous Improvements to the Boys' Club of Paducah, Inc., 1125 Jackson Street, until 10: 00 A .M . local time, on Thursday, November 10, 1977. at the office of the City Manager, City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at' which time all bids will be publicly opened in the Com- mission Chamber of City Hall and read aloud . . 2. PROJECT: The Project, in general terms, consists of new entrance t areaways, "'doors and hardware, 'alterations= tostairs='and "partitions, - demolition, thermal insulation, electrical and mechanical improvements ,.. "'" including fide =sprinkler'"system`. . .., ~ ,. 3' ' ` ' OBTAINING CONTRACT DOCUMEI~TTS' Plans and ' specif'catoris 'are' on file at the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, _. _ ~.: . =' Associated 'General C"ontractdrs, Paducah, Kentucky, 'and" at 'the office of Gary E . Peck, A .I .A . , Architect, 2447 Laclede Avenue, Paducah, ,. ... . ,., , ' "Kentucky. Copies of plans"and specifications may be~'obtairied' by General Contractors and Prime Mechanical and Electrical Contractors by p° g~' ~ rclitect for -each' `set of documents : "-The de ositiri $50.00 `with the ~A" deposit of all those returning usuable plans and specifications within _ ~ ten (10) days after the"'bid opening wily be•'refunded` `in full=.` Those not returning the documents within this period of time or returning unusable documents' shall forfeit their full 'deposit.' _ _ - Copes of the`documents' `will also be on "file' at the following `plan rooms: F . W . Dodge Corporation ~ - Evansville, Indiana 47700 - 1133 West Mill Road St. Louis, Missouri 63011 -SCAN, Manchester Rd., Manchester, MO Nashville, Tennessee 37217 - 325 Plus Park Blvd. Louisville, Kenticky40218 - 3715 Bardstown Road Memphis, Tennessee 38112 - 2400 Poplar Street, Suite 220 4. PROPOSAL GUARANTY: A satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the bidder and acce ` . _~ ~ptable `sureties in 'an amount `equal ` to five` percent= of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. 5. PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond, :each in the amount of one hundred percent of the Contract as provided for in the Specifications . 641 6. WAGE RATES: Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents ' must be paid on this project. 7 . EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The .Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against `because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ~ Since Federal Housing and Urban Development (Community Development) Funds ' are being used for this project, the Contractor must comply with all requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of-; 1:968 and Executive Order .11246. . 8. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The City of Paducah reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty {60) days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the City of Paducah . CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY -, By• - -- - James G . Tidwell, City Manager r. SECTION 2. The City Manager shall advertise for sealed bids by notice posted on. they bulletin -board .at City Hall and by publication pursuant- to KRS Chapter 24. No bid shall be opened within ten (10) days from. the date on which the resolution is adopted, and rio: bid shall be receved'after the hour fixed :in the notice for the open- ing of same. All :bids received by the .City Manager up to the time fixed for the open- ing of same shall, 'be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let , a contract to the best responsible bidder, and .the Board of Commissioners _shall reserv..e. the right to reject any and:; all Ebids and the, City shall not b.ecomer leg~.lly ;obligated to make such improvements until the adoption of :an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract. -SECTION• 3;, .This resolution, shall be in £ull force and effect .from and after the date of its adoption . ~ _ ,~~~~ .. r ._.. - Mayor . Passed by the Board of Commissioners October 11, 1977 ' Recorrded- by Louise McKinney,, City Clerk, October 11, 1977.