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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCondemnation of property belonging to Powers/Gaines/Bolen, et al620 A RESOLUTION RECITING THE NEED FOR ACQUTR,ING CERTAIN- PARCELS OF LAND BELONGING' TO 'W . E : POWERS AND CARMEN M . POWERS, HIS WIFE, _,, , CLARENCE E . GAINES, COIVNOR M . ~BOLEN, ETHEL G . ARIVISTROIVG, AND LAWRENCE H. BOLEN, Tb BE USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF'PADUCAH- ., McCRACKEN COUNTY RIVERPORT AUTHORITY, AND ACCESS `ROUTES THERETO AND PROVIDING AND' AUTHORTZING TEH",'CONDEMNATION OF SAME WHEREAS, cettain parcels of land' owned. by W E, . _ Powers and Carmen M . Powers, his wife; Clarence ~E . Gaines, r Connor M . Bolen, Ethel„ G.. Armstrong, and Lawrence H . Bolen, are necessary for the developrrient of the Paducah- McCracken County Riverport Authority, and for access routes thereto, and WHEREAS, the Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority, requested Urban Renewal Community, Development_.'Agency in its third year activities . ~. _:- - approved May 7, 1977, to institute proceedings on`'its beh"alf, to purchase certain required properties for development' an'd right. of way' access,` and WHEREAS, it does 'not,'appear that"a purchase agreement can be reached at this time with the owners of the subject 'property, arid, ,,,~, - _ .. ;. " __ WHEREAS, the `B'oard' of Commissioners of the City" of Paducah, Ken- tucky, does therefore agree with the request of the 'Paducah-McCracken County _ ,. n Renewal and Community Development River ort Authori throu h -the Urba P ty , g Agency of Paducah,,` McCracken County, Kentucky that it will be. necessary to institute condemnation proceedi"ngs pursuant 'to the Kentucky Revised "Statutes to acquire title to said `properties . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY" THE BOARD OF _ COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADLTCAH; KENTUCKY: \ r ~~ =;,.:. e, arid" he is here- SECTION 1. That the A'ssistan't Corporation Counsel ~b ,_. ., - by,-, ordered and directed to~institute condemnation-proe~eedings in the McCracken Circuit Court against W . E . Powers and Carmen M . Powers, his wife; Clarence ,. E. Gaines, Connor 1VI. Bolen, `Ethel G. Armstrong; and Lawrence H..,Bolen, and all other parties in interest, to acgizi~e all 'of the rights, 'title and ,interest in ribed properties 'owned by the aforesaid parties .. the hereinafter desc " ,. .._ ,.. SECTION 2. ~ '-That the parcels to be ,taken are more ;particularly des- v cribed as follows: ` 621 PARCEL OF W . E . POWERS - Beginning at a point .in grantors southwest property corner, said point also being in the existing north right of way line on Yeiser Street, and said., point. also being 21.83 feet right of main line Station 235+ 04.27;- thence No.: 20 degrees. 49! 48", E, 62,.49 feet along the west property line and crossing centerline Station 234±.93..63, to a point 36...00 feet left of man- line Station 234+80.40; thence along an arch, S 44 degrees 47' 49" E a chord distance. of 217.38 feet - and an arch distance of 217.89 feet and parallel to the centerline to a point... 36.0,0, feet left of mainline Station 237+06.83, said point also being in the exist- -. ing. north right of way line of Yeiser Street; thence 1V 60 degrees 40' 12" TN . 208.76 feet along the North right of way line of Yeiser, the, point of beginning . PARCEL OF CLARENCE E . GAINES Being a part of a tract or parcel of land conveyed - .. - tq Ambrose Connor by _L . D...: H;usbanls and.. wife. by deed recorded in Deed Book 45, page 551, in the McCracken County Court Clerk's office; and beginning at a stake in the Southeasterly line of ,Lots Nos . 2.5 and ~ 31 and, the .Northwesterly line of Lots 26 and 32 of the Warren Thornberry survey, -as recorded in Deed Book "H";, page ,_64, in the aforesaid Clerk's office, corner to a lot or parcel of land conveyed on October. 22, . 1941., to .Connor M . Bolen and others by Olivia Bolen Gaines and Nannie Mae. Bolen Strickland;, thence with said division line .: in a Northeasterly direction and parallel with and 133 feet from the Southeasterl line of .-Woodward Street y 110 feet to a stake, corner to another lot or parcel of land conveyed to Connor M . ,Bolen and others.: b.y Olivia Bolen Gaines and Nannie Mae Bolen Strickland on said. last, mentioned _ date; thence ,with ..the line of - said lot so conveyed to Connor M . Bolen and others .., and •in a Southeasterly direction., 495, feet, to a stake., , . , in the Easterly line of the aforesaid Ambrose Connor tract; thence with the Easterly line of said. Ambrose ._,. Connor tract 110 feet to a stake, common corner to lot ~ conveyed. on said. date by .Olivia Bolen Gaines and Nannie Mae Bolen Strickland to Connor M . Bolen and others; thence in a Northwesterly direction, ax~,d with - . the line of said lot so conveyed and parallel with Meyers Street 495 feet to the.. point of beginning. PARCEL . OF CONIVOR M ... BOLEN,., ETHEL . G .. ,ARMSTRONG .& LAWRENCE . H ,. BOLEN TRACT .I: Being a part of a tract or parcel of land conveyed to ,.. Ambrose Connor by L . D . Husbands and his wife by deed, recorded, in Deed Book No. 45, page 551, the office of the County Court Clerk of McCracken County, Kentucky, and beginning at, a. _stake .in _ the- line aivid- . ing Lots Nos 25 and 31 on the West, and Lots Nos . 26 and 32 on the East of the Warren- Thornberry Survey as recorded in Deed Book No. "H", page 64, aforesaid Clerk's office, same being Southwest corner of the tract , conveyed to Ambrose Connor as aforesaid; thence with said dividing Iine in a Northeasterly direction and paral- lel with and One Hundred Thirty-three (133) feet from the Southeasterly line of Woodward Street Eighty five (85) feet to a stake, corner to a lot conveyed to Olivia Bolen 622 Gaines, et al; thence with the line of said lot in a South- easterly direction and parallel with Meyers Street Four Hundred Ninety-five ; (495) feet. 'to a stake: 'in the Easter- ly line of the Ambrose Connor tract as aforesaid; thence in a Southwesterly direction and parallel with Woodward _ .., y °Street Eighty-five " ('85 feet to " a stake; thence in a North- westerly direction Four Hundred Ninety-five (495) feet to -the` point of_ beginning: - - TRACT TI:: , . , -- ` B'•egnning"at a +:stake .in. the `'aforesaid line dividing" Lots ' Nos . 25 and 31, from Lots Nos . 26 and 32 of the Warren Thornberry Survey, Northwest corner of a lot. conveyed` ' to Olivia Bolen Gaines, et al, on October 22, 1941; thence i;n "a `Northeasterly direction. 'and w'ith' "said divelirig line One Hundred Sixty-four (164) feet to a stake which is Two Hundred Fifty-four (254) feet from Meyers Street; thence in a Southeasterly direction and parallel with the line of • ~ ~ Meyers :Street' Four Hundred Ninety-five (49'5)' feet to ~a stake in the Southeasterly line of the Ambrose Connor tract; :..thence with 'said line 'in a Southwesterly .direction-` and parallel with Woodward Street One Hundred Sixty-four (164) " • --feet to"~a stake, Northeast"corner of the lot conveyed to Olivia Bolen Gaines, as aforementioned; thence with said line in" a ""Northwesterly 'direction°-and parallel with Meyers Street Four Hundred Ninety-five (495) feet to the point of .. .. , .. ," ... , ._.. .. , =:~ :PAR;CEL OF-.:LAWRENCE:. H. BOLEN~ & 'ETHEL ~G ~ ARMSTRONG' "" Lot-~No.-`:1 in ahe. division suit of L"'. D: "Husbands, Rabb' and Emily Morrow, petitioners ex parte in the McCracken Common Ple'as:""'Court`, ' as shown by plat filed in said- shit, and described by metes and bounds as follows, viz: Be- _. , .. - "ginning 'at ~a " point "in. the, rear ".line of Lot ~No . 6~2 ' in = ~~ ~ . ~ ~- - . Mechanicsburg, common corner in said line of the pro- perty - herein conveyed " and ~ the_~ property of W . D-; - Stafford; thence in a Southeasterly direction on a line parallel with '', - to "Yei-ser:Avenue 495 feet;thence ~tovcrards~ Meyers%"Str~et on a line parallel to Woodward Street 85 feet; thence in a Northwesterly:dir"ecton-`towards Woodward Street=wth'ahe " line of the property conveyed to Ida Bolen and others by dee•d"-recordsdsn :Deed Book`'7=3,~ page' ~57U,-McCracken=>- ,~ County Court Clerk's Office, a distance of 495 feet; thence towards Yeiser Avenue with the rear line of Lots 59, 60, 61 and 62 of Mechanicsburg Addition 85 feet to the point of beginning . SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . .. .. Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners September 27, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, September 27, 1977.