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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCondemnation of Rodocker, Hicks, et al535 A RESOLUTION RECITING THE' NEED FOR ACQUIRING CERTAIlV PARCELS OF LAND BELONGING TO INEZ RODOCKER, ROBERT G . HICKS, MARTHA LOUISE HICKS, L . H . WILSON, BERTIE WILSON AND JAMES C . JOHNSON, JR . , TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY RIVERPORT AUTHORITY, AND PROVIDING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF SAME WHEREAS, certain parcels of land owned by Inez Rodocker, Robert G. Hicks, Martha Louise Hicks, L . H . Wilson, Bertie Wilson, and James C . Johnson, Jr . , are necessary for the construction and development of the Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority, and WHEREAS, the Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority, by resolution dated June 28, 1977, requested the instituting of condemnation proceedings on its behalf, and WHEREAS, it does not appear that a purchase agreement can be reached at this ~,- ~ - Y - time with the owners of the subject property, rand . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, does therefore agree with the request of the Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority that it will be necessary to institute condemnation proceedings pursuant to the Kentucky Revised Statutes to acquire title to said properties . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the Corporation Counsel be, and he is hereby, ordered and directed to institute condemnation proceedings in the McCracken Circuit Court against Inez Rodocker, Robert G . Hicks, Mary Louise Hicks, L . H . Wilson, Bertie Wilson and James C . Johnson, Jr . , and all other parties in inter-est, to acquire all of the rights, title and interest in the subject properties owned by the aforesaid parties . SECTION 2. That the parcels to be taken are more particularly described as follows: PARCEL OF INEZ RODOCKER Beginning at a point in the South right-of-way line of Meyers Street, which point is the Northwest corner of the lot belonging to the :Grantor herein;- thence ':along . said right-of-way line and in an Easterly direction a distance of 50 feet to :a point, the` Northeast corner of said Grantor's lot; thence at right angles and along Grantor's East property -line- a- distance of ° 420 feet; '- thence on a new line and in a Westerly direction and parallel with Meyers Street a distance of 50 feet to the West property line of Grantor's lot; thence in a Northerly direction a distance of 420 feet to the point of beginning on the South line of Meyers Street . 536 PARCELS OF ROBERT G . HICKS AND MARTHA LOUISE HICKS TRACT =I- ; - ~: .... -, . - Being ~a-.part of-Block-No:='. 2& of the Langstaff-Huhfim.lands above:Island Creek; a plat of ~ said -la:nd is > re,'corded~ in deed, book ,"~H" ,;page 64, of the McCraeke~n>-County Gourt Clerk's Offce; 'and ~ lying and being - on the Southerly side of South- Fourths ^Street,,'.~ formerly known as` .1Vleyers Street, and beginning at a p'©nt on the ~ southerly side -of said street common;to: Jessie Fiser~," thence with a Southerly line of-South Fourth- Street ~~and~ in ari Easterly -direction aid .toward Mills Street ~ 40 feet to a -stake in` a Southerly line. o~~ South; Fourth -:Street and common corner to a lot hereinc-~conveyed _ to' Addie . Scott; '.. thence-n `a. Southerly direction and with the'. line' dividing- the ;herein conveyed lot or parcel of ground and the said Addie Scott lot - ~ . ~ 239 feet to. a. ~ stake in the 'line of the Bolen-Conner pro- petty, and common corner to the herein conveyed and said Addie Scott lot; thence in a direction towards Clements Sixeet and with the said Bolen-Conner line 40 feet to a stake in said line, and common corner to lot herein con- veyed lot of ground and said Fiser lot 239 feet to the point of beginning on South., .Fourth Street . TRACT II Being a part of Lot No. 26 of the Langstaff-Huhlm land above Island Creek, a plat of said land being recorded in deed book "H" , page 64, Clerk's Office, McCracken County Court,° lying sand being on the 'Southerl"y side- of South Fourth Street, formerly known as Meyers Street, and, beginning a~' a point- on the South side- df- said South Fourth Street, common corner to the lot here- in conveyed, and lot just above described; thence with the Southerly line of said Fourth Street and towards Island Creek, a distance of forty (40) feet to a stake in the Southerly line of said Fourth Street; thence in a Southerly direction a distance of 239 feet to a stake in the Bolen-Connor line; thence in an Easterly direction and parallel with the Southerly line of said Fourth Street, but 239 feet therefrom, and with said Bolen-Connor line, a distance of forty (40) feet to the corner of the first above described lot; thence in a Northerly direction and with the Westerly line of the first above described lot a distance of 239 feet to the point of beginning on the Southerly side of South Fourth Street . PARCEL OF JAMES C . JOHNSON, JR . Beginning at a point in the South right-of-way line of Meyers Street, which point is the Northwest corner of the lot belonging to the Grantors herein; thence along said right-of-way line and in an Easterly direction a distance of 44.33 feet to a point, the Northeast corner of said Grantors' lot; thence at right angles and along Grantors' East property- line a distance of 123.5 feet; thence on a new line and in a Westerly direction of 44.33 feet to the West property line of Grantors' lot; thence in a Northerly direction a distance of 123.5 feet to the point of beginning on the South line of Meyers Street. 537 PARCEL OF L . H . WILSON AND BERTIE WIL"SON- ' Beginning at a point in the South right=of=way line of Meyer"s'~:Street 'whi'ch point is the Northwest" come"r of the lot°=belonging to-the Grantors herein;" thence along saidright-of-way' Brie in ari Easterly.'directon a dis- ' - ,. ,.. tance of~~ 44.34 feet to a point, the N`or'tYieast corner of said Grantors' 1ot° thence at right" angles `ari`d a'loig ' Grantors' East' property line a distance - of 123'.5 feet;: thence on"a new line and in' a TN~esterl~r direction and'` `parallel with Meyers Street a' distance =~of~'44:34 'feet to' the West property line of Grantors' -lot; thence in a Northerly direction a distance of 123 ~ 5 feet tb 'the ' point of beginning on- the' South line-'of 1Vleyers Street .' SECTION 3. This -resolution shall b°e in full force and effect from and after ,.... t e date of. its•~ adoption. .. ~. ~. Mayor