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HomeMy WebLinkAboutStreet listing510 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF PADUCAH LOCATED IN McCRACKEN COUNTY AND THE BUREAU OF HIGHWAYS, COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1977, AS PROVIDED IN THE KENTUCKY REVISED STATUTES AND ACCEPTING ALL STREETS LISTED THEREIN AS BEING STREETS WHICH ARE A PART OF THE INCORPORATED. AREA `OF 'PADUCAH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF THE INCORPORATED _.. _ .. AREA OF PADUCAH THAT: SECTION 1. The Legislative Body of the Incorporated Area of Paducah does hereby accept all streets contained in said contract as being city streets which are a part of the Incorporated Area of Paducah, and ..- The Legislative Body of the Incorporated Area of Paducah does hereby ratify, :.and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained in said contract and, ~ does hereby accept said. contract. and by such acceptance agrees to all the, terms and conditions therein stated .. - . Said contract r.~ads as follows: ~ ' .. SF.["TInN 2 _ : - -COMMONWEALTH ~OF KENTUC.KY . `'? - CITY OF PADUCAH McCRACKEN COUNTY - ' " In. compliance with: the laws made and' "provided:; this contract is .~ -:entered. into between the Bureau ~:of:~iighv~ays ~om~nor~wealth -cif 'Kentucky, a~xxd the ~•.- _' Legislative Body- of the Incorporated Area of Paducah; McCracken County, Kentucky: - The projected net apportionment to the incorporated area for the .: ~ - -frseal:year beginning July 1,- ~19?7,' after providing for. administration, emergencies, - . and contingen~i~es` is approximate)y~ One Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand .Three 'Hundred Eight~Five and. No One Hundredths.~Dollars ($129,385.00) . This"approximate amount ' :will be ' expendeid ;by thee-Bureau "of Highways to ,aid: the incorporated area in. the - ,_: m-aintenance, r'e'construction`;. ar `construction of certain. streets iri said incorporated area. .:, ~~;: r Tn, .the event revenues produced ptirsua~nt to KRS ..177.365 are not . . sufficieint to fund )the amount°;~set ou.t herein, any deficit 'caused`by expenditures pizr-. suant: 'to this agreement may be -deducted from future allocations 'to the incorporated ;..area,:.;... - :~- In. the event rev'enues` produced pursuant .to KRS 177.365 exceed ~/~ ahe arriount set" but herein;' the excess shall be credited .to the n'corporated:'area's 511 account, and any unexpended amount shall be carried forward to the succeeding fiscal year . The streets on which these funds may be expended by the Bureau of Highways and the classification and type of work or services (Im provement ----- ------ -------------------) to be performed are listed hereafter . McCRACKEN COUNTY - CITY `OF' PADUCAH° PROJECTS DESIGNATED FOR IMPROVEMENT ROAD NAME BEGINNING ENDING LGTH TYPE Allen Lane Robinwood Dr . N . Hinkleville Rd . 0.53 Bit . Resurf . Audubon Dr . Alben Barkley Dr . N . Sunset Ave . 0.12 Bit . Resur . Barnes St. Flora Ave. SE Dead End 0.07 Bit. Resur. Bell Ave . I . C . RR . W . Shelbourne St . 0.32 Bit . Resur . Bloom Ave. 400' S of Chester Hack Dr. N.` 0'.15 Mi. 0.15 Bit. Resurf. "C" St . ' 25th St . N . `Guthrie Ave . 0.43 Bit . Resurf . Chester Hack Dr . Bloom Ave . E Blow Ave . 0.13- Bit . I . T . Chester Hack Dr . Lincoln Ave . W . Old Mayfield Rd . 0`.0'8 Bit . Resurf . Chestnut St. Lone Oak Rd. W. Sanders Ave. 0`.08 Bit. Resurf. Clark St . 16th St . SW 21st St .` 0.3.9 ' Bit . Resurf . Clint Court 29th St . SW I . C . RR . 0.1'U ` ` Bit . Resurf . Ellis St . 8th St . S 10th St . 0.18 Bit . Resurf . Flora Ave : Bridge St . ' SW Dead Erid 0.19 Bit . Resurf . Forest ` Circle ! ~: ~ .,, .. Maple Ave . B , ~ SE &"1~tE ° _. ' - Lone= Oak Rd . 0:67 ' Bit : " Resurf . Friedman Ln . Pines Rd . SE Dead' End 0.11 'Bit . ~ Resurf . Gum St . Broad' ~St . E Dead End 0:07 Bit . I . T . Hendricks St: ~ ~ Flow Ave. SE ~ ~ ~ Dead= End `0:09 Bit'. Resurf. Highland Blvd . Elmdale Rd : N . Lone Oak Rd'. • 0.40 ~ Bit . 'Resurf . Lincoln Ave . - ~ Coxey •St . S. ~ ' ' Dead- End 0.24 Bit . Resurf . Maple Ave .. ' Lone Oak Rd . W . Buckner Lane 0:0'8' " ' ~ Bit . Resurf . Marton St . ~ Flora Ave . SE~ 'Dead End 0.06 B`it . Resurf . Oak St . ' "Lone Oak R-d :~ W . ~ - ~ Davis Ave . 0.13 Bit . Resurf . Quarles ~ Ave;: ~ _ ~ :~ 'Lincoln Ave : , 'W : ~ Old Mayfield Rd : `0 . U7 'Bit . I:T . Sanders~Ave. ~ ~' Chestnut St. S~ Walnut St; 0.07 B!it. Resurf. Shelbourne St . Hill St . N . 30th St . 0.23 Bit : Resurf . Short 16th S.t . "Clark St'. SE . "B"- St . 0.11 Bit'. Resurf . Walter Jetton Blvd: Leake Sf. SEA` Elizabeth St. 0.. i9 Bit. Resurf. Washington St . Walter Jetton Blvd . SW Dead End 0.09 Bit . Resurf . 512 W . Jefferson St . 3 4th St . NW Central Ave . 0.30 Bit . Resurf . 6th St . Park Ave . W .~ ' ~ Northview St . 0.80 Bit . Resurf . 9th St . ~ Harrison St . NVIl ~ Park Ave . 0.15 Bit ._ Resurf . 19th St . Jefferson St .,. NW_ Park Ave . 0.34 Bit . Resurf . 25th St . "C" St. W . , „_ 200'_ N of Ohio 0.34 Bit . Resurf . 25th St . Park Ave . Mildred St . 0.30, ,_ Bit Resurf . 26th St,, 2.00' N ,Jackson St. SW , Dead End ... .0.30 Bit. _Resurf. ~ ~ 27th St,.. 200 N Jackson t. W 200 SW Jones 31 _ . Bit..Resurf. 0. _ _ 29th St. Jackson. St.. NW Adams St. -. ,.. _ °~ 0.09 Bit_.;Resurf. 30th St. Bradley.,St.~.E. I. C. RR~. 0.08;. _ Bit Resurf. TOTAL MILES 8.39 . SPECIAL PROVISIONS The Legislative„ Body of Paducah, ,will be responsible for .performance of all phases of work required ~to accomplish the projects 'herein designated for IMPROVEMENT . The work will, if required, _ include but not be limited to advertising for bids and inspection:. .The _. - - work 'arid' its implementation will be accomplished in accordance with -the current Bureau of Highways policies, standards,, ,and specifications and will be governed by, the appli- cable Kentucky Statutes . ' In the event the' Legislative Body of Paducah performs any work designated in 'this contract for IMPROVEMENT, with its personnel and its equipment or the equipment of a private vendor through a lease rental agreement, and expects to be reimbursed for cost of said labor and equipment, concurrence in the unit prices .of. the labor and equipment, or any combination thereof, 'must be obtained' by the Chief Executive Officer or his authorized representative of the Incorporated Area. from. ,the Bureau of Highways' District Engineer ..., _. , ~ ; .. .1Vlc..., ...__ CRACKEN COUNTY CITY, OF PADUCAH. -- - -; .. ~ SPEC , ., ._ . , , , .. , IAL PROVISIONS Concurrence must be obtained by tYie~ City of Paducah through the Bureau of Highways' District Engineer prior to the award of any contract, on projects herein. designated in _ ,. this agreeirient for IMPROVEMENT tHatutilizes 1Vlunicipal Aid 'Funds. The Bureau of Highways will reimburse the City of Paducah for` the actual cost of all work performed in compliance with the.. General and Special Provisions of this contract insofar as Municipal Aid Funds''are available. The city 'will be responsibile for all costs in excess of the Municipal Aid Funds . The City of Paducah will provide required certification _to the Bureau of_ Highways', , ,. District Engineer in Paducah before payment for` any work will be authorized: ' The Bureau of Highways `'will not reimburse the City of Paducah ~ for any work on pro- jects designated in this contract if the work is not performed., in accordance with the Bureau of Highways' 'current policies, standards, and specifications and in accordance with the General, and Special Provisions contained in .this contract . And further, the Bureau of Highways will not reimburse. the City of Paducah for any work on projects that are not listed in this contract . The Incorporated Area of Paducah may pe rform or cause to be performed work in this contract prior to July 1,. 1977, with the understanding the Municipal Aid Funds, do_ not become available until July 1, 1977, and the Bureau of Highways cannot be billed for said work prior, to July 1, 1977. EXCEPTION: Prior year, funds reflected on the TD 10-1 for F.Y. 1977=78 may be` paid prior to July 1, 197?. 513 The City of Paducah will; not be., reimbursed for any work .included in this contract that is performed prior to the signature of the Commissioner of Highways or his designated representative..; prior to the concurrence by the District Engineer; for the assignment of work,. McCRACKEN COUNTY ,, .:_; ~ . . ,,CITY OF PADUCAH .; . ; _ r: s .. GENERAL PROVISIONS ,, --- - The chief executive officer and legislative body of incorporated areas or the county judge and fiscal court of unincorporated urban places stipulate and hereby certify that all roads and streets and bridges listed as projects in this contract are a part of the road and street system of the incorporated area or unin- ., .. - ,~. corporated urban place and as such are the responsibilities ~of the legislative body of r. incorporated areas or the fiscal court for unincorporated urban places . Their inclusion as projects in this contract does not relieve the governing body of its responsibility. ..,,, ,, ,The. legislative body, or :the fiscal court will. reimburse ~ the Bureau ~~., of .Highways _ for ;any .loss it ,may, sustain arising out of performance of_ this contract- by the bureau . Such loss as sustained by the Bureau of Highways, may be charged to unincorporated ,urban. place's., ,or incorporated, areas apportionment ~ in this or future fiscal _.- - _ years. ;. ,- - . ... ,_ - Should ,any, balance ,of ~ the incorporated, a-rea!s or~ the unin-; . corporated urban place's apportionment remain after performance of this .contract, such balance will remain to the -cr.e.dit..of the ..incorporated areas or the unincorporated urban places for development of,future -contracts.-by;,the Bureau of Highways. _ ighways will,. accomplish the work .involved in the . „ _, , The Bureau.,., o H .. ... ,.., . - p ~ ~ ~ ct .at such. times.. and~;b- such. means.-as,,~it may deem...... erformance of th.s contra y desirable and.; advisable. _,...,.,, -, , ,.: It .is agreed that.. any. materials purchased by, the,., Bureau of, , ways and delivered to the incorporated area or unincorporated urban place shall be used _. - , . , by the appropriate governmental _ agency only on, projects listed:. herein , and, ~ that all, thereof is subject at all times to..inspection and~_supervison; Eby the ,bureau., The. Bureau. of., ~Iighways reserves .the right ~,.to use ,,,a portion of the funds to provide bureau personnel and equipment or any other means it may deem necessary to successfully complete the terms of this contract.. - . The general. administration and supervision of -the program. herein designated shall be under the, jurisdiction of ahe Bureau. of. Highways . - It is further understood,, agreed and stipulated by the parties hereto that if, at any time, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Highways or his authorized representative, the legislative body or the fiscal court is refusing or failing to properly and promptly perform any work stipulated in the contract to be performed by the said legislative body or fiscal court, the Commissioner of Highways 514 or his authorized representative may take' over such work and perform ~ same. by whatever means he deems appropriate. - Should conditions arise which, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Highways, render it burdensome to the general welfare of the Commonwealth to continue any ,work commenced:- under terms of this contract, the bureau may suspend or curtail such work . It is understood and agreed that any urban road or city street listed as a project in this contract shall not include structures, single span or multiple span, having a length of more than twenty feet measured on a horizontal plane along the centerline of roadway between the inside faces of abutments or end bents at the bridge seats, the intrados of arches at the abutment springing lines, or the inside faces of the outer sidewalls, unless they are specifically designated as a separate project. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that all obligations incurred under this contract are subj eet to any law or regulations now existing or here- after enacted or promulgated . The Bureau of Highways assumes no responsibility for roads or streets not made a part of this contract and for those which are so listed only such responsibility as is detailed in this contract and then only insofar as funds are available . The legislative body or the fiscal court acknowledges its total responsibility for roads or streets not listed in this contract . The chief executive officer of the said incorporated area, the county judge of the said unincorporated urban place, and the Commissioner of Highways, or their authorized representatives, insofar as their actions are in accord with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, shall act for their respective partiees on all matters arising under this contract . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract on this the day of 1977. Incorporated Area of Paducah, McCracken County. By: Chief Executive Officer Bureau of Highways By: Commissioner of Highways or Designated Representative SECTION 3 . That William S . Murphy, Mayor of the City of Paducah, Kentucky is hereby authorized and directed to sign said contract, as set forth, on behalf of the Legislative Body of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, and the City Clerk is :hereby authorized and directed to certify thereto . 515 _~ :::~~