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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for Resurfacing Streets505 A RESOLUTION AUTHORLZING THE. CITY MANAGER .TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF- COMMISSIONERS .OF THE..GITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKI': , . - SECTION .1. That the .'City 1Vlanager be-, ,.,and, he is hereby, ,authorized and directed to advertise for,,bids for surfacing_.and resurfacing, of ,various:,, streets in the City of Paducah., Kentucky for the 1977 street program . Said .surfacing .to .be of various widths with limits as determined; by _.the .Engineer, -:and said work to be done under the terms,. conditions and„ stipulations ,described in, the specifications: - which may be obtained (along with a list of streets to be resurfaced), in .the office of the City Engineer ... A copy of ~ the specifications is ,.attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein . The items to be bid and estimated .quantities for each are as follows: Surface., construction (Bituminous Concrete, Class I, Type Bituminous Primer Coat ( L) Bituminous Tack Coat (SS - 1H) Base, Construction (DGA) , ,_,. , ;. ~ i ,. Shoulder Construction (DGA) :.~ - ~- Manhole Adjustment 500 tons 800 tons 20~. The above ;quantities are. preliminary- estimates only and. the.. City-reserves the right to add or delete. streets -from- the,.. paving. program: and thus change:-the: quantities at it's discretion . SECTION 2. The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a notice posted on the bulletin board at City Hall and by inserting notice of the request for bids in the Sun Democrat to be published as required by law . All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for the opening of same. All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for .the opening of bids shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract to the best responsible bidder or bidders and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not become legally obligated to have such services performed until the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract for same . SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . J~~~ f Mayor 7000 tons 1000 gallons 3500 gallons Passed by the Board of Commissioners June 14, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, June 14, 1977. 506 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET RESURFACING ~Surface•; Preparation ` . All- eXstirig street.'surfaces: shall be properlyprepared by filling ~- depressions with::: asphalt afid grading,.; planing or s.cari~ying as required >to ,.remove-~~ny existing aspha-lt which' does note conform to the ,predominant ~typ'ical section of the street . - ~In sbrne cases a leveling course inay be required:"for the full; street length ~ to produce - a `uniform ~aypcal- section before application of the- surface°~course. The ;existing <pavemerit is- to be° ~clearied with a"mechanical sweeper ~-followed by : hand broaming:'where "necessary':: Thee above; described preparation: shall; be :'considered incidental to' surface ~ construction and ~. no separate payrn.ent shall be allowed" except for-asphalt`used for - - aeveling-which shall-be paid for at the :contract unit price for bi- tuminous surface . 2. Base Preparation Where' surfacing -is -to`:'~be .placed on _ any aggregate .base, the aggregate " is ,-to be graded-and-" compacted- as'directed Eby the Engineer . The • ; ; . , aggregate base, ~~ as prepared; . shalld be approved -by the= Engineer be- fore the prime coat : sr ~apple.d : , This preparation- is considered incidental. to surface: construction and nb -separate payment shall be _:. `allowed : ` _. °., - 3-. Base -,Construction Where requir:.ed;-~-additional dense =graded: limestone abase shall be constructed to a grade and density satisfactory to the Engineer . Excavation which may be necessary before construction"of"the dense graded base is not included- as part of this item . If the Contractor is requested to do any -preliminary excavation, payment for such shall <b.e :based. on-~ the -"cost -of .equipment and --labor plus - 20$ .for profit and -overhead •.; -~ : - - 4. Bituminous Tack Coat A bituminous tack coat shall be applied to all existing surfaces be- fore the resurfacing material is applied : Tack 'coat 'shall consist of emulsified asphalt SS-lh satisfying the requirements of the Bureau -: - ~-of~ Highways Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Track; coat shall-be applied at the- rate of ' 0 .:10 gallons per square -~ hard :;(including "water) unless directed by.tYre. Engineer. .. . . r ~5-: Bituminous , Prime' :Eoat ~ , ; ~ ~: . • ; -, . ` All :;aggregate; bases ' shall:, be ,primed with an emulsified asphalt, Primer - L , ;:.before. ;application. of the surface course : Material and application procedure -s;ha-11~be: ~n -.accordance with Kentucky Bureau of Highway Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Con- structori : Application ,rate shall be 0 .. 50 gallorss per square yard unless .otherwise directed : by the Engineer ; =- > ~- . - ~ ,. _ ~.: ~,.-- 6.. Bituminous; Surface •Construction~ ~ . -~> Bituminous: `:concrete surfacing or resurfacing -courses shall be of Class I Type A mixture satisfying requirements of Kentucky Bureau of Highways Standard Specifications: for ,Road .~and~ -Bridge Construction both as to manufacture and placement. Surface thickness shall be • approxi-mately 12' inches but inay :vary:; at they discretion of the -- Engineer, from -1"~ inch,,to X22 inches : r: - - 507 7. Manhole Adjustment Where possible, manhole adjusting rings supplied by the City shall be used to adjust manhole covers to the proposed resurfacing grade. Rings shall be installed just ahead of the resurfacing operation and stabilized with asphalt so as not to ;b,e,~ damaged Eby the paver . No payment shall 'be allowed for this installation . When an entire casting must be raised for manhole -adjustment, came shall be taken in digging `out .the `existing casting so Ghat =no damage is done to the unit : The Contractor shall ai'so be careful not 'to' allow debris to fall into the manhole during the adjustment and `shall 'promptly remove „ _. any `that does fail . The adjustment shall be made with bricks and ,. mortar or mortar only as the` elevation requires ; 'The' casting shall be stabilized at the new° elevation- =with 3500 psi concrete in an amount satisfactory to the Engineer. 'O'nly' the' raising of the entire casting shall be paid for at the -contract unit price for~marihole adjustment. 8. Shoulder Construction Dense graded limestone aggregate shall be used for shouldering material*. Shotzlder-constructiori`~shall be'p;erformed by a self-pro- pelted' shouldering machine' unless an alternatemethod proves suitable to the Engineer . ~ Shoulder wid'ths' an'd'' slopes shall be determined _ ,. by the Engineer for ~`eaeh location but in' all cases' the pavement edge of theshoulder, when compacted;- shall~be of the~'same elevation as the edge of the pavement. A 4 - 6 ton tandem roller shall be used to compact the DGA to a density satisfactory to the Engineer . Care shall be taken so as not to break off or weaken edges of the pave- ment. Shoulder material around intersection radii, culverts, entrances, etc . , shall be distributed and compacted manually, if necessary . 9. Unit Bid Prices `" Bid. prices fore each ~of the items specified' ~ahall' include all labor, equipment: and material necessary to' complete `the specified unit of each item . Quantities are approximate` and may be altered by the Engineer . 10. General Requirements A : Traffic Control ` ~ ~ ~ ~ • % ~~ Adequate signs=, barricades and flagmen will" be ~=provided by the Contractor to provide for"the safety of and' minimize the inconvenience to any affected traffic'. " 'Barricades' "for closing streets at night and for marking hazardous areas shall be lighted . Barricades shall not be bla_ nk but shiall have appropri- ate explanatory messages (example: "Street Closed", "Fresh Asphalt" , etc.) . Flagmen `shall be used to direct traffic to appropriate detours 'and keep traffic off the fresh 'asphalt as long as directed by the Engineer . The Contractor shat] notify the Police~`arid Fire Departments of his paving _ schedule each day. The Con"tractor shall be responsible for notifying owners of parked vehicles in advance of the paving operation and assuring removal of such vehicles . He shall also be responsible for notifying persons who may wish to move vehicles from driveways before the- paving operation begins . B . Insurance and Bond Each-. bidder shall submit a ,bid ~-bond in an amount equal to 5% of his bid. The successful bidder shall execute a'performance bond in the amount of the estimated cost of the work to insure the proper performance and completion of said work, and in addition thereto shall be required to keep in full force and effect liability insurance protecting the City from any claim of persons or pro- perty in the following amounts: $100,000 for personal injury or 508 death to any one person, $300, 000 for personal. injury ,or death to more than one person resulting in the '-same `acci'dent, and 00 for property damage in .any one. accident. . 2U,~. .. ..., , , _ _. , _ C . State and Federal Wages .;:, , .: _. ~... The State and Federal Wage and Hour Law shall apply, to all work performed pursuant to any and all contracts executed on bids received. D . Equal Employment Opportunity _ The Contractor will be required to ensure that employees and . .. , applicants` for employment are not' discriminated .against .be- cause of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. E . Contract Time . .., - ~ _ .. .. 1. Successful bidder shall have two months to complete all resur- '"" ~ facing 'after he `is given notice' to proceed . ` Liquidated damages- ' shall be assessed at the rate of $50.00 per day for failure to ' ' ' ` complete resurfaci:rig 'pro 'g'ram within this time: .. ,_, If additional projects 'are added to the program time extensions will be given . F. Project Administration All work will be performed under the direction of the City of - - __. ... Paducah Engineering' Department : All 'work will be paid' for upon certification of the completion thereof and accepted by the City Engineer . „,. .. . ., - - _ , _ .. -~ ., .. _.