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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for Phase III - Riverfront Improvement Project478 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI7ING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR PHASE .III OF THE RIVERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to advertise for bids for Phase III of the Riverfront Improvement Project, which Project shall be located along the Paducah Riverfront between Jefferson and Kentucky Avenue, and shall consist of the following items: 1. Slope stabilization 2. Sidewalk construction 3. Concrete parking area construction 4. Boat ramp extensions 5. Deadman anchor construction 6. River gage replacement 7 . Aluminum boat dock construction . Plans and specifications shall be available to perspective bidders through the office of the City Engineer, and each bidder shall comply with all bidding instructions contained in the contract documents and shall complete the proper bid forms indicating the sums of money to be charged and the required amount of time for completion of the project . SECTION 2. The City Manager shall advertise for sealed bids by notice posted on the bulletin board at City Hall and by inserting notice of the request for bids in the Paducah Sun Democrat as required by law . Bidders shall be notified to request copies of the contract documents and the plans and specifications for the project from the office of the City Engineer . All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for the opening of same . All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed in the notice for the opening of same shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract to the best responsible bidder, and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not become legally obligated until an ordinance is passed accepting the bid of the successful bidder and a contract has been executed. I `:~~ 479 SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption . Mayor ~ ` Passed by the Board of Commissioners May 10, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, May 10, 1977. ti;~~