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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmendment 1 - FAA465 V, - - - A RESOLUTION-AUTHORI7ING, -ADOPTING, APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND RATIFYING THE- EXECUTION-OF AMENDMENT, NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PRO- JECT NO. 6-2;1-UU43-07 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CiTY OF PADUCAH AND- COUNTY OF. McCRAGKEN KENTUCKY - _ BE., IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COM1WlISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF - PADUCAH~,, KENTUCKY.:, SECTION 1. That said City of Paducah., Kentucky, hereby authorizes, adopts, approves, accepts and ratifies the execution of Amendment No . 1 to Grant Agreement between: the Federal Aviation .Administration on .behalf of the United States of America and, City of ,Paducah and County of .McCracken, Kentucky. - SECTION .2 . That. the execution of ,said Amendment .. N:o . 1 to Grant ,Agreement; in, quadx;uplicate on behalf of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by William S. Murphy, Mayor, :and the impression. of; the offici:al_ seal of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, :and the .attestation of said execution by Louise McKinney, City Clerk. is hereby authorized, adopted, approved,, accepted and ratified. _ SECTION 3~ Thaa ahePresident of. Paducah -Arp;ort..Corpor.a.tion is: hereby, authorized _ f. ,,. __ ,to.ex~cute payment requests:. under. this Amendment.No. 1~_to,Grant-Agreement on behalf ~ ,..of said. City of Paducah; and County., of McCracken, Kentucky . SECTION .4. That, the ,Amendment Na. 1 to Grant, Agreement referred to here- , inabove attached hereto .and made .a .part of this Resolution as though it were fully . copied _. herein . ~ - SECTION 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the :date of its adoption . - • . - - Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners April 12, 1977 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, April 12, 1977.