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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for twenty mobile radios - Public Works~l" 363 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWENTY (20) MOBILE RADIO SETS AND SIX (6) BASE STATIONS FOR USE ON THE PUBLIC WORKS "BA1VD; AND PRESCRIBING -THE CONDITIONS" UPON WHICH SUCH " PURCHAASE SHAL-I, BE MADE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to ' advertise. for bids. for the purchase of twenty (2-0) mobile radio sets -and six (6:) base stations for use on the Public Works Band,. said radio sets and base stations to have the minimum specifications -according to the specifications attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein.. SECTION "2 ." The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a -notice posted at the City Iial1 door" -and by inserting notice of the irequest 'for bids in the Sun- Democrat to be published as required by law . ` " All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for .the opening of same. All bids received by` the City Manager up to the- time fixed for the opening of same shall be filed. with the Board of Commissioners -who may let a contract to the best responsible. bidder, and.' the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not -become legally obligated to purchase said radio sets and base ''stations until the adoption of. an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract . SECTION 3. Thisresolutiom shall be in full force "and effect from and. after the date of its adoption. - ~a, Mayor. Passed by the Board of Commissioners December 28, 1976 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, December 28, 1976.