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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for asphalt127 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS 'FOR THE PURCHASE `OF THE CITY'S REQUIREMENT OF ASPHALT (EITHER LIQUID OR EMULSIFIED, 'OR BOTH) FOR THE YEAR 1976, TO BE USED IN STREETCONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR WORK BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY' OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY`:" SECTION 1. That the City Manager be , and he `is hereby , authorized ... to advertise for bids for the purchase of the City's requirement of asphalt "for the year 1976. Bidders are to give quotations on bituminous materials to meet "Kentucky Bureau of Highways Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" for the following: AE - 200 (A`pproximately 25, 00U gallons) RS -'2 (Approximately 5,000 gallons) Primer L (Approximately 5, 000 gallons) ` '"" Pug Mi1TRental~ (per gallon of AE =''200) ' Tle'above quantities are preliminary estimates only and the City reserves 'the right to add or delete from the above at it's discretion . Bid price to be f.o.b. any delivery point in the`Cty as may be designated by the City of 'Paducah . Orders are to be placed by collect telephone call to the successful bidder or bidders and delivery to be made within forty-eight hours after order has been placed . The material must arrive at the designated delivery place at the recommended application temperature as covered in Kentucky Bureau of Highways Standard Specifications . Each shipment of bituminous material must be made from storage tanks approved by the Division of Materials of the Kentucky Bureau of Highways, and a form indicating that the bituminous material has been approved for use by the Division of Materials shall accompany each shipment . Check samples of weights may be made on any or all shipments of asphalt to the City of Paducah. These samples will be sent to a testing laboratory selected by the City. The successful bidder will bear the expense of the weighing and testing. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and install an adequate storage tank equipped with fittings, and steam coils for heating liquid asphalt, if requested by the City of Paducah. If shipped by rail, such asphalt is to be delivered in 10, 000 gallon insulated tank cars with fittings and steam coils for heating. 128 - If shipped by transport trucks , they are to be equipped with fittings and hose for pumping into storage-tanks . Each shipment of bituminous material made by transport truck must be accompanied by a certified statement of gallonage and net gallonage figured at 60 deg. F. and weighed by an approved weighman on an approved scales . All bids shall provide a guarantee against advance in the market price and guarantee a reduction in price in the event of a decrease in the market price . The successful bidder shall post a. performance bond in the sum of $2 , 500.00 guaranteeing specifications and delivery, SECTION ~ 2 . The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a notice posted at the City Hall door and by inserting notice of the request for bids in the Sun-Democrat to be published as required by law . All bids shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for the opening of same. All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for the opening of bids shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract to the best responsible bidder or bidders , and the=Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not become legally obligated to purchase said material until the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract. SECTION 3 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and .after the date of its adoption . Q~ ~ /~- _ -~- Mayor C Passed by the. Board of Commissioners April 27, 1976 Recorded by Sarah Thurman, City Clerk , April 27 , 1976 .