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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeed for Northside Church of Christ Land393 A RESOLUTION RECITING THE NEED FOR ACQUIRING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO DEACONS , NORTHSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST , TO BE USED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE AND PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF SAME WHEREAS", a parcel of real estate is owned of record by Deacons, Northside Church of Christ, and is necessary for the completion of the Public Works Garage, and WHEREAS , it does not appear that a purchase agreement can be reached at this time, with the owners of the subject property, and WHER;EAS,~ the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, does therefore agree that it will be necessary to institute condemnation proceedings pursuant to the Kentucky Revised Statutes to acquire title to this property. NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the Corporation Counsel be, and he is hereby, ordered and directed to institute condemnation proceedings in the McCracken Circuit Court against the Deacons, Northside Church of Christ, and any and all other parties in interest to acquire all of the right, title and interest in the subject property owned by the aforementioned . SECTION 2. That the parcel to be taken is more particularly described as follows: ~~ Being a part of Block No . 41 in Addition "F" of the Harris , -Flournoy, Trimble, .and Norton. Addition to the City of Paducah, and beginning at a point in the north right of way _- line of _ North 10th Street ,.300 feet. •West ;of the west...,right of way line of Burnett Street; thencef in a westerly direction with the north right of way line of North 10th Street 50 feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction and parallel with Burnett Street _ 106. feet. to a point.;.. thence -in an easterly.. direction and parallel - with North 10th Street 50 feet to a point; thence in a- southerly direction and parallel with Burnett Street 106 feet to the point of ... beginning. The above described property=was.. conveyed to Aubrey Maxwell., Elder -Odell Hillsman, _Wi11. Davis , Clint -Dunbar , Deacons , North- side .,Church of ,Christ byd Sohn .W. Wafters:. and., wfe,.Beulah L. Watters,,.as recorded March„27,, 1950,,and recorded. in ;Deed Book 287-,, Page -30., in the„ Mc-Cr-.acken-,.County Court Clerk'-s,Of- fic ,. e . . Known as 112.2 North, .10th .Street ., . SECTION, 3. This resolution .s~all,.,ber in full force and; .effect from and after the date.. of its ,adoption , ' ~~~ ~ _. Mayor -. - _ , Passed by the Board of Commissioners October ..9•,..1.979. = Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, October 9, 1979.