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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for Tractor (2)381 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER: TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE .NEW RUBBER-TIRED DIESEL TRACTOR TO BE USED BY THE CEMETERY DEPARTMENT , AND PRESCRIBING -THE CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF' COMIVIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby', authorized to advertise for the purchase of one new Rubber .Tired Diesel `Tractor to -be used by the Cemetery Department, said tractor to have the minimum specifications according to the specifications attached .hereto and by reference incorporated herein . SECTION 2. Each bid received shall designate the amount with and without trade-in allowance of a mini backhoe :more specifically described in the specifications attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, The City •of Paducah reserves the - right to .accept or .reject any and "all :bids with or without trade~in"allowances . SECTION: 3: "'The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a notice posted on the bulletin board at City Hall and by inserting notice of the request for bids- in The Paducah Sun to ~b.e published ss required by lave .. All bids' shall be sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for opening of same . All bids received by the City Manager up - to the time ~ fixed for the .opening of same shall be filed witYi the Board• of Commissioners" who :may let a contract to the best responsible bidder , and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any anal all bids. and-.the" -City sha1L arot becomes legally obligated to pur- chase said tractor until the -final adoption of an authorizing ordinance a-rid the ~ - execution of a contract . - ~ - , - _ SECTION 4. "~ This resolution shall b~e~=in full. force and .effect from and after the ~~date of` its -adoption .:: - - r ~ "• - ~ ~, - Mayor Passed• by:ahe Board of ~Com"rnissoners September 25, 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney,~"CityClerk, September ~2"5, 1979~~- '""