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HomeMy WebLinkAboutUrban Mass Trans Act of 1964 Grant366 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE DEPARTIVIENT ~OF TRANSPORTATION, UNITED ~TATES;'OF AMER:IGA;~ FOR A GRANT UNDER THE URBAN 1VIAS~S' TRANSPORTATION ACT OF' X1.964, . AS AMENDED . ~, `' WHEREAS ; ~ the Secrefa"ry : of Transportation.- is authorized 'to make, grants or mass trarispdrtation pros ects;-Wand- ~ ~ - . _ __ ~ ~ ,. _ -WHEREAS';" ~requ"red b:y~~fhe~ TJ:-"5~.~.Department of 'Transportation- in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the ~Ciuil: Rights `Act of '96'4,_` that in con=riecfion~ w:tTi` tFie filing of~ an app ication-'-for assistance iznder~the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, the applicant gives an"assurance: that if will comply witYi Title ~ VI~, of the •C:ivil • Rights Act ~:of 19:64:' and the U .: ^. S .:.Department of Transportation requirements thereunder; 'and ' ~WHERE~AS' . it is''-required by ~ tYie U . ~ S . Department of Labor- in accordance with the .provisions of Section 1.3 (c) of the.. Urban Masse Transportation. Act of 1964, as -amended:, that in connection with `thee filing of .an application fors rassi tance under the' Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, ~as amended° and in the absence of a waiver from :the U . S . Department of Labor , the applicant gives. ,assurance `that' it will comply with Section 13 (c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Acf' of _ 1964, as amended, and the~SU : 5 . 'Department ~.:of• Labor requ3rements '.ther`etinder :'and - :-WHEREAS ; ~it is the-_ goal of the - applicant that ,minority business .enterprise be utilized ~ to the `fulle~st:.exten`t possible in connection with this project, and :that definitive procedures shall-~be established `and administered to :'ensure' -that: minority business • shallhave ~ rnaxirnumw~-feasibie opportunity ~to• ~ compete for contracts when pro- curing construction contracts , supplies , equipment contracts -°or~ :con sultant sand other services ~ . , _ , .. :~ 'NOW , THEREFORE , BE' IT RESOLVED BYr ~ T:HE BOARD - OFCOMMIS SIGNERS OF THE CITY .OF ~PADUCAH,°'KENTUCKYs- ~~ .. . SECTION 1. That William S . Murphy, Mayor of the City of• Paducah, is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of .the City of Paducah with the U. S. Department of Transportation, to aid in the financing of the transit capital, operating and administrative assistance projects described in the attachment. SECTION 2 . That William S . Murphy , Mayor , is authorized to execute and file with such application an assurance or any other document required by the U . S . Department of Transportation effectuating the purposes of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 367 SECTION 3 . That William S . Murphy , Mayor of the City of Paducah , is authorized to set forth and execute affirmative minority business policies in con- nection with the project's procurement needs . SECTION 4 . That William S . Murphy , Mayor of the City of Paducah , is authorized to set forth and execute with such application an assurance that the City of Paducah will comply with the regulations pertaining to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as required by the U . S . Department of Transportation . SECTION 5. That William S. Murphy, Mayor of the City of Paducah, is authorized to set forth and execute with such application an assurance that the City of Paducah will comply with the conditions of the Special Section 13 (c) War- ranty as required by the U . S . Department of Labor effectuating the purposes of Section 13 (c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended. SECTION 6. That William S. Murphy, Mayor is authorized to furnish such additional information as the U . S . Department of Transportation may require in connection with the application or the project. SECTION 7. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . ayor Protem Commissioner Passed by the Board of Commissioners September 18, 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney , City Clerk , September 18 , 1979: